No One Will Hate You Like I Do

Chapter Thirty

Pandora found herself finishing the last chapter of her book. She sighed when closing her laptop, feeling a strong sense of satisfaction. Ville walked into the bedroom, he was dressed up for the dinner party they were having later that night. Pandora felt like a ugly cow and hadn't left the bed much since coming back to Helsinki. She really didn't feel like visitors but she knew that Ville wanted his parents to get to know her better and Mary was dying for them to talk about their enragement.

"Why weren't you dress yet? They'll be here in two hours and I know you want to take a bath." Ville walked over to the bed and kissed her cheek, Pandora found herself much more relaxed than before living with Ville. They hadn't made love for four weeks, since back in the states, like they had agreed. Ville had surprised her by giving her space. She hadn’t been feeling sexy lately anyway, her feet were always sore now and she was always hungry.

"I just don't feel very up to this…I'll start getting ready in a second." Ville kissed her again,

"Do you need anything from downstairs?"

"Chocolate," Pandora got up from the bed and groaned, rubbing her belly. Ville smiled and put both his hands on her stomach, he knelt down and kissed it. Pandora shook her head, he hadn't been handling her sexually, but he still had his hands glued to the baby. He even talked to it at night, she did too but more in her head.

"Daddy can't wait until you come out of mommy, no he can't." Ville spoke to the baby, he kissed it again before standing up.

"You're such a weirdo," she shook her head and patted her belly as she wobbled into the bathroom. "Daddy's a little weird, baby, but you'll get use to him." Ville poked his head in the room.

"Look who's talking," Pandora stuck her tongue out at him and started to disrobe, Ville watched. She glanced over at him as she stood naked in front of the mirror.

"You have seen me naked a millions times before and when I wasn't so heavy, why are you still staring?" Ville finally looked in her eyes, he smirked.

"Because you're beautiful," Pandora rolled her eyes, she liked being pregnant on some levels, it felt amazing to know you were carrying a living being that would become a baby but she didn't like how much weight she had gained, not just in her belly, everywhere. It was going to be hard to lose the weight after the baby was born, lots of dancing and lots of salads it was going to take. But Ville seemed to love seeing her that way, like he was proud that he had gotten her pregnant, which made her a little annoyed.

She turned on the water and got in the tub, Ville was still in the door watching her. Doesn't he have something better to do?'

"Why are you still here? You're starting to creep me out, go get me my chocolate."

"If I do, can I-"

"No! I said no sex!" besides, she wasn't really in the physical shape anymore to have any kind of sex, she was way too sore.

"I didn't mean that, let me finish, if I do can I pick out your outfit?" Pandora busted out laughing, Ville frowned.

"Why is that funny?"

"You're such a girl sometimes!"

"No I am not and I can prove it!" Ville pouted,

"Go prove it to yourself but before you do get me my chocolate." Pandora giggled, sinking into the hot water. Ville crossed his arms and huffed.

"Fine, but I'm still picking out your outfit!" he left finally and Pandora leaned her head back. The hot water helped ease the tension in her muscles. She started to rub her belly again, than traced the stretch marks. She thought about what sex it might be, she hoped it was a girl but if it was a boy she'd be just as happy. Ville came back with her chocolates, and stole one and a kiss before going to pawn through her closet. If he picked out something that was too small now she'd kick his ass, pregnant or not.

Pandora got out and dried off, her hair was almost below her shoulders now and she had dyed it black instead of purple. She wanted to grow it out and blenching long hair wasn't a good idea. She walked into the bedroom and saw the dress Ville had laid out on the bed. It was a purple Asian number that was lose fitting in the waist but tight in the bust and hips. She picked it up and held it up to her body, she prayed that it would still fit. It was always big on her before.

Pandora found the dress fit perfectly, she slipped on her black velvet slippers and brushed her hair before heading downstairs to see if Mary needed help setting up.
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Thank you all for reading please comment. I will have another update soon, this one is a filler.