Status: short story

Adopted by Ray Toro


“Ok there is twenty dollars on the counter for pizza and you can call if you need anything.” My mom said walking into the living room where I was sitting watching TV. She was dressed in a beautiful black dress that cut off at her knees. She and my father were going out on their weekly date tonight. I liked that my parents were still very much in love with each other because all of my friends’ parent’s were divorced.

“Okay mom.” I said. She walked over to the coat closet where we kept all of our shoes and put on her black heels. While she was there she also grabbed her white button up coat. She looked really pretty tonight with her brown wavy hair that mimicked mine in a French twist.

“Are you ready to go honey?” My dad said coming into the room as well. He also looked very nice with his hair slicked back and in a nice dressy outfit.

“Yes,” She said. I got up from the couch and gave them both hugs and kisses.

“I love you sweetie,” My mom said.

“Love you too mom.” I replied.

“Remember, no wild sex parties,” My dad joked with a smile.

“Okay, just a small quiet one.” I joked back. My parents were always very open with me and we could talk about anything. He chuckled at my remark then he joined hands with my mom. They walked to the door and started to leave.

“Love you kid,” My dad said just before he walked out the door.

“I love you too dad.” I managed to get in right before he closed the door.

Through the picture window I watched them walk across the porch, down the porch stairs and walk to the car. My dad opened the car door for my mom and before she got in gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Dad was always one to be very romantic and no matter what my mother was talking about to him he always looked at her with adoration in his eyes and my mom looked at him the same way. Someday I hope that I can have a relationship like that.

Once they pulled out of the driveway I walked to the couch and sat down. I picked up my phone from the coffee table and dialed the number of my best friend Leana.

“Hello,” She answered.

“Hey girl, my parents just left; are you coming over?” I asked.

“Yeah I’ll be there in a few minutes.” With that she hung up. Leana was always so silly. She was basically part of our family because she comes over here so much. She even calls my parents mom and dad. Leana is the only person that my parents allow over when they are gone because they trust her.

True to her word, Leana was there in a matter of five minutes because she lives right down the street from me. I saw her walk up my drive way and before she could knock on the door I opened it for her.

“Hi.” I said.

“Hey,” She said walking in. I closed the door after her then we walked up to my room.

“So, what do you want to do?” I asked as I closed my bedroom door.

”We should have a horror movie night.” She suggested. We picked out about five movies and started to get everything ready for a movie night. I got the popcorn ready while Leana got the drinks. After everything was set we went to my room and started the first movie. Sometime during the third movie I fell asleep.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of the door. I looked past a sleeping Leana to see my clock; it read 1:12AM. Who the hell would be at our house this late at night? I got out of the bed trying not to wake Leana up.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

“I’m coming,” I said grumpily. I was so tired and kind of angry that someone would be here this late. I finally got to the door and opened it. There were two cops standing in front of me; a male and a female.

“Are you Avalynne Adora?” The male cop asked.

“Yes that is me.” I answered.

“May we come in?” The female asked.

“Sure,” I said letting them in and closing the door behind them. “Can I ask why you guys are here at one in the morning?”

“You might want to sit down.” The female cop said.

“Okay…” I walked to the couch and sat down. It was so comfortable and I was so tired that I probably could have fallen asleep on it.

“Honey, your parents were killed in a car crash.” She said. Right at that moment it felt like my whole world was crashing in on me. All of the sudden it felt like I couldn’t breathe.

“This has to be some kind of joke. My parents can’t be dead.” Tears came quickly to my eyes.

“I wish it was a joke sweetie but it’s not. I’m so sorry if there’s anything you need….” She kept talking but I was no longer listening. I put my head in my hands and just started sobbing. It seemed like hours that I was just sitting there and all the while I was crying. After a little bit Leana came down and cried with me. But from then on a part of my heart went missing.
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Hope you like it.
I would appreciate some comments.
The next one will be up soon.