Sequel: Mutatio


Lor's POV

I sat poised and calm while the interview lady welcomed the audience and introduced me. I'd never liked the welcomes people did, the always seemed so fake. So put-on, so 'just for show and I really have no interest in you.' If someone was actually interested with you, they wouldn't have to be on television or have microphones and fancy 'aplause' signs.

"Well that is indeed and interesting style choice, Lor."

I chuckled, acting as likable as possible, even if I was sick of people telling me that. "Yes, that tends to happen when you dress like Little Bo Peep gone goth."

The audience applauded, and two of the girls in back stood to show me their lovely lolita outfits before sitting back down again. I smiled at them, but the show was soon put back on topic.

"So Lor, you recently turned fifteen right?"

I nodded. "On October the second."

She smirked at me. "Well that sure is a coinky-dink, because we here at *insert talk-show name here* have a birthday surprise for you!"

My eyes narrowed as the overhead speakers blasted '1000 Oceans,' which was quickly joined by the blaring noise of the crowd. Luckily, though, it drowned out my muttering "Ich gehe zum Bumsen töten Sie."

To my not-so-surprise, Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav came rushing out of the stage entrance to sit down on the couch with me. To my actual surprise, Ashley, Angie and Lexi came out to glomp me before leaving again.

Before the interview lady had time to talk, and to no doubt prolong my endless suffering, Bill looked to me and said. "Hey babe."

I stiffled a laugh before replying. Why not play along, right? "Hey sexy."

"We should cuddle."

And so the entirety of the interview was carried out with Bill sideways on my lap, showing some leg skin, and talking like a Southern Bell (which is aparently etremely hard when you already have a german accent), all while the both of us managed to keep a straight face.

When the interview ended, and the weight of the 6'+ human being was removed from ym lap, I found I had a few extremely painful bruises from his bony, bony ass. I proceeded in telling him this, but instead of replying, he decided to leave the stage with an extremely over-exhagerated(sp?) model walk, making extra sure to let his hips swing two miles to the side before moving foreward.

Nearly the second I left the stage I was glomped by all respective friendies in the room(band members included) and my sister.

Ashley was currently on her knees, assuring me that they loved me enough to get my famous friendies to help ease the tension in the interview. I laughed, but successfully kept the facade of being made at her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ich gehe zum Bumsen töten Sie = I'm going to fucking kill you

Holy shit this one's short. *sigh* It shames me. >.<

Happy? I am. This was a kick-ass chapter, if I do say so myself. ^.^ Rate and comment if thou lovest me.