Status: On Indefinite Hiatus.


Welcome To Jersey.


Great. Just great. I was stuck in an entirely different state. My dad had described it as “A fresh start,” but I knew better. Hell. That’s what it would be. I had no friends back in Nevada, so how would it be different on the other side of the country? My mom is back there. They wouldn’t let her transfer facilities to here. And by “they” I mean my grandparents, not the government. My grandmother didn’t want her schizophrenic daughter far from her. Especially not all the way across the country. The only difference between Nevada and New Jersey was the weather. The people here couldn’t be any smarter, nicer, cleaner or less bitchy.

The first day was excruciatingly slow. My first period teacher, Mr. Sevvan, made me introduce myself to the class. The lab tables were filled with jocks and preps, all smirking at my nervousness, and scowling at my dark clothing. Only two people in the back looked somewhat normal. After I finished my introduction, I headed back to their table. The girl held out her hand. “Hey I’m Amy.” She said. I shook her hand. “And this is Famina.” She pointed to the girl next to her, who was busy drawing in her notebook. 'Famina' had bright bubble-gum pink hair, and Amy had short, black hair with a stripe of green down the middle. They scared me, but they talked to me the rest of class.

I found that they didn’t have any other classes with me, which could be both good and bad. Second period with the English teacher, Ms. Pace, was a fairly pain-free experience. No nonsense. I was going to like her. Third and fourth were math and social studies, easy. Lunch was a problem, though. The girls from first had walked out of the school before lunch, and I hadn’t talked to anybody else. I found an empty table in the corner and sat down, relieved.

Until the boys came. Five of them. I had apparently taken their table and they were standing a little bit away, debating what to do. I got up, even though there were eight seats. I didn’t want to bother them. “No, Wait…” One of them said. I looked at him. He had pretty hazel eyes and longish ebony hair. “How come I’ve never seen you before?” He asked. I looked down and mumbled “I’m new… ” Then walked away. I thought that would be the last I saw of him and his friends. Well, not the last, but last I talked to him. Could I have been more wrong?
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I Betcha Couldn't Guess Who HE Is. ;]