Sequel: Mutatio


Lor's POV

I awoke to the insistant mewing of my kitty whom I'd brought with me. Slightly irritated, I sat up and pushed the cat off of me. The digital clock read 3:30am. Lovely. Regrettably, I was the kind of person that simply cannot return to sleep ater being woken up, no matter how tired they are or how early it is.

I reached over to turn the lamp on and grab a book I'd been reading. I'd stopped reading anything political, religious, or otherwise anything of controversial subjects, because I usually ended up throwing them in a fireplace. People asked me why, and my response has always been:

"I'm very anti-stupid."

They would laguh nervously and walk away usually. Sometimes, if they were feeling adventurous, they would ask me what was wrong with the book. Thankfully, these questions stopped soon after the first two or three incidents. People now knew not to ask me those kinds of questions, because they couldn't usually prove me wrong. Usually.

I started to hum while looking for my page, but couldn't find it. This irritated me. A few hours later, my alarm went off and immediately got 'Ferrets' stuck in my head. I knew I should have changed the song on my alarm. >.<

Being the first one up, as usual, I quickly made myself presentable (not really) and exited my room. My kitten followed close on my heals, knowing breakfast was coming soon. I arrived at the hotel's resturant a few minutes later and they greeted me warmly.

"Do you have anything suitable for a cat? Food wise, anyways."

The staff nodded and brought out a bowl of kitten chow. I was glad my agent/ninja booked a hotel that alowed pets. They then led me to a table for eight, knowing my agent/ninja and company would soon join me. I'd ordered my extremely cheesy and bacony omlet when I saw them. Four tall, kinda pale guys all dressed in black withsecurity and whatnot around them. I smiled to myself: I'd forgotten Tokio Hotel had a concert today in New York City. Too bad I was too busy to see them.

My agent/ninja and company arived within a split second of me sitting down, though it seemed like ages. They started talking about what I had to do today before catching the plane at 3:00am. Though they were talking about me, I didn't really need to listen, considering my agaent/ninja would notify me in the car anyway. It was only when I heard my name mixed with girly gigling did I start to pay attention.


The gigling errupted anew. "Look behind you!" they hissed.

I raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

My agentt/ninja rolled her eyes at me. "It's Tokio Hotel!"

"Yes, I know that. They got here a split second before you did."

It got quiet at our table when we heard male voices laughing and saying something in German.

Oh shit! I thought and blushed a cherry red. I was the only one at our table that understood what they said.

"What did they say, what did they say?!?!" they urged me.

My blush deepened. "They laughed at the fact that I have just as hectic a schedual as they did." I didn't mention that they said I looked 'supperb' in shorts.

The male voices laughed again and I figured they'd heard me. My order came (oh thank you merciful god!) and it gave me an excuse to stuff my face and not have to say anything.

My table continued to gossip about the international band behind me and in turn, the international band behind me gossiped (for lack of a better term) about the table of girls in front of them. They also laughed that my table didn't know they could speak english.

"Why don't you ask them over?" My ninja agent asked me, giddy as usual. I glared at her.

"Not a snowball's chance in hell."

"Whyyyyy? Come on Lor, loosen up a little!"

I rolled my eyes at her and stood up, the kitten following me down the hall as I left. A fresh burst of male laughter rang in my ears as I exited the room.

The second I was out of sight, I sprinted to the elevator and up to my room so I could get dressed. I thought for a moment, contemplating the likely cold in the air outside, before picking out one of my favorite lolita dresses. It was a dark royal blue, rimmedwith black lace and a satin bow around my neck. With it, I put on my combat boots and black and white striped stocking. I fixed my makeup, making sure I brought it with me, before leaving the room again. I vaugely entertained the idea that my kitten shouldn't be left alone, but pushed aside the thought and got back inside the elevator.

God I hated interviews.
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