Tantrums and talks

Tantrums and talks

Light pink blossoms fell from the morning sky, catching the attention of those who had better things to think about than their ever so exciting maths lesson.
"Luyu Kana!"
The annoying loud voice interrupted the thoughts of a blue haired girl sitting near the back row.
"Luyu, were you listing to anything that i just said?"
"Hmm.no not really all i heard was Blah blah frigging blah!"
Just at that moment Kana began to regret what she just said for all that came out of it was a thousand gasps and shocked eyes staring at her for what seemed like hours."
"LUYU KANA! Get out of this class room right now, i don't ever want to hear you speak to me or treat me in such a way do you understand!?"
"wha? Oh yeah...fine I'll get out of your stupid class its not like am getting anything out of it anyway.

That only just made things worse but shockingly she got some laughs and then in her surprise, people defending her for the way she just acted.

A pink headed girl stood quickly form her desk and began to yell.
" Sir you have have to excuse her, shes not normally like this, you know that"
Then another yell could be heard, but it wasn't another voice this time it was Kana.
" Kairi! i didn't ask for you to defend me, its just a moody ass teacher, its OK I'll just leave".
That is just what she did until she felt something holding on her arm,her raged filled eyes glared down at a calm face that just stared straight back at her."
His voice was calm and somewhat lazy when he spoken to her.
"Why don't you just go calmly instead of making a scene."
"Not you to.. "
"Just leave we'll see you later."
Kana gave nothing but a scowl and stormed her way out the class room.