No One Will Hate You Like I Do

Chapter Nineteen

"Mom, Dad…" Pandora whispered as she stared at her parents in disbelief. They stood standing in a purple rose garden, holding hands, both wearing fancy evening wear. Her eyes watered as she slowly walked closer, both her parents smiled.

"Yes honey, we're here." Her mother spoke softly, holding out her arms welcomingly, Pandora fell into her bosom and felt her whole body tingle with warmth.

"Oh Mom…I've missed you so much." Her mother's arms wrapped around her.

"You've grown up so beautifully," Pandora felt her Dad place his hand on her shoulder.

"We're so proud of you," he whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek. Pandora embraced both of them as tears filled her eyes. She knew it was a dream, but at lest for this dream she had her family back. Slowly, they pulled back, her Mom and Dad slid their arms around her waist and they all three started walking through the garden. The rose's peals changed color in the sparkling sliver light from the moon.

"I know this isn't real," she said, her Mom nodded sadly.

"It's real as you want it to be, honey. We're really here in your dream."

"And we're always watching over you." Dad added, Pandora sighed.

"Is it wrong that I wish that I could live here and never wake up?" Both her parents chuckled.

"You were always worried about what was wrong and right when you were growing up." Dad said, ruffling her hair.

"Honey, it's understandable, you lost a lot when we had to leave you. You are allowed to feel whatever way you want to. But honey, you need to get over this self-hate thing. It's not your fault that we died, you deserve to be happy." Her mom spoke compassionately. Pandora knew they were right. She rubbed her belly and thought about the baby that was growing inside her.

"Honey, remember that it's not too late to turn back. Your baby doesn't have a soul until it's born." Dad reminded her. Pandora nodded, knowing what they meant.

"No, I know that I have to have this baby. I'm just scared, I'm not ready."

"No one is ever ready to be an adult or a parent, you just sink into it." Mom rubbed her arm. "When you give birth and you look at your baby, you'll feel a love and bond so strong it almost seems like a part of you." Dad kissed her cheek again, and brought her face to look at him.

"The most important part of yourself, a part you can't live without. You'll be an amazing mother." Pandora started to cry,

"But I'm so alone…I need you, both of you," she looked from between both of them, her heart aching. "Please, don't leave me alone." Her parents' faces softened.

"You're never alone, we are always in your heart, honey," her mother slowly drew away and walked towards a white light growing to a door size a few feet away. Pandora panicked, holding onto her Father.

"Please don't go…" She begged.

"Honey, Ville loves you, trust him." He kissed her once more time before walking over to join his wife. They both blew her kisses and smiled before fading away into the light, leaving Pandora alone.

Pandora woke up, Ville was spooning her from behind, both his arms around her waist like vices. She tried to wiggle free but he only mumbled, rubbing his face into her hair.

"Ville…" she whispered, "Ville?" He groaned and loosened his hold on her, he rubbed her hip with his hand, lovingly.

"Yes, sweetheart?" his voice was husky in the morning.

"I need to use the bathroom"

"Oh," he rolled away and allowed her to get up and make her way into the bathroom. Pandora looked at herself in the mirror, her stomach was already swelling, she felt heavy and drugged. Like her body wasn't hers anymore.

Ville was up and about when she walked back into the bedroom, he was getting dressed. Pandora realized that she was still naked and that Ville had noticed before her and was admiring the view while she stared into space for a few moments. She glared at him before digging through her drawers. She slipped on a panties and as she was hooking her bra, she felt Ville behind her, his hands replaced hers and he hooked her bra for her. She felt his hands rub her shoulders, his breath on her throat. He kissed her neck and moved his hands to her butt, Pandora jumped slightly as he gave her ass a tap. She spun around and frowned at him.

"What makes you think you can touch me anytime you want?" She asked, staring up at him. He smirked and suddenly kissed her, hard, pushing his tongue into her mouth, his hands held her face tightly as he ravished her mouth. 'Pig! How dare he…oh god he's a good kisser…'
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Thank you for commenting and reading. It means a lot to me, I work hard on my stories and try my best to entertain while still telling a story with a point.