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Inside Me Now There's Only Heartache and Pain


Next Day

Zacky's P.O.V.

Me and Harlow we're here at Jimmy's to tell him the news the only words that are popping into my head is your dead Baker. Yeah i guess you could tell I’m a little scared of telling him. I'm just happy her brother isn't Brian I mean he is the one with the guns aside from Matt.

“So what is it you guys wanted to tell me?” Jimmy asked

“Well this might come as not as much of a shock to you but I’m pregnant” Harlow said

“Your dead Baker” was the first words that came out of his mouth.

“Hey this isn’t all his fault you know it’s mine too” Harlow said

“But your my little sister” he said looking at her

“Yeah which means we can out number more people” she said

“So am I still dead?” I asked

“Not right now but when she isn’t around to save your ass you will be” he said

“Guys please no fighting because I love you both” Harlow said

“I’m with Har Jimmy no fighting stress isn’t good for the baby” Leana said

“Well at least someone else is trying to help me” I said

“Well I’m saying it so my little niece or nephew isn’t daddy less” Leana said laughing

“That’s not nice” Harlow said

“Who else knows?” Jimmy asked

“Just Jadelyn and Brian” Harlow said

“So everyone bet me?” Jimmy said

“Not really” Harlow said

“Yeah maybe since Brian never keeps a secret” I said

“I didn’t know that” Harlow said

“Yeah Brian has never been able to keep quiet about anything” I told her

“Maybe I shouldn’t have called them first then” Harlow said laughing

“Yeah we never really tell secrets” Jimmy said

“Well now I know” Harlow said

“So you are really cool with me being with your sister for a very long time?” I asked Jimmy

“Yeah I mean she’s in love with you and that’s pretty fucking clear” he told me

“She makes me really happy and we weren’t even expecting this either dude otherwise I would of let you kill me ahead of time” I told him

“Well all I’m going to say is break her heart I know where Brian and Matt keep their guns” he said

“Now that’s a scary Jimmy” I told him laughing

“I’m being serious Baker” he said

Scary Jimmy really does scare this shit out of me. I kind of wonder how me and Harlow are going to be as parents. I mean she was a only child while I have sibling. I mean she has Jimmy but they didn’t grow up together.

“Wonder how we’re going to do as parents?” I asked Harlow

“No clue but I can’t wait to find out” she said kissing me

I still can’t believe she gave me another chance after all the things we’ve been through. I guess what some people say is true about if it’s meant to be that person always finds their way right back into your heart.

"You know that saying about people letting their loves go but they always come back?" I asked her

"Yeah and it came true" she told me

"How did you know that's what I was thinking?" I asked her

"Because everyday I wake up next to you I remember that" she said

"I still can't believe we have each other" I told her

"Well you do and remember that" she said

Makes me wonder how the baby will look? I wonder how my family is going to react once they find out. I know they'll be happy but this is what I want and everything I need. I can't wait to see Harlow's belly grow with my baby in there.

Guess life always does have weird ways of working.
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Yeah i know i haven't updated in a while but everyone stopped commenting
so comment and i'll update