Status: short story

Adopted by Ray Toro

Chapter 1

It had been two months since my parents died and I am now sitting in an office at an adoption agency waiting for a guy named Ray. He is supposed to be my new legal guardian. I read his file but it just said simple things; yet it didn't even say his last name. Ok let’s see I thought to myself looking over the file for what seemed like the thousanth time. Musician; that’s good, lives with 4 other guys, hmm not so good, has girlfriend; good.

Truly I didn’t care if he was gay or straight or ugly or cute I just wanted to be adopted. Living in a foster home is not fun and I want a place to call home where I’m the only child and I have people that love me. I am really nervous though, I mean I don’t even know this guy and I’m going to be living with him.

While I was sitting in the chair thinking over this whole situation my social worker walked in.

"Ray is here, but he brought the guys that live with him too."

"Okay tell them to come in." I said. My stomach felt like it was doing flips and my mouth got dry all of the sudden.

Then my wildest dream came true. Ray Toro, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Frank Iero and my hero Robert Nathaniel Bryar walked in. He is the reason I learned how to play the drums. He looked at my shirt and smiled, I knew why too. Its because my shirt says ‘Save a drum, Bang a drummer.' I made it myself. But right now I was in a daze looking at my favorite band in the whole world.

"Ava I would like you to meet your new legal guardians they're names are-." I cut her off and said.

"Ray Toro, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Frank Iero and Bob Bryar,” I recited their names with a dreamy voice.

"You know them?"

"Yeah they’re only the best band in the world,” I said as if she were stupid. They looked at me and smiled; Bob even chuckled.

"So Ava are you ready to come home with us?" Gerard said.

"Yeah let’s go." I said picking up my suitcase.

"Let me get that." Bob said taking my bag. I looked up at him and blushed. Our eyes met for a split second but I looked away because of how nervous I was.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem." He said as he smiled at me. We went to their house and I was amazed at how big it was. Well duh they’re rock stars I thought to myself. Ray showed me my room and I instantly loved it. It was all red and black. I thanked him and looked around the room. I could get used to this.

After exploring my room and all of the amazing things that were in it I decided to test out the bed. I walked over to it and layed down on it. Oh boy was it comfortable. Without even realizing it I closed my eyes and dozed off into the first good sleep I’d gotten since the night I lost my parents.
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Sorry it's kinda short and sorry that it took so long to get out. I was under tons of pressure because I had final exams.
Tell me what you think of it.
The next one will be out soon.