Status: On Indefinite Hiatus.




I was pretty sure Ray didn’t know anything. He kept saying “You’ll see…” but I’m almost certain he was just trying to annoy me. As for Gerard, I knew he was building up the courage to say hi. I, being… well, me, thought that was kind of dumb, when it was just so easy to go and say, “Hey. How are you?” but Gerard isn’t me, obviously.

After a few days of you’ll see’s and Just wait’s, I finally just asked Mikey in Math (the only class we had together other than English).

“Dude, what the hell is Ray planning? It’s driving me nuts!”

He laughed. “That? He was going to get them both in lunch detention together.”

I was shocked. “What?! Why…?”

He just shrugged and went back to taking notes. Or, rather, pretending to take notes. He was really watching to see if anyone heard. When he was finally satisfied that nobody heard, he added “That’d be quite a feat.”


On Saturday I watched the news. My Dad was on some business trip for a week or so. Obviously I couldn’t go out anywhere, for fear of running into someone from school. Am and Fam said they’d call me, though I wasn’t counting on it too much. There was some new vaccine that it was mandatory for everyone to get by Friday. Some new strand of the flu. I got up and wrote on the calendar for Thurs. Call about vaccine. The rest of the news was about car crashes, and some festival next week. I turned off the TV. I went upstairs and looked through my closet for something to wear out; even though I was sure I wouldn’t be going anywhere.


I didn’t care what Ray had ever planned. I had already formed my own scheme. I called Mikey. “Hello?”

“Hey Mikes what are you and Gee doing tonight?”

“I don’t know, probably just watch horror movies or something, why?”

“Psh. Forget movies, we’re going out. You, Gerard, Me, Am, Fam, And Mesamia.”

“You’re crazy, Frank.”

“No! I’m not, just go along okay? Don’t tell Gerard Mesamia will be there. I’ll pick you guys up in the truck in 20 minutes, ‘Kay?”



I hung up, and then felt astonished at how quickly I spring into action. I’m a Leap-before-you-look person.

And now I had to finish my jump.

I picked up the phone again and dialed Fam’s number.


I could hear music in the background.

“Hey Famina.”

“Ew why do you always do that? FAM. Just Fam. “

“Okay, okay.”

“You need something or what?”

“Yeah you feel like going out?”

“With you?”

“And the Way Bros.”

She seemed comforted by the fact I wasn’t asking her on a date.

“Yeah, let me call Am.”

“Bring Mesamia, too.”

“Ohh! THAT’S what this is about!” She laughed. “Gerard!”

I sighed. “You catch on too quickly, Fam. Just bring her, okay?”

“Hell yeah.” She was still laughing. “Are we going to Knup?”

“Why not.”

She hung up and I dug out my jeans and a random shirt from the pile of stuff on my floor, and grabbed my wallet. I took out the Knup card and clenched it in my teeth. Knup was a music club sort of thing. Rock and Punk, mostly. It was okay, there were better ones, but Fam knew everyone there, so we all got in free. But now, at least, I was getting Mesamia and Gerard in the same place.
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