I Gave Them Blood But It Could Never Be Enough

Chapter 1.

“I’m tired of these dang old bats always biting at my neck.”; I said, pulling another vial out of my bag.

“Like you have any room to talk Gerard.”

I snared over at him.

“What is that suppose to mean?”

“Well, you are a bat, practically 97% of the time. Just like me and Frankie over there. We’re only in human form during a full moon. Heck! We’re not even that. We turn into vampires. Face it. We have no justice.”

“Yeah. But, we were humans once.”

“Yeah. But we gave that up. Our lives were going nowhere. Except for Frank. He took the place in becoming one. Because they wanted his girlfriend instead.”

“Mikey. Why do you always have to be all logic all the time?”

“Because, it’s the way life is bro. Well, ours anyways.”

I sighed and looked away from him.

“I guess. Where should we go next?”

Frank; “How about down that alley? I can smell the blood of three girls.”

“Well, lets go.”; Mikey said.

I just stood there in kind of a daze.

“Are you okay? Come on Gerard.”; Mikey yelled telepathically. We didn’t need those girls to hear us.

We all jumped and stood on the roof tops. Picking out who we wanted. I picked out a girl with long, dark brown hair. Kind of short for the look of her age was. She was no older then twenty-five.

We counted to three and all pounced down at once. I had her laying on her back and her arms pinned down.

My eyes flushed red and my fangs grew into place. I opened my mouth, then caught my eyes with hers.

I just couldn’t let myself do it. There was something about her. Something that was pulling me back. Just something I couldn’t place. Then she opened her mouth in a attempt to say something.

“Gee… gee… Gerard?”; she stuttered.

Her eyes filled up with tears and I was left in shock. She knows me somehow. But, I just couldn’t remember her myself.

“Come on Gerard. Bite her and get it over with.”; Mikey and Frank both said telepathically.

“I… I can’t.”; I said out load.

Changing back into what looked human form. I grabbed my bag and ran off.

“I remember now.” I told myself. “Her name is Brttnie. Its… it’s Brittnie.”