No One Will Hate You Like I Do


Pandora's heart froze when she saw the pink paper on her front door, she juggled the bags in her arms to one side while she pulled down the notice.

Mr. Max

We the Bank Of Grenville regret to inform you that we must foreclose on your home. We have given you from 03/34/09 to 05/14/09 to pay one fourth of the debut you owe.

Good day,
Bank Of Grenville'

"Fucking hell," she cursed under her breath. Pandora knew she would have to take a job now and wait a semester before going back to collage. She was a full time student at the community collage, leaving her little time to work. Dad had been getting worse, and every cent Aunt Mary was sending was going to food and the hospital bills. Pandora pushed the door open, and hurried into the kitchen to drop the heavy bags on the stove. She took a deep breath and readied herself to call Aunt Mary for more money. It made her sick to beg but she knew she had to. Mary was always good about loaning her money, most of the time she never even asked for it back, Mary was like that.

Dad ended her quick call when he yelled that he was being attacked, once again when Pandora ran up stairs there was nothing. Just her dying father wasting away on his bed, crying out in his sleep. The pain meds gave him terrible nightmares, but without them he couldn't sleep at all. The doctor wanted him to get started on morphine but Dad was too proud. Pandora kissed his sweaty bald heat and hoped it brought him some comfort. It was times like these the reality and horror of her situation would sit in. Mom was dead and Dad would be gone soon too, than she'd be all alone to face the cruel world. She left to go put the food away and start dinner, oats and rice were pretty much the only things Dad could eat now, the rest of his nutrition had to be fed through an IV. The doctor also thought he should be in the hospital, but Pandora knew that Dad wanted to be home when he passed. Mom died in a hospital and he would have nightmares about dying in a cold, white room alone. It hard to watch someone she cared about so deeply suffer and rot so slowly before her eyes.

Once Pandora was finished cleaning Dad and giving him his meds she took a bath, after she stood in front of the fogy mirror, staring at her tall, curved body. She missed dancing, she had little time for anything but school and Dad now, School was soon to be replaced by a job. Goodie. She re-dyed her curly shoulder length hair purple, painted her finger and toe nails too match. She imaged herself on a calm bench while doing it, trying not to think about how hard finding a job would be with purple hair. Deep down, she almost wanted to lose the house and start over, she didn't want to stop school.
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Yes, re-posted. It should be much better this time. Constructive criticism please.