No One Will Hate You Like I Do

Chapter One

The next morning, Pandora dressed in her mother's black velvet dress, it was evening wear but it was the nicest thing she owned. Most of her clothing was jeans and tee-shirts. She wore her hair up and under her top hat, with little makeup and her black chucks. They were her only shoes. She didn't like heels. Pandora was a tom boy at heart even though she had her girly moments.

In the newspaper she found an ad for a cleaning lady, Well, at lest it's simple.' she thought, picking up the phone and dialing the number. Someone answered on the sixth ring, a deep, accented voice that was no doubt male. Pandora thought it was the kind of voice that would make a good narrator, she always wished her voice was more interesting.


"Um, Hey, my name is Pandora and I'm calling about the cleaning ad you left on the paper?" There was a slight pause.

"Oh right, hello, um, good…this place is starting to look scary…can you come tomorrow morning?" Pandora smiled,

"Of course!"

Pandora hoped her appearance didn't make her lose the job, she was trying her best. She rode her bike to the rich side of town. To where the vacation homes were. Living next to the ocean was nice but all the snobby rich folk, smuging up the place was annoying. She prayed he wasn't an asshole. The house was a very ice log cabin, quite small resting on a bluff, the view was amazing. Pandora readied herself before knocking on the door. It opened and there stood a man with long hair and striking green eyes. Pandora's first impression was, 'Damn, he's cute.' He was wearing a dirty black tee-shirt and painted covered platted jeans. He looked like he hadn't slept or shaved in days and he surprisingly only smelt like old cigarettes and cheap shampoo. He was not what she was expecting at all. She didn't like being so quickly attracted to someone, it felt unnatural.

"I like your hat," was his response to her presence, by the look of his wet curls he looked to be right out of the shower. She watched several drops of water fall onto his shirt, she noted his height and slenderness.

"Um thank you, I'm Pandora, I called about the maid job?" He nodded and held the door open, inviting her in. Inside it was stuffy, dark and dusty. There was a living room, small kitchen open to the living room, and a stair way upstairs. The living room was simple, black leather sofa, TV ect, with a cool Japanese coffee table. The kitchen looked to be the worse she could see of the house. The dishes were stacked to the ceiling.

"So, I'm Ville, I'm not picky, but I am messy as you can see. I guess if you could like, just come on weekends and Mondays to clean that would be great, during the week I'm writing and that is when I get messy. I'll give you a key so incase I'm not here you can get in, um…yeah, so looking around, how much do you think that would be?" Pandora turned around, looking at the dust covered bookshelves.

"Um, I guess 20 an hour?" She bit her lip, hoping she didn't push it. She wasn't sure what to change, but that seemed right.

"Yeah, okay, will cash be okay?"

"Yeah, sure…so do you want me to come early on Friday?"

"Around noon would be good for me,"

Pandora left his house and headed to the collage to tell her consular that she would have to cut her classes to part time. At lest she could still take some during the week. She wasn't sure what to make of her boss, he seemed like a Johnny Depp character. Creative sexy oddball with shy persona. She hoped that her small crush wouldn't become some serious. She was usually pretty hard to get smitten, so she wasn't too worried.

When Friday came around Pandora dressed in her black short overalls and rainbow tie-dye tank top, her work clothes. She used her Dad's red bandanna to hold her wild brushy hair back and stopped to get some coffee before heading up to her new job.

She knocked on the door and was greeted with a shaved, groomed Ville. He looked even better cleaned up and wearing a red dress shirt with black slacks. He's not making this any easier. He showed her where all the cleaning products were and gave her the key. He said she could use his stereo if she wanted and she was welcomed to the kitchen.

"Are you leaving?" she asked, watching him pace around the house, grabbing his coat and shoes.

"Yes, I am meeting with some friends in town, I'll be back before your done hopefully, and if not I'll pay you next week." He looked up at her after he was done tying his shoe. "Can I ask why you took a job cleaning up after me?"

"Well, it's personal but I'm not offend." She didn't want to talk about her Dad right now. Ville raised his eyebrows.

"Oh sorry, than, well I best be on my way, good bye." He stood and rushed out the door. Pandora stood there and cursed herself for admiring his butt on the way out. She turned on the stereo to her favorite classic rock station and grooved to Neil Young while she started in the kitchen. After the kitchen was done she made her way up stairs, there was messy bedroom, covered in dust, piles of clothes and books like downstairs with a bathroom. She cleaned the bathroom and worked her way back into his room, going about she put away his clean clothes and threw all the dirty things downstairs, while she was dusting his dresser her hand knocked into a picture fame and broke it, she cursed and quickly cleaned it up, bringing the photo and remains downstairs. The photo was of Ville and a younger boy that looked very much like him, she guessed his younger brother, she sat the photo on the shove and went back to cleaning up the glass.

She was done with the house three hours later, she was waiting to switch over the laundry when she had the idea to make him dinner. She might as well, she had found the failed results of him trying to cook for himself. She set a pot of water on the shove to boil and started chopping up veggies. While she chopped she started to think about being a cook in a pirate ship. Her thoughts had her mind completely somewhere else, she didn’t even hear the door opening or the smoke detector, but she did hear Ville shouting.
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Thank you for reading, please leave a comment and if you would give me some constructive criticism.