Sequel: Mutatio


Ashley's POV

We all woke up gigling, nostalgic about the events from last night. Angie and I were in one room while Lor and Lexi were in the one next door. There was extremely loud and girly gigling from the other side of our conjoining door, and Angie and I, who were also extremely gigly, decided to listen in on it.

We were distracted by a hard wack! against the side of our heads.

"Ow. . ." Angie mumbled and rubbed her temples.

New gigling errupted from the other side of the now open door.

"That's what you get for eavsdropping!" Lexi called.

Angie and I laughed and walked through the door to Lor and Lexi's room. Lor was wearing what could have been mistaken as a cosplay costume, or perhaps she murdered Little Bo Peep and was going to the funeral in the victim's dress, only died black with a lacy headband. And combat boots of course. ^.^ Lexi was in her usual Misa-esque style, hair up and everything.

"What the hell you guys, it's only, like. . . seven." Angie stated. (We were both still unshowered and in pajamas)

"Yeha, and I have to get to the interview at like. . . nine. Do you realize how long it takes to lace up these boots?" I looked down and realized her boot were indeed unlaced.

I sighed. "Dude, Lor, have you ever tried wearing jeans and a t-shirt?"

"And what fun is that, dear actor frined of mine?"

I rolled my eyes. Lor was the kind of person who hated the spotlight, so it made absolutely no sense for her to wear the most outlandish things.


"Are you calling?" Angie asked, giddy and hyper. Lor was currently in her interview and Lexi, Angie and I had gotten this crazy idea a week or two ago.

The morning when Lor had gotten in the car, we got Bill's cell phone number from her phone (aparently their agents had number swapped). We'd already notified the studio that they'd have guest stars and it was a late birthday surprise for Lor.

"Shhh, Angie, Shut up!" I hissed. Lexi was texting Tom, hopefully to convince him if Bill said no.

"Tom says yes!" she screamed, but Angie thwacked her.


"Hallo?" answered Bill.

I silently squee-ed. "Hey Bill, it's Ashley."

"Oh, hey Ash."

"So, we're planning a surprise for Lor. We need you all to come down to *insert studio name here* and help."

There was a moment of silence before he answered. "Tom already said yes, didn't he?"

"Yep. ^.^"

He sighed. He was probably tired. "Yeah sure. What time should we get there?"

"Umm. . . sooner than two, we'll actually be here all day. All the interviews are in the same studio today."

"Well that's convenient." he said. I could hear the smile in his voice. "We'll be there."

"Thanks so much Billa! See you then!" I said and hung up.

Squees filled the air as we all jumped up and down chanting 'Tokio Hotel, Tokio Hotel!'
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmmmm.... nothing to say really.

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