No One Will Hate You Like I Do

Chapter Thirty-Three

Pandora woke up slowly to the baby kicking, she glanced at the clock seeing that it was eight in the morning. Ville's arm was wrapped around her and his body was pressed into her back, his breath on the back of her neck. He would be dead asleep for three more hours but if she got up he would too and than they'd both be groggy and cranky by the afternoon. So Pandora decide to lay there until she fell back asleep or if Ville woke up.

'Hm, it's been month since we last had sex. Ville's been surprising me a lot lately. Doing the dishes the other night was nice. He's only asked for sex that once…well he might be disappointed when I tell him that I want to wait until the baby's here…He's waited a month…he can wait a bit longer…maybe I should jerk him off before telling him, he might take the news better that way. God I feel like I'm going to blow up…the baby better get here sometime in the next few weeks because I can not handle any longer than that….my feet are still sore from yesterday…I have a new found respect for mothers everywhere…'

Pandora dozed off finally but was woken up a little while later by Ville thrusting into her lower back, she amused he was awake, but after he snored she figured he was sleep humping.

"Ville….wake up, your raping me in your sleep…come on, get off of me." Pandora moved her behind back and wasn't surprised to feel he was excited. He slowly woke up, mumbling and nuzzling her neck.

"Hm…sweetheart…" He groped her chest and Pandora cleared her throat.

"Ville, our deal…" she warned, Ville chuckled and nibbled her neck, moving against her again. Pandora did miss making love with Ville but being nine months pregnant really gets you out of the mood.

"I know what day it is….the deal is void."

"No, it's not…I'm too pregnant, Ville." He sighed in defeat and rolled over. Pandora rolled over as well and looked at him.

"I'm sorry…It's not that I don't want to….I just feel like I'm going to exploded down there and I don't need any pressure added to it." She explained, rubbing his chest. Ville raised an eyebrow.

"Is it really that bad?"

"It's not painful…it's just…very uncomfortable…at lest these last few weeks have been." He sat up and put his hands on her belly.

"You know that I'm thankful, right?" Pandora felt her heart flip like when she was first falling in love with him.

"I guess I do now," she giggled, Ville put his head on her stomach and closed his eyes. She ran her fingers through his hair, than Ville did something he hadn't before, he started to sing to it, in Finnish. Pandora smiled, and stroked his hair, listening to his beautiful voice fill the room.

"h my god! This is adorable!" Mary squeaked from the door. Pandora shook her head.

"Mary…you should knock." Her aunt paid no noticed and walked right in the room and opened the window curtains.

"Oh come on, I know you too haven't been together. I don't hear you moaning anymore but I still hear Ville and only in the bathroom." Ville stopped singing and buried his head under the covers. Pandora shook her head and got up, groaning, her back cracked and she hissed. Ville reappeared looking worried.

"Are you okay?" She nodded her head and stood from the bed.

"Yeah, I'm just…sore as usual." She wobbled into the bathroom holding her lower back.

Pandora came downstairs and found Mary making breakfast, Ville was in the living room on the phone with Seppo it sounded like. Pandora sat at the table and sighed when feeling her weight relive off her feet. Mary set a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her along with a glass of orange juice. Her stomach growled, and she picked up her fork and poked at the food.

"What's wrong, Pan?" Mary asked sitting across from her with her own plate.

"I just want this pregnancy to be over with…I want to see my baby and I want to feel like my body is mine again…god this is so much harder than I thought." Mary smiled.

"Did I ever tell you about your mother when she was pregnant with you?" Pandora shook her head.

She had always wondered about how they met and how her mother reacted to being pregnant at sixteen.

"No, I don't even know how they met or why they got married…." Mary got up to clear the dirty dishes, Ville came in the room and they all sat down.

"Well than, I'll tell you all about them, well what I can remember…I was a party girl back than."
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Weeee! another update.