Observations, Experience, Arguments...Something More?

7. I'll React How I Want

He stood up and looked down at me.
“Are you coming?” he asked me. Am I coming where? His eyes looked dark, lifeless in this kinda light. It was rather scary but still. He’s gonna help me right?
“Where?” he shook his head, and looked at me smugly.
“Come with, and you’re taken me and doing your daily things.” He told me I didn’t get him, but hell I had to do daily things I suppose. So I guess it was to go to my job and tell them why I missed work. I rose up and walked pasted him, he started walking behind me, that really bothered me. It always has, when someone walks behind you.
“Dude if you’re gonna walk with me, walk beside me.” I pointed beside me; he casually walked over by me with his hands still in his pockets. And didn’t speak a word, he didn’t question me; it was a little bothering ‘cause he didn’t. I guess I was just used to John doing those things to me, I’ll never know. I started seeing the buildings; I knew I was going into Hell. My boss would be all over me and shit I didn’t need. But I dealt with it. We came to the sidewalk and he still walked beside me in complete silence. And it bothered me just a little. I sighed.
“Talk.” I turned my head and looked at him. He raised a eyebrow at me.
“Excuse me?” I shook my head.
“Talk so this won’t be weird-ing me out.” I responded. He took a breath.
“Well, I guess I could start with small details. I will be completely honest with anything I say, no matter how much it hurts. Or how angry you get with me—I’ll say what comes out my mouth, I’ll say the dirtiest thing you’ll hear.” He went on. “I’ll react how I want, when I want, and where. I don’t give a fuck how you see my outer-person or my inner. You’ll like me for who I am, or hate me for it.” He stopped and I looked at him and grinned. He popped a questioning eyebrow at me.
“Even though I don’t even know you, I will say: I already like your personality.” I saw a questioning grin on his face. I kinda got the hint that that’s how he asks questions by now.
“Well. It’s a “in-your-fucking-face” kinda thing. And I like it.” I saw him nod at me, and then put his head a head looking at the people, and building surrounding us. And everyone—looking busy.
I saw my little place where I worked coming in sight. Did I mention I worked in a frigging book store? I just get all the good books for me and John and…well I don’t remember to take them back. I looked at the doors and WiL was holding one open for me, I didn’t say thank you when I walked past him, I was ready for my insane crazy boss lazy lady. I saw her behind a counter. Looking at me as I walked through the doors, I saw those eyes look beside me at who I was with. She squinted at him, like it was abnormal or some shit. I walked over to her little counter and place my hands on the rim waiting to hear the words come from her throat.
“So where were you yesterday?” she asked me, don’t even use my name to address me.
“Okay look,” I demanded and I saw WiL get right next to me. “I was sick for that say; John didn’t have enough time to call because it was only like yesterday or something. So I’ll be back Monday, as you see it is just now Friday. So bye.” And I fled the scene.
With WiL on my heels.
“Well WiL, you’ve seen my daily things, I’m going home.” We walked to my little house in silence.
“Okay, I have seen you in your nastiest of moods, but this I have not.” WiL said. As we went through the front door and he sat on my couch.
“I am a little ticked off that you’ve watched me for a while, and I don’t even wanna know the time limit on that thank you, besides I want this ‘memory thing to hurry up.” I saw him shake his head—I rolled my eyes, this guy is impossible. Or for God sakes he is to me, I have no freaking idea. I walked up my stars and went to my room and closed the door. I didn’t care that a man that’s been watching me for; who knows how long, was down beneath me. Doing God knows what. I just needed to sulk and get it out. I pulled my phone out and rung John, he answered.
“Hey Glimp.” I smiled.
“Hey dude, how’re you ?” I asked.
“Fine just wishing I could hang out with your sick ass.” I laughed.
“Yeah, I’m feeling a little bit better. I got this…” I saw WiL pop in my door way. I left John with a pause wondering what he was doing.
He walked over to me. And put his hand over the speaker to talk through.
“You don’t need to tell him, anything about me. Or how you know me, anything else fine.” And he walked out my room.
“Glimp’s you okay?” I heard John say from the other line.
“I’m good, I was thing about…uh…what I was gonna say you know how I forget.” I laughed nervously.
“Whatever. I’ll see you tomorrow okay. Bye” and he hung up, I didn’t get to say—even a good bye to him. I don’t know why.
And after I talked to John it made me wonder why WiL didn’t want me to tell John anything, he’s my best freakin’ friend I have to tell him, so I suppose WiL wants to meet him when he comes over tomorrow, since that’s what he imposed on.
I sighed and put a pillow over my face, only seconds later I felt the pillow being pulled off my face. I saw WiL pull it off, and now I’m angry at him for doing that.
“Okay I’ve seen you sad, before. But not like this…” of course! He’s seen me like this before, he stalked my fucking house for—who knows how long. He should know what underwear I wear on special occasions.
“You’ve stalked me for Mother Nature and Father Time only knows. You should fucking know!” I just let it snap.
“Well about 2yrs that’s not really that long.” I looked at him and I had a gap in my mouth.
“2yrs, how the hell were you able to…wait, wait don’t even tell me any of that,” I told him just-a fuming.
“I told you I had to watch you, for awhile like he said and then come to your aid.”
For awhile…? 2yrs isn’t awhile dear.” He just laughed and shook his head.
“Whatever, now if you’ll be so kind, I’ll be down stairs. Staying, and sleeping on your couch.” I wide eyed his back since he had turned around.
“That’s gonna be weird as fuck!” I whispered to myself really.
“What is..?” ‘
’Shit! I thought he was done gone.
“You know, having a guy—down…on my couch…” I just looked down with my lip poked and bit a little.
“Just think of it as the time that John slept on it.” I shot up.
“How did you know that?!” he looked at me and grinned.
“I’ve been watching you for 2yrs.”