Sick, Tired, and Done

Done With You - Friend # 1

So, the Ardennes - four girls in one room and 3 on their periods. The other two can be pissed all they want but me - nope uh-uh i'm not allowed to be pissed. i have to be the perfectly polite "whipping girl" as my mom put it. yeah right ladies - i'm not your bitch and you can suck it. my best friend since fourth grade, dumped me for my friends for less than 2 years even though she said that she really didn't like them. not asking you to choose sides hun, just asking for a little support from the person who was supposed to be my best friend. i've told my parents and asked for advice, and you can't tell yours because you'd have to make up some ridiculous lie about something i did, so that your parents would hate me. but guess what sweetheart - our dad's are friends!!! so it wouldn't work anyways!! i kinda figured that when you said you didn't really like the other two, you weren't lying straight to my face, but now it's like i'm waking up and seeing you for the first time, and i really don't like the view. so when i saw you at schinnen today and you completely blew me off, my mom was shocked - she used to like you, you know. but then she found out what kind of person you really are, and it makes me glad she stands behind me on this one. when we are supposed to be best friends, you don't let the other friends walk around spouting people's private life and secrets shared in confidence - confront her or tell me, but don't just watch it happen as i'm being embarrased by a frikin bipolar person who can't decide which friend she wants to hang out with for the next two weeks.

someone pisses her off and they are gone. no one can retaliate, we're just expected to follow her rules. again i say: i'm not your bitch!! have you ever noticed, when i'm depressed, ya'll are happy, but when i'm happy ya'll are depressed. little uncanny, don't you think?? and whenever you have a problem with your stupid frikin boyfriend i'm just supposed to listen, but if i have a problem with my family you blow me off like it's nothing?? i realize i might have done the same thing, but i know i'm not the only person in the world. maybe it's time you start figuring that one out. 'cuz as soon as you graduate, sweetheart, ain't nobody gonna care about your feelings. it's the real world, and you'll have to deal with it sooner or later. sure, there's baby phat out there, and abercrombie or however the hell you spell it, but guess what? ultimately, it's about how well you do your job, and if you're efficient enough, not what you wear. sure, it's good to have nice clothes but i'd rather be comfortable than sit in skinny jeans and millions of layers of clothing all day. maybe you should work less on your appearance and your boyfriend and more about trying to figure out whether you really wanna keep traveling done this ride you're driving.

see here's the thing: the last time they dumped me - you stood by my side and cared. this time, they dumped me and....what?? you're with the people you said that you didn't get good vibes from?! psht..gimme a break. last time, i cried and was depressed for weeks. this time: i'm laughing with all my friends who actually happen to care - and yes, those friends would be the guys that i hang out with. call me a slut all you want b/c i hang out with guys, but the truth of the matter is - i get along better with guys than i do girls. and you probably don't wanna know why but ill tell you anyways: there's no drama!!!!!!! hello, girls are always going to have drama surrounding them - but guys, please they get ticked for maybe a few minutes (and guys please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong) and then they move on..maybe punch each other a little, or call each other stoggaf (spell it backwards) but them move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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more to come; i got 3-4 "friends" i wanna rant bout