Status: On hiatus again sorry guys.

Poprocks and Coke

Chapter 3

“Sis, wait up, what’s the rush?” Johnny called after me as we all walked home from school.

“Nothing I’m fine, just want to get home.” I replied trying to sound convincing as he caught up to me. Of course, I was lying; I just wanted to get away from Brian before he started asking questions again. We’d been living here for almost two weeks and he keeps asking questions, and not ‘I want to get to know you’ kind of questions. Personal questions, about my family, questions I don’t want to answer, not yet anyway.

“I wish you could get on with Brian.” he said quietly so that the others behind us couldn’t hear him.

“I wish he’d stop asking me questions that I don’t want to answer.” I replied with an eye roll.

“Oh come on, he hasn’t asked any in ages.” He replied defensively. “And he hasn’t tried asking me.” he added.

“Yeah, only because I haven’t given him the chance.” I replied.

“Will you at least come over to Matt’s later? The bands having a practice.” He asked pleadingly. I shot him a sideways glance and rolled my eyes.

“Yeah I’ll come over.” I muttered, aware of the large smile that was on his face.

“Hey! Enough of the sibling secrecy.” Jimmy’s voice called from behind us as he ran to catch up with us. Jimmy was one of Zack and Brian’s best friends. He was wonderfully weird and crazy in the best way possible and could always put a smile on my face with very little effort. I smiled then as well, as Jimmy slung a long arm around my shoulder.

“You trying to get away from Brian again?” he asked as we continued walking. I shot a look over my shoulder, seeing Zack and Brian engrossed in a conversation a few feet behind us.

“I tried telling her he’s not that bad.” Johnny said before I could open my mouth to answer. I shot him a glare worthy of my grandmother before returning my eyes sheepishly to Jimmy.

“Yes, Brian is an ass, and he doesn’t always think before he speaks but he doesn’t mean any harm, he really is a good guy.” Jimmy explained. I rolled my eyes not totally convinced.

“You’re coming to Matt’s later right?” Jimmy asked me as we came to a stop outside of Brian’s house, where he was also currently staying. I nodded slowly as Zack and Brian caught up to us.

“Great, see you later.” Jimmy replied with a smile as he and Brian turned to walk up the small driveway that led to the front door.

Once we arrived home I retreated quickly to my room, putting some music on while I set about doing my homework. Once that was out of the way I relaxed back onto my bed, grabbing hold of my copy of The Catcher in the Rye. I only seemed to get a few pages into it before there was a knock at the door disturbing me.

“You still coming to Matt’s?” Johnny asked, poking his head around the door, his bass in his hand.

“Yeah, let me just put some shoes on.” I muttered in reply, marking my page in the book before grabbing my battered black converse and putting them on.

When Johnny, Zack and I got to Matt’s everyone was there apart from Brian. We all gathered into the garage which Matt’s parents allowed them to use as a kind of band practice room. I sat quietly on the worn out sofa next to Matt who was strumming out a tune on an acoustic guitar as Jimmy sat behind his drum kit tapping out a quiet beat as they waited for their lead guitarist to arrive.

“Where is he anyway?” I asked glancing at my watch.

“He had to do something for his mom first.” Jimmy explained with a smile. I don’t know why exactly but that thought was enough to put a smile on my face.

Johnny came to take a seat next to me as he sat with his bass, easily finding a bass line that fitted in well with what the other guys were playing. They were interrupted when Brian made his entrance, strutting in with a smirk across his face.

The guys started practicing and I sat back and watched. I had to admit they were pretty good. Goosebumps erupted over my body as I watched Johnny. He reminded me so much of Charlotte and the way she played. No one else would know it but he mimicked her posture as he played. Charlie had always loved playing bass and had been over the moon when Johnny had picked up her bass and asked her to teach him. I think that after she died, playing bass was what helped him through. It was how he coped with everything life was throwing at him.

As I watched him I knew Johnny had managed to find a good group of guys to be friends with. He fitted in effortlessly. I felt a small smile work its way onto my face as I realised that they were my friends as well. For the first time since being moved into care I could safely say that both Johnny and I were in a home where we liked the family and the family liked us, and we’d also found a group of friends where both of us fitted in. quite simply we were on the way to being happy again.

My thoughts were interrupted when I realised that they’d stopped playing and were setting down their instruments.

“So what did you think sis?” Johnny asked as he took his seat next to me again.

“You guys are pretty cool.” I replied with a genuine smile.

“The guys are trying to get us to play a show at Chain Reaction in a couple of weeks. Do you think we’re good enough?” he asked.

“Dude, we know we’re good enough.” Matt stated simply with a smile in my direction.

I rolled my eyes at Matt’s confidence but smiled at the same time. You couldn’t help but return a smile from Matt. His dimples were irresistible.

“Hey, short shit, I need a drink, run upstairs and get us some will ya.” Brian called over from his seat on the office chair. I turned my head in surprise, wanting to know who he was talking to and staring in horror when I saw Johnny get up from his seat with a mutter of ‘Okay’ and disappear through the door that lead into the house.

I stared in disbelief for a long moment, still not sure if I’d really heard and seen that just happen. When Johnny returned moments later with six bottles in his hand that’s when the anger kicked it.

“I can’t believe you just fucking did that!” I yelled causing everyone in the room to turn and face me.

“What?” Johnny asked with a puzzled look as he handed Zack one of the bottles.

“How fucking dare you speak to him like that, treat him like he’s no better than some piece of shit you’ve just wiped off your shoe!” I yelled turning my attention towards Brian.

“Angie, its ok…” Johnny began to protest.

“No Johnny! It’s not alright! They can’t talk to you like that; you’re not some piece of crap they’ve trodden in. And I can’t believe you’re actually letting them!” I yelled feeling my face flush red with anger as my hands balled into fists.

“Why do you do it hey? Because he’s new? Younger? Shorter?” I continued turning again to yell at Brian, who did nothing to help himself as he stood opposite me with a bemused smirk across his smug face.

“What’s your problem? So he fetched us some drinks!” he replied with a hint of a laugh in his voice. That did it for me. I saw red.

“You are my fucking problem Haner! I’m not going to stand back and let you treat my brother like that. We’ve gone through too much together for me to stand by and allow anybody to treat him like that.” I yelled stepping forward, moving towards him. I wasn’t actually fully aware that I’d punched him until I felt the pain seer through my hand as I watched Brian stumble back. Before I had a chance to react to anything I’d turned on my heels and marched out of the garage. I just let my feet take me to wherever they wanted to as I concentrated on the pain in my hand and trying to calm myself again.
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Sorry this has taken so long guys....that's if there's actualy anyone still reading this. Unfortunatly this story is going to be kept on hiatus for a while while I'm figuring out just where it's going. I kinda know but it may take some time :)

So please be patient and don't forget to let me know what you think.... :)