Observations, Experience, Arguments...Something More?

4. The Faithful Stranger

I felt like I needed to sleep, to get back to that dream—to—at least figure out what it was. So I lay, and lay and sleep doesn’t overwhelm me, I look at my clock. It’s 5:47 AM. And the sun looks as if it’s about to defeat the night sky. I knew I didn’t need to be in the bed all day, even if it’s this early. Being in bed isn’t my thing (half the time)
I haven’t even called my work, to tell them I’m sick. I’m sure.
I’m sure John’ll call me for me.
I got dressed, and I walked outside; began my walk down the road. A tear slipped out my eyes, I whipped it off, ‘why the hell I’m I crying?’
I wondered. My face started getting covered in tears—I ran and ran, I didn’t know what to do, I rain in the woods away. And sat on the cold moist ground. I tired whipping them away, but they wouldn’t stop, I was freaking out. I usually don’t cry like I said, I couldn’t take it…it had to come out.
“WHAT! What is it?” I yelled at the sky, “These dreams are confusing! I don’t remember what’s happened in the past! Just tell me. Show me—my mind is going to fucking explode!”
I put hands in my hair. I screamed my emotions out and it didn’t make me feel better.
If not knowing my memory is gonna be this bad, I’d rather comment suicide. I’m starting to have an confess to die.
I sat there with my hands in my hair, crying at this…this confusing damn world.
”I’ll try to show you, but it’ll take time…” I heard a voice through the discord say, it was a delouse of a passerby, I saw one gaze—frozen in time, watching me sitting there. I saw a man in a trench-coat , walk closer to me. He had his hands in his pockets, a cigarette in his mouth. My eyes were blurred though; since I’d been crying. I wanted nothing to do with no one.
Hey unfaithful, I will teach you to be stronger”[/i} the stranger said as he walked closer.
I pulled my head up more, I was weeping a little. He came closer and brushed his hand against my cheek. A tear rolled down and he whipped it away with his thumb.
I told you,” he had no emotion on his face, just looking deep in my eyes. [/i}”It’ll take time but I’ll get you there.

I picked my hand and caressed my hand with his fingers. I didn’t know what to do, he had that look that I’ve seen before I just didn’t know where to be sure, he didn’t smile he didn’t speak.
He just leaned in and told me.
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I know its short ugh! don't hate me
comments are nice, the reason i dont harldy ask for them is cause i never get them XD