Status: On Indefinite Hiatus.


Ray's Plot


What a shitty way to start off here. Of course I didn’t think it would be a terrific year or anything, but the gossip really picks up quick. I had no feeds. At my old school, I had one friend, and then I had two or three feeds, which were acquaintances who would fill me in on anything related to me. Here, I had to hear it the worst way. When people start saying to my face, loud, so everyone around hears.
By sixth period art, I had heard them all. “She got kicked out of my old school for drug use, self-harm, violent outbursts…” or “Her dad killed her mom, and they’re on the run from the law.” It was all ridiculous, but they were so nasty. I had to hear them over and over, and I just broke down. Ms. Desdero came over and asked if I wanted to go recoup in the bathroom. I nodded, but when I got into the bathroom, I regretted it. There were three of the skinny popular girls there. I turned and walked out. I’ll go to the other one… I thought. I slipped into the bathroom on the other side of the UA hallway. Empty. I ran a paper towel under a little water and wiped my face. “What did I do to them?” I asked my reflection. My face was red, and my eyes were a little puffy.
I left the bathroom once the redness had gone away. I looked okay now. I came back into the art room, and sat at my table. The boy across from me, the one who had stopped me the first day, looked up at me when I sat down and smiled. I returned it with a feeble half-smile. I didn’t feel like smiling too much.

A Day Later


Ray hadn’t let me in on anything. It was seriously starting to bug me. Whatever he was planning, he liked it as a secret. Whenever I asked him, he’d go, “You will see, short one.” Then laugh his head off. I didn’t like it. Mikey knew, Bob knew… so why couldn’t I?
Samantha Chereau and her gossip minions had been spreading shit about Mesamia all week. Nothing believable, but nasty nonetheless. I wanted to go talk to her, let her know that not all of us thought this shit, but I decided that if anyone was to talk to her, it was going to be Gerard. I broke that rule by study hall, though. She sat diagonal to me, and she just looked so damn depressed.
She was reading a book with an olive-colored cover on. Well, she was not really reading, her eyes didn’t move and she never flipped a page. I looked at her for a moment. “Not all of us are like Sam.” I said in a whisper. She jumped slightly anyway, and looked at me. “What?”
“Not everyone in this school spreads rumors.”
“Okay.” Her expression skeptical, she went back to pretending.
I still didn’t know her name. Dammit, Gerard! That’s a good thing to know! I thought as I sat down next to Frank at the lunch table. Frank was already talking. “Yeah, she didn’t really say anything… I just wanted her to know there are people here who wouldn’t say that kind of shit.”
“Who?” I asked, biting into an apple.
I looked at him with furrowed brows. “Who?” I Asked Again.
“The girl I’ve caught you staring at.”
“Oh…” I said. Problem solved.
“I still think you should go talk to her.”
“I’m working on it…” I mumbled.
“What was that?” He asked, smiling.
“I’m working on it!”
He smiled wider, triumphantly. “Good.”


Some of the gossip had died down, because everyone had already heard it, but it didn’t make it any easier on me. Most of the teachers were nasty, too. The only teachers that were nice to me were Ms. Pace and Ms. Desdero. They made sure there were no snickers when my name was called, or clusters of people gossiping before class.
Am and Fam seemed completely unaltered by gossip, about them or anyone else. In fact, I don’t think they even knew about it. They didn’t really talk to me much, but they provided a table where I could sit away from people. Nobody wanted to sit near them.
On a couple occasions, I had caught the boy with the hazel eyes looking at me. This wasn’t unusual, really, everybody was looking at me, but he had even before the gossip started… and whenever I’d look at him, he turned away instead of glaring at me. Also, one of his friends had told me that not everyone spreads rumors. As much as I wanted to believe him, I was afraid he and his friends would try and pull some mean joke on me.
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