Status: Completed!


Weak hearted

The chill night breeze whipped her blonde silver hair backwards to let them flutter like torn silk sheets behind her. Her skin, of a pale translucent kind gave off an eerie glow in the moonlight and her eyes pierced his like shards of ice.
Kian shivered where he stood not noticing the creatures in water as they dragged themselves to the shore.
Of their own oblivion his feet took him towards her. The sand crunched beneath his feet and the waves washed over them.
When all that separated them was a few meters of water Kian stopped.
“The Storyteller Leylia I presume,” Kian said smiling. “I’ve heard much about you.”
“I’m sure you have dark elf,” she said softly with no trace of emotion. Her face was sharp and looked pinched from lack of sleep. Her grey eyes, like the rest of her, was pale and colourless with no spark of warmth in them. Her white dress whispered when she moved to hang her feet into the water. The corset was embroidered with pearls and the skirt was a soft looking silk that hung in numerous torn strands to her calves. Blood bedecked her corset and there were specks of it on her face as well. He noticed her nails were encrusted with redness and when she saw him looking she hid them behind her. “My tale is not for the weak of heart nor is this haunted cursed place. Mortals are not welcome here. No one is. I suggest you try going back from wherever it is you’ve come.”
She faded into nothing like mist before the sun and Kian shouted out her name. But he received no answer and he saw in horror that the tide was coming in. He was ankle deep in water and with the steep wall of stone was impossible to climb.
Soon he would be knee deep in the water and the lake monsters would again have reign over what was once land like they did every high tide. He wouldn’t survive an attack on their home ground.
“Lady Leylia!” Kian shouted again hoping she heard. “I’ve come from the moon elves, those left untouched by Sephir’s bewitchments. I am here to free you!”
“No one can free me boy,” she whispered from behind him and turning around he saw her small face peering over the edge of the rock face. “Go now before the sorcerer you speak so lightly of appears.”
But he ignored her and carried on. “The forest is protecting you and Sephir grows impatient. While you do not succumb to him you hold power over him as well because you have the forest on your side. Soon he will be without any alliances. He’s getting desperate, because while you have free will he’s slowly losing his hold over all. He won’t stop at nothing to get what he wants.”
“How do you know so much mortal?” Leylia vanished from view.
Where’s she gone again? Kian thought. He yelped when she appeared at his shoulder, slightly shorter than him he noticed. But she was still intimidating with her shockingly pale hair and piercing eyes.
“The Moon elves’ Loushi told me of all this. They are suffering greatly. Without their magic they are weakening under Sephir’s pull.”
“Ah, that’s why they wish to save me. To rescue their own.” This time there was a touch of bitterness in her words that made Kian realise how many lonely years spent waiting for rescuers she must have endured.
“They do wish to save you as well Lady Leylia!” Kian burst out. “The Loushi remembers you well. Your bravery is still remembered the night you stood up to the sorcerer. I’ve been told at least three of your stories already and they brim with joy and a care free spirit I’m sure you wish to feel again.”
Leylia turned her face from his lifting hers up to the moon and closing her eyes.
“Let us discuss your rescue plan then boy. I’ve heard many; this better be good.”
“Erm…Could we go somewhere safer? I’m not sure they enjoy it when people whack them with paddles.” Kian looked back nervously over his shoulder at the shadow forms beneath the water.
“Highly unpleasant I trust. I will throw down a vine. Wait here,” she said and disappeared again.
Moments later although it felt like hours, something clattered next to him and turning he grasped the thick woody vine that had appeared. It was obviously a root of some ancient tree but he wasn’t about to correct a master storyteller.
He grasped it in his hands and edged his way up. At the top he levered himself up and collapsed onto cool dewy grass.
“Over here,” he heard and looking up he saw her ghostly form vanish behind the cover of a tree.
Kian stood up slowly and gazed around him with his mouth hanging open in amazement.
Massive trees with sweeping branches blocked out the night sky as they seemed to stretch upwards into eternity. In front of him lay dark woodland with tall grass and dark coloured flowers swaying in the breeze. Deeper in was vast darkness that held a sinister air to it.
He stepped into this woodland which was uncannily quiet except for the whisper of the trees in the wind.
Was he being led into a trap by this oh-so-glorious heroine of old? He shrugged mentally and followed Leylia’s form. It was better than being dragged down to a watery grave.
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Listening to the Pirates of the Caribean soundtrack. I regard it as the official music for this story. So if you want to get the right mood this is the stuff to listen to...

I'm posting pictures on the summary page. Check them out if you're interested.