Sequel: Mutatio


Lor's POV

The rest of the day was calm. I had another interview or two before I was done for the day, and the guys had to leave for an interview across town. Luckily, it was really short and they got back in record time.

“We should do something really stupid and reckless.” Angie said.

Everyone’s face lit up. “What kind of stupid and reckless?”

She smirked. “Let’s go to a theme park.”

The room was filled with laughter.

“That’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.” Answered Georg, but it didn’t stop him from laughing.

“Exactly! Stupid and reckless.”

Ashley and I looked at each other. “Actually…” she started.

“We have Disneyland tickets. We were planning on going there today anyways.”

“No n-n-n-n-no!” Bill urged.

“We can’t go somewhere that public!”

Gustav rolled his eyes. “Yes, because a bunch of five year olds really know who we are.”

We shrieked. “Yay for Gusti!”

It may have taken a while, but we finally got all the guys to agree. We notified Melanie where we were going, making sure to have everyone’s cell phone numbers, and headed off in Ashley’s car. Bill and Tom didn’t seem super excited, but finally warmed up to the idea after we convinced them that no one would notice them. Well, maybe notice them, the hair and height would be kinda hard to ignore, but they definitely wouldn’t know who they were.

As we entered the park and filled our nostrils with the sickly sweet scent that filled the park, we all became strangely giddy.

“What first, what first?” Angie asked, bouncing slightly.

“I don’t know, I don’t know!!!” Lexi answered.

“Let’s run around until we find a line?” Ashley suggested.

Surprise surprise, Bill and I were in the lead, Angie next, Gustav last, with the rest in the middle. We ran until our lungs hurt, conveniently landing in front the Materhorn. Luckily, there was no line because it had just opened back up from maintenance.

“Come on you guys!” I called. They weren’t far behind, but I was hyper as hell really wanted to get the adrenaline out of my system.

“How about we get something to eat after this?” Angie asked, clutching her sides.

We agreed on lunch after and no less than jumped into the cars, ready for take off.
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Hurray for Disney-fied goodness!