Observations, Experience, Arguments...Something More?

6. I Told You, Time.

I shot around and saw a man in a long trench-coat looking down at me. I looked at him angry.
“Okay bastard. Tell me what the fucks goin’ on!” I demanded. Looking at this psycho maniac, he just smiled and sat in front of me, his eyes were darkened with thick liner. He had his eyebrow raised. I just stared at him.
“I’m no bastard if I want to help you, and I’ll tell you what’s goin’ on. But time…time little girl.”
I looked at this stupid man, I’m no little girl. I’m grown but it he’s gonna tell me what’s goin’ on I can deal.
“Well, I will go ahead and tell you my name, my name is WiL. I’ll be helping you with your past darling.” He gave me a crooked smile. I looked at him like an idiot. For real I don’t even know how he knows about my past. But that got my thinking. I need to ask him some things…
“So uh, WiL—you’re gonna tell me about my past, but I need to get some things straight,” he nodded his head, “who was in my house. Is it like haunted er what?” he simply smiled and shook his head.
“No dear,” oh shit. “That has been me, I’ve been watching. To make sure your okay, I have to it’s my job; ‘til I get my job done.” Okay I didn’t know where the fuck he was going with this but I’ll give him a try.
“Okay so what is your job?” I asked him simply as I could. Him still sitting in front of me, he put a hand to the ground and buried his hand in it. I watched him closely; he didn’t take his eyes off me.
“My job is to help you find your past, I’ve been sent here for this very reason.” He said watching me—it was a little scary by the way he just looked at me, he blinked not too off-endly
“So how long will it take? Do you know?”
He grimaced at me, and smiled, and raised one eyebrow up, while I was wondering ’what the hell?
“I told you time, but I’ll have to interact with you a lot, you could tell me if you remember anything from your past? But if you need me all you have to do is say: WiL.” He didn’t smile he looked a little stern, so he’s gonna help me with my past, this outta be interesting I do believe so.
“Well tell me, tell me what those words mean…don’t hurt the future, don’t haunt the past?”
He got a little closer to me and looked me dead in the eyes; it felt a little awkward for some odd reason. He looked me dead in the eyes.
“You’re not supposed to haunt your past, too much it. It could hurt, don’t hurt your future by going into your past too much, just remember that, don’t think about the past too much. Worry about the future.”
I looked at him, when he tells me about my future; I’m not supposed to think about it a lot, what the hell I mean come one? If I just find out about it I’ll wanna think about it a lot.
What does he know about my future that I don’t know, he is trying me freakin’ crazy.
This WiL guy might help me with my past, but what about the future. And how will this work out?