Status: Completed!



Kian and his friends were just coming back after a swim in the river, laughing and jostling each other at a failed attempt to have a race to see who could get to the village to fastest. Out of nowhere one of his friends’ brother, came running up to them.
He stopped in front of them gasping for breath, sweat pouring down his boyish features.

“The...Council are asking for all of you...They’ve finally made...” he coughed, “a decision.”

His brother grabbed him by the shoulders, suddenly serious. “Wait, slow down. What decision?”

His brother looked him straight in the eyes, unflinching, and said stiffly, “The decision.” The hold on his shoulders was released and they all stormed past him. He looked after them sadly, yet proudly. They would help save us all from this menace, he thought.

“Ah, you’ve finally answered our summons,” Tay said and faced the three young before him trying his best not to burst out laughing. They were all sopping wet, their hair was wild and there was a slight flush to their satin silvery-mauve skin.
They look like mere excited boys, he thought, the laughter flying from him, leaving him feeling older than he had in years.

Tay had chosen to receive them in a grove of oaks, where he was sure they’d feel more comfortable than if they were inside. He and two of his Council had thought about it for a few hours, not needing more to choose the three most likely candidates to join the party heading out to seek the sorcerer the next day. But his heart was heavy. They were the bravest, most intelligent youths he could think of for the job, but that didn’t mean he and his entire village wanted to risk losing them. His village had lost dozens of young men to that ravenous forest already and thus they were unwilling to let Kian, Yosk and Braam go. But go they must in order to save the rest of us and any other village close enough that the sorcerer posed a danger to them as well.

Besides, he thought, they’re excellent hunters. They’ll do alright.

“You have been chosen to join the team the advisor has set up, an elite team to capture and bring the sorcerer to justice. He has terrified us into silence for too long and it’s time to strike back. Do all of you consent to this mission and follow orders?”

All of them bowed low and straightening up Tay laid a hand on each of their heads after one another. “Yosk,” he said stopping at the tallest youth with pitch black hair braided down his back. “I trust you to keep your kinsmen save from harm and provide them your steady reasoning.” Yosk beamed with pleasure.

“And, Braam. Dear gentle Braam. I am loath to let such a good potential father slip away. I know you’re already betrothed but we wish to ask just this last thing of you before you settle down.” Short stocky Braam smiled and nodded his consent.

“And then finally Kian, the youngest and the rashest of all three. This mission poses much personal interest to you, as your brother was taken from you by the very man we are sending you out to help capture. I don’t want you to let your wish for revenge get in the way you understand?”

“Yes sir.” Kian kept his eyes cast down. He had been ridiculed but just being chosen proved his worth did it not?

“I’ve heard you have the most extensive knowledge of the forest, better even than our wisest wise woman. Help them find the right paths.” Tay was just about to outline their roles in the mission when from behind him he heard shouting and a young woman burst upon their party.

“Please let me come with you!”

One of the advisors’ guards stepped forward from where he’d been watching to take her away. But at a signal from an overseer he stopped.
Tay looked at her shocked. He couldn’t believe that this madwoman with blazing eyes was quiet little Lavi, the wood elf her mother called her, for her silence and respect of every living thing around her.

“Please!” she repeated and then more softly realising how many eyes were on her, “Please let me join those being sent out tomorrow.”

Kian opened his mouth to chase her off but Tay said something that silenced all of them.
“I believe we can work that out. Just tell me what is your valid reason for thinking you’re good enough to join them?”

Usually Lavi would’ve closed up and silently slipped away but she knew that it was now or never.
“Besides the guards, I’ll be the only female on the team and a dark elf at that making me the ideal tracker without the forest’s anger targeted at me as it will most surely be with any man. I’ve been trained by my father, the best tracker in this whole village, and I have a wish to see this user of black magic punished for his crimes.” Lavi let out a long sigh and averted her eyes from Kian’s disbelieving ones.

For a moment only the movement of the forest around them could be heard. The trees’ branches and leaves dancing gently with the wind with the birds singing accompaniments, created their own music and the warm fragrant earth beneath their feet was alive with the hearts of millions of tiny creatures all breathing as one.

Tay smiled. “Like I said, I believe we can work something out.”

Lavi grinned happily back in return.

“This is ridiculous,” Kian muttered. He spun around and started walking away.

“Kian!” Tay called after him. “Did I not ask you to curb your rashness and not let your personal feelings get in the way!?”

Kian stopped suddenly and still with his back towards them said, “I’m quitting unless she decides to drop out and all of you realise what a mistake you’ve made in choosing a silly girl to be your tracker and putting all our lives at risk.” With that said he stalked off, his shoulders hunched angrily.

“Don’t worry Lavi. We’ll make sure he comes to his senses, I’m sure he’s just envious that he was chosen after much thought but seemingly for him you were on just a whim which I can tell you, you’re definitely not.” Tay moved to pat her back comfortably but she ducked and mumbling some half excuse she slipped away more withdrawn than any of them had ever seen her before.

“Damn that Kian! He’s throwing a tantrum like a small child,” Yosk shook his head. “Please let me apologise for his behaviour sir, he’s not usually like this and...”

“No need to apologise. I think I know what’s eating him up. Something that has to do with him having already lost someone to that retched forest and loath to let it happen once again. Whatever might happen, the party is setting out at first light and I want all of you to get a good night’s rest. But before I do so something very important came to mind...” Tay scratched his chin. “I have just been reminded by Lavi that it is much more dangerous for men inside the enchanted boundaries of that area than it is for women. Being the only men, you two (and possibly Kian) will help in locating an opening to enter the place and patrol it until the women return...hopefully with the sorcerer. If they do not return within a day you are to alert me or anyone else; the advisor has promised reinforcements from the Queen and a large armed force along with some magic users will try to reclaim the forest from the sorcerer’s clutches. I trust you know how to handle the details and you will have a separate meeting with the women guards.”

When the youths left Tay turned to face the two of his council and they stepped out from the shadows.

“I quite like the girl,” the advisor said throwing off her hood. “I’m thinking of giving her leave to go study in the Academy. I’m sure there are many bright youths in Temay but so far she’s one of few who’ve stepped out of line and shown some courage in the face of this whole issue.”

“Let’s just hope she makes that headstrong Kian see some sense.” Tay rubbed his brow.

“Let’s just hope no one gets killed.” Lournua’s smile didn’t reach her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, this chapter is so short. I said I'd bring in some danger but there were a few loose strands I had to take care of.

Thank you to everyone who has commented. I take heart from what you've said! Oh and Gingerducii: That music was so nice! Think you could find some more like that?
