Status: Completed!




He turned around slowly at the sound of her voice wincing at the hurt he saw in Laviette’s face. He was high up in one of the old lookout tree houses and the rotting platform creaked protestingly as one more person clambered onto it.

“Why did you put up such a ruckus to me going? I know it’s not because I’m a ‘silly girl’.” She came to stand next to him and they watched the swaying of the forest beneath them in silence. The wind picked up and their platform rocked warningly. He clutched onto the railing that was practically non-existent as she clutched onto his arm to steady herself. The wind calmed down and with a start he felt her lean into his side and looked down. She smiled wanly up at him and said softly, “I was going to tell you what had been bothering me didn’t I? Well...” she cast her eyes down and he had to lean down to hear her whisper, “I’ lo...I’m extremely fond of you and I...” she pulled away and he turned to watch her walk slightly unsteadily towards the ladder when she spoke again, “And I don’t want you to get hurt trying to avenge your brother’s death much less killed. I just...wanted to keep an eye on you,” she gave a hollow laugh “to make sure you don’t do anything rash, so please don’t be angry with me because I want to come with. Good night Kian.”

There was a sudden flash of lightning in the distance and when he blinked she was gone and shocked he peered over the edge and saw with relief as a lone figure stole across a stretch of grass.
He started climbing down as well and sat down on one of the tree’s exposed roots. He finally managed to gasp, “Please don’t go...I’m sorry.” He put his head in his hands and sighed heavily.

Kian woke up as someone shook him awake. He yawned in the bleary light and looked around. He had fallen asleep wrapped up in his cloak and two large curious eyes watched him.
“Yes?” he muttered getting up and picking the leaves from his hair.

“Yosk wanted me to tell you when you woke that they’ve left and if you want to change your mind about coming with you should meet them at the south entrance to the bad forest placey.” The child let out a big breath and smiled. “Lavi is my favourite cousin now! She’s the bravest girl in the village and everyone wished her a safe journey even me!”

Kian’s eyes went wide and he half shouted, “Have they already left?”

The child blinked and replied bemused, “Duh...Long time ago, when the sun was just rising. It took me hours to find you you know.”

“Argh!” Kian rushed passed Lavi’s cousin and pelted down the south west road. He had to hurry. He couldn’t let Lavi go in there.

But when he arrived at the south gate only two figures came to greet him. Braam looked at him half angrily which surprised him. “She waited as long as she could for you to wish her a safe return but the guards got impatient and she had to lead them in.”

“Wait until I get my hands on her...” Kian knocked away Yosk’s blocking arm and stormed towards the entrance. It looked like a giant beast had taken a munch out of the briar hedge leaving a gaping hole in it. But before he could take even one step within Yosk had jerked him back by his cloak and he trashed and kicked and howled at them to let him go.

Braam’s soft voice came from behind him, “You can’t go in there Kian. Only woman are reasonably safe there. Our job is to patrol this gate until they return...or send help if they don’t.”

“But Lavi...she can’t bear to hurt any living thing. So what if they get attacked? She’d be totally helpless...” Kian calmed down but inside it felt as if a hurricane was throwing everything into disarray, smashing with powerful force against his insides.

“I’m sure there’s no need to worry. She’ll be fine and I’m sure this sorcerer is just a frail old man who doesn’t want anyone near his mushroom patch.”

“Damn me for sleeping in...” Kian muttered darkly yet he felt a stirring of hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know...A pathetically short chapter. But...I vont to keep joo all on edge if that's possible. x_x

Thank you to da 3 constant commentators! Joo people rocksh meh socksh! I need tea
