Time Ticken Like A clock


I opened my eyes seeing I was now in my bed with Demetri and Zach laying their heads on my bed asleep. I smiled and ran my fingers through their black hair. Zach turned his head to face away from me while Demetri stirred and sat up right in his chair.
“Jenna? Are you awake?” he asked rubbing his eyes of the sleep.
“Yeah, I am.” My whisper of a voice said. He smiled sheepishly at me and stood up.
“Do you want anything?” He asked.
“Um…can you get me some ice cream?” He nodded and was about to walk out when I asked something else, “brother how long have I been out?” He stopped turning back putting on a fake smile for me.
“Just a day.” Before he left I saw something in his eyes that he wasn’t telling me. I couldn’t have been out for just a day; it would have been night, and its day time. I lay back on my pillow looking around, everything seemed alright. Books in place, computer on to some website, clothes out at the places- wait….computer’s on? I thought I had turned it off. I slowly moved Zach not to disturbed him and made my way to the computer. I looked it over seeing it was a convo someone started thinking I was on.
“….Dead Boy…I don’t remember adding someone with that name…” I looked over the convo glancing at certain things like “she’ll be mine, don’t even think of hiding, kill you, you can’t help it” and more to that. Then the little icon saying they were typing came up. A few seconds later their message popped up.

Dead Boy says: Good morning Jenna did you sleep well? Your brother will be up soon. So you like mint chocolate chip ice cream?
I took it in just in time to hear Demetri come in with a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream setting it on my nightstand next to my bed. But how could this person know he was coming up? How did he know he was getting me ice cream? I heard a ping sounded from the convo and looked back at it.
Dead Boy says: I can see you Jenna. I’ve always watched you. I was at the mall. And out side your window. Don’t you remember?
I stepped back thinking this over. It had to be one of Justin’s friends. They usually did this stuff to me because I liked scary stories and vampires. Yeah maybe Marcus, or Mitch, yeah that’s it. Then another ping.
Dead Boy says: I’m not Marcus or Mitch; I am not one of your pathetic boyfriend’s friends. This isn’t a joke. Don’t you remember that note we left? That was my father. You’re coming with us soon.
This time I decided to type back to him.
Living~Dead~Girl~ says: yeah whatever I don’t care that note was a bunch of bull shit. You can’t do anything. You’re just a weird stalker you won’t even come up to me or hurt anyone. Ever
Dead Boy says: so sure are you…go look at Zach will you.
I turned and walked over to Zach knowing this was just a joke.
“Jenna what’s up?” Demetri asked. I turned over Zach seeing scars all over his face and some on his neck. Demetri seemed scared looking down at our brother. Another ping sound.
Dead boy says: see…this is what they get for trying to keep you from us. You’re lucky I didn’t turn them when I had the chance, or you. Even Demetri is hurt.
This time I closed the window and shut down my computer completely looking away.
“Sister…” I glared up at him seeing him now wearing a long sleeved shirt when it was at least 90 degrees out today. He moved back grabbing Zach but I pulled his sleeves up revealing scars too. He looked down angry and moved out of my room holding Zach. I sat down looking at the date on the clock. Sunday…so I was out for more then a day I thought to myself. But tomorrow was school. That would help me get this stupid stalker idiot away. I sat down turned the TV to the anime channel and ate my ice cream solemnly in the quiet of the house. After I finished I just rolled over and slept for the rest of the day.