Status: Completed!



She heard his wings snap shut behind her and felt the crackle of his power against her back.

His magic is getting stronger, she thought shivering slightly. She always felt exposed in this form. Her life during the day was peaceful if not thoughtful. But she didn’t mind; she didn’t want to think, didn’t want to face the reality of the situation she was in and her curse had become her blessing over the years…As she heard his approach she wished for that dulling of the mind, for that sweet oblivion to engulf her, but with nightfall her wish was impossible.

She felt him wrap his arms around her and she was temporarily relieved to feel the welcome warmth. When she didn’t pull away she felt the feathery softness of his hair brush against her jaw as he leaned over to peck ‘her on the lips. But she turned her face away at the last moment and his kiss landed on her cheek. He snorted, not surprised but irritated that she had fooled him.

“Leylia,” he whispered as he faced her. “Come now, for a moment there I thought you had finally given in. Have you?” he couldn’t help asking as he always did.

By way of answer she pushed herself away from him and disappeared with barely a ripple into the cool waters of the lake.

He chuckled but there was a new edge to his voice. He was getting impatient; his hold was starting to slip, not no her, there had never been one, but on the sanctuary itself. It was stirring from the slumber he’d cast on it, something...Outside was disturbing the delicate spell he’d put in place. Something he’d have to take care of before it cost him, before some heroic moron decided to free her.

I have to make her give in, he thought smiling grimly, one way or another.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh! I know I've barely done anything on him but think he's going to be one of my most interesting characters yet! I will reveal more in a few chapters to come....Maybe even how he looks like and I'll add a picture. Yesh, excellent. But that'll take a few days...or longer.

I know that was short, but I'm writing 2 exams tomorrow. Had to study da whole weekend yesh. Thanks to all my loyal viewers!
