Sick, Tired, and Done

Done With You - Friend #2

So, the Ardennes - four girls in one room and 3 on their periods. The other two can be pissed all they want but me - nope uh-uh i'm not allowed to be pissed. i have to be the perfectly polite "whipping girl" as my mom put it. yeah right ladies - i'm not your bitch and you can suck it.


Last night, when I wrote Done With You - Friend # 1, I was all upset and stuffs. But now, I hafta work myself into being upset, and I really don't know how to do that. Maybe I should think about all the times I told you my opinions of people in confidence and how you shared those opinions with them, but forgot to include the part where you were talking about them as well. Or what about the time when you said that you didn't like her, and then dumped me for her? I don't really know where to start. So I'll just start.

The whole wanna be thing. Yeah, you can just stop right now, because you know what, we got to this point about the same time, so if you want to talk about someone being a wanna be -- look at yourself. Not everyone but you and your inner circle of friends are the only people who are real. Hello - you're kicking people out (me) and talking bout them to other people (them). You told me what you thought about everyone to me, and that really pisses me off. If you're gonna talk about me, at least do it to my face otherwise I'll think you're a wimp. And you're so fake, you probably don't even know yourself anymore. You're nice to everyone, and then you sit there and slander them behind their backs. If everyone knew, with videotaped/recorded proof, do you think that you'd still have friends? Not a one, baby, not a one. You should probably thank your lucky stars that I don't have proof though, cuz if I did, who knows what I'd do with it.

And then, telling people lies about - and yes I know they are most likely lies - and having them look at me like they know something I don't know - that's bullshit. I know for a fact, that I would feel so scared that you're going to tell people something I did, but guess what - there's nothing that I did to make people think I'm horrible. So you need to stop with that. Oh, and that stupid boy who rides your bus - yeah, next time he sends me an email, I'm reporting him and you know how he likes to tell people that it wasn't really his idea - it was someone else's? Yeah, as soon as he's been reported, he will tell them what you did, and you're screwed.

Every time you sit there and think "I'm not gonna let her be my friend again" there's always someone who pisses you off. You always have a rotating circle of friends - one ticks you off, another comes in her place. Then she ticks you off, and someone else takes her place. And so on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on until eventually people will realize the kind of person you are. Except, I don't think they ever will. That's how sneaky you are - you know that I know that you know - and there's just no way to get around it.

So next year, you'll probably come up to me and be all goody-goody, but you know...I'm just not gonna buy into it, because I've learned my lesson. If you seriously think that I'm going to come back, you better come up with a different thought, 'cuz you're clearly misguided in your way of thinking.
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still more to come...