Falling in Love Is Not That Easy

Chapter 11-You really love her, don't you?

My eyes opened when I heard taking. I looked up to see the hoe talking to Dougie. I pretended to be asleep so I could listen in on the conversation.
“She’s asleep now, how about we go play now?” She asked in a whisper.
“Um, no. I told you, I’m in love with my girlfriend. Now, would you please just leave me alone? I’m very tired and tired of you bothering me. Now good day.” He said shifting in his seat.
He told her off? I think I might cry. The hoe was angry and grabbed his shirt and kissed him on the lips. He pushed her off and sat back down next to me. She then walked away really angry. Dougie sighed and looked at me. He was a little surprised to see my eyes looking at him.
“Maddy-” He started to talk but I cut him off.
“I saw the whole thing, Dougie. I’m proud of you.” I told him smiling.
He smiled at me, then wiped his mouth, “She’s not even a good kisser.”
I laughed then kissed his cheek. I looked outside the window to see darkness flying pass us.
“Hey, Maddy. Can you switch places with Harry for sec? I have to ask him something.” Dougie asked me.
“Oh, sure.” I said getting up and waking up Harry.
“What?” he asked annoyed.
“Dougie wants to talk to you.” I told him.
He got up, letting me take his place next to Danny.
He was half asleep.
“Hello, Maddy.” Danny said rubbing his eyes.
Tom and his girlfriend were in front of us sleeping.
“Hey, Danny.” I replied getting my iPod out of my bag.
“I’m tired still.” Danny told me leaning on my shoulder.
I rolled my eyes and stuck my earphones in my ears. I listened to McFly, Busted, Son of Dork, Simple Plan, and Blink-182. Soon, I fell asleep listening to music.
*Harry’s POV*
I was sleeping peacefully until Maddy woke me up.
“What?” I asked tired.
“Dougie wants to talk to you.” She told me.
I got up from my warm chair and sat next to Dougie.
“Yes?” I asked trying to wake up.
“I have to ask your permission on something.” Dougie said slowly.
“Yea?” I asked him, getting kind of worried.
“I want to ask Maddy to marry me.” Dougie said slowly.
I finally said something after being shocked, “What? Dougie, you and Maddy are still young. I think, that maybe, you should wait. Wait and ask our mom. Start with a promise ring or something.”
Dougie nodded taking it all in.
“Yea, that’s what I’ll do. Thanks Harry.” Dougie said with a small smile on his face.
“You really love her don’t you?” I asked looking at him.
He smiled bigger, “Yea, I do. She’s perfect in every way. I can’t help but smile every time I see or think of her. And every time she tells me she loves me, I don’t know, I have this feeling inside that makes me happy.”
I looked at him then said, “You have my permission to marry her.”
He smiled big at me, “Thanks, Harry.”
“She deserves the best, and I think you’re it.” I told truthfully.
“But if you ever hurt her.” I continued.
“Don’t worry about that. I love her.” Dougie told me looking honest.
“Great then. Looks like we’re landing.” I said waking up Maddy and Danny.
♠ ♠ ♠

:] Enjoy
