No One Will Hate You Like I Do

Chapter Twenty-Four

Pandora acted like she wasn't upset. She went through her day, her mind racing. Pandora felt like she was losing her mind.

Ville noticed her withdraw, she nearly clenched when he touched her, she pretended to be asleep so he wouldn't ask for sex. She wouldn't look him in the eye, he knew something was wrong, when he came home he knew he would force her to talk to him.

"Pandora," Ville asked from the door way to the bathroom before entering. Pandora was taking a hot bath to relax, she wished that Ville would leave.

"What do you want, I'm trying to relax." Ville sat on the toilet and looked her in the eye.

"Why haven't you let me touch you or even talk to you in a week?" Pandora looked at the bubbles in the water.

"I've been tired and sore…I haven't been in the mood for sex or talking." Ville frowned.

"Just because I touch you doesn't mean I want sex, I love holding and kissing you just as much as making love to you…" Pandora gritted her teeth, she was tried of his lying. If he was happy with her why would he have started drinking again after three years of being sober? It must have been her, she made him unhappy. 'Why does he make This so hard?'

"I just want to left alone…" she growled, Ville stood up and glared down at her.

"Fine! You want to be alone? I'll leave than, I'm tired of talking to a fucking wall!" Pandora got up and wrapped a towel around her body and walked into the bedroom, she headed for the closet and got her backpack out. She started to stuff the bag with her clothes. Ville ran after her and began to panic.

"Oh fuck, Pandora, sweetheart, please stop, please talk to me, I love you, please stay." He tried to hug her, Pandora pushed him across the room, knocking him on his butt. He looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

"Pandora, I love you, why do you hate me?" Pandora finished packing and pulled a shirt over her head, dropping the towel.

"I don't know, Ville. I don't want to hurt you…but I can't do this anymore…I tried…I knew it wasn't going to work! I tried to tell you damnit!" Ville got up and tried to embrace her again, Pandora fought him and started to sob. Ville held her wrists down as he pinned her body to the bed.

"Let me go you motherfucker!" Pandora kicked. Ville shook her.

"Calm the fuck down! I'm just trying to talk to you! You're going to be the mother of my child, you owe me your attention!" Pandora took a deep breath, she stopped struggling. Ville kissed her, Why does kissing him feel so right? Something snapped in her and passion over came her senses. Pandora's hands rubbed Ville through his jeans. He gasped and thrusted into her hand, before realizing what he was doing. He stopped and held her down again.

"No, I'm sorry, but we need to talk, we can do that later…" 'I won't be here later,' Pandora moved her hips up to rub against his hardness. She kissed him willingly, slipping her tongue into his mouth. Ville's will weakened.

"Prove that you love me, Ville, prove that you want me," Might as well have a parting screw.' Pandora convinced Ville to make love to her instead of finding out why she was so upset. Ville fell asleep afterward, much as Pandora predicted.

"Don't do it," Ville said, Pandora shook her head.

"I have to,"

"You'll break his heart."

"Don't you mean, your heart?"

"No, I'm just your idea of Ville, not the real Ville."

"Oh, well I have to leave."

"Tell him at lest, tell him why and tell him you love him."

"I can't, I'll never leave if I do that." Ville looked sad.

"Poor Ville," he shook his head, "You'll regret this."

"I intend to,"
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I don't think I'll ever catch up, I'm still five chapters ahead.