Status: On hiatus again sorry guys.

Poprocks and Coke

Chapter 5

Hearing Maria in the kitchen I made my way down stairs, my well rehearsed argument ready in my head.

“Afternoon sweetie, good day at school?” she asked glancing around as I entered the room.

“As good as a day can be for a senior yeah.” I said with a smile.

“Good.” She replied as she continued to unpack the groceries. Spotting a full bag on the counter I started to help her.

“Um Maria?” I started.

“Yes sweetie?” she replied with a smile.

“Well um, I was wondering if it’d be okay if I got a job. Just on weekends. So that I could have an extra bit of cash. I wouldn’t let it interfere with my school work and…” I rambled.

“Do you have something in mind?” she asked cutting my speech short.

“Well, um, I was in Sugar Shack earlier and noticed they had a position available.” I replied.

“So long as your grades don’t drop I don’t see why not.” She said with a smile.

“Really? Thanks Maria.” I replied with a wide grin.

“Just don’t let me down.” she replied sternly. “Now go get the job.”

“I won’t Maria. I promise.” I said, giving her a hug before turning and leaving the house.

I quickly made my way over to Sugar Shack and asked to talk to the owner about the job vacancy.

“That would be me sweetie.” The middle aged woman said with a warm smile. “I’m Michele Turner.”

“Oh okay, I’m Angie Williams.” I replied offering my hand. She walked around the counter and led us over to one of the tables.

“Maria Baker’s foster daughter right?” she replied as we sat down.

“Um, yeah.” I replied a little taken a back that she knew who I was.

“Okay, now have you had any experience?” she asked.

“Erm, no not exactly.” I said sheepishly.

“Okay, well that’s no bother really, from what Maria was saying the other week; you’ll pick it up easily. Now, do you have time now to do some training?” she asked.

“Now? Um, yeah I guess.” I replied with a smile.

“Brilliant. Come on I’ll introduce you to my son Mike and he can show you the ropes.” She said standing up and walking back over to the counter. “He works her most weekends.”

“Mike, could I borrow you for a moment.” She called over to the guy serving behind the counter. I’d seen him working here a few times when I’d been in with the other guys. He was tall with short dark hair; brown eyes and a well defined body with a few visible tattoos. I’d often caught myself watching him.

“What’s up?” he asked with a smile and a glance in my direction.

“This is Angie, she’s going to be working here so can you show her what’s what?” she asked.

“It’ll be my pleasure.” He replied with another smile. I smiled back, feeling myself blush.

“Thank you, I’ll leave you to it.” Michele said before disappearing into the kitchen.

“Right, step this way and I’ll show you the basics.” Mike said indicating for me to step behind the counter.

“I’ve seen you in here a few times haven’t I?” he asked as we walked down to the other end of the counter.

“Yeah, me and my mates tend to hang out here after school on occasions and on a Saturday afternoon.” I replied smiling at the thought that he’d recognised and remembered me.

“Yeah you’re always with those boys who are in a band yeah?” he asked.

“That’s them yeah.” I replied. “My brother, foster brother and his mates.”

“So none of them your boyfriend then?” he asked, his cheeks reddening a little.

“Um, no.” I said feeling myself blush as he just silently nodded, a small smirk appearing on his lips.

He then began to show me the ropes, explaining about working the coffee machine, taking orders, all the stuff I’d need to know.

“Okay, so would you like to have a go at serving?” he asked me once he’d shown me most of the stuff I’d need to know.

“I guess.” I said with a shrug.

“You’ll be fine, and there, you can have these coming in now.” he said as the door opened. I looked around to see Matt and Val walk into the store quickly followed by Brian, Jimmy, Zack and Johnny.

“Oh no, please.” I replied pleadingly.

“Hey, what are you doing behind there?” Zacky yelled causing the others to turn to face me.

“Well um, I guess I work here now.” I replied with a quick glance at Mike who nodded.

“Since when?” Brian asked.

“About an hour ago.” Mike replied.

“Awesome! Freebies!” Johnny yelled with a large smile.

“Don’t think so bro.” I replied smiling back at him as he frowned. “Now, what can I get you guys?”

I successfully served the guys their drinks before Michele returned and gave me an apron and name badge and asked me to be back in the morning for my first shift. I thanked her and Mike before joining the guys.

“So when’s your first proper shift?” Jimmy asked as I sat down.

“Tomorrow morning.” I replied with a smile.

“Aw, look she’s got a little apron to wear.” He teased grabbing it from me and holding it up.

“And I get a name badge too.” I replied holding it up.

“Do you get to work with Michele’s son much?” Val asked glancing over at Mike.

“Mike? Yeah I guess I will be. He works every weekend and most afternoons if he’s not in college.” I replied. As he was training me up, Mike and I had talked a lot and he told me that he was the only one of Michele’s children who had shown an interest in working at Sugar Shack and was working there while he was also doing a business degree.

“Lucky you.” Val replied quietly.

“Babe?” Matt yelled.

“What? Sorry babe, but he’s cute.” She replied with a small shrug of her shoulders.

“And he’s a college guy.” I added feeling myself blush.

“You think he’s cute?” Matt, Brian and Jimmy yelled at the same time.

Me and Val looked at each other and at the three guys and began to laugh.

“Are you jealous?” Val asked once she’d stopped laughing enough to talk.

“NO!” Matt protested sternly.

“What about you two?” I asked looking between Brian and Jimmy.

“Why would I be jealous?” Jimmy asked.

“Exactly, you’re free to think whoever you want is cute.” Brian added.

“Oh Val, I think we hurt their feelings.” I said mockingly.

"Oh bless them. Don't worry babe you have nothing to worry about.'' Val said.

"I get why Matt's all jealous but what's with you two?'' Zack asked looking at Brian and Jimmy.

"Nothing. Just don't see the attraction is all.'' Jimmy replied.

"Oh sweetie, you'll always be my number one.'' I said giving Jimmy a hug.

"Hey what about me?'' Brian asked with a pout.

"Yeah I guess you'd come next, tied with Zacky.'' I replied.

"I am so much cuter than Zack.'' Brian mumbled.

"Apparently not Gates.'' Zack said triumphantly earning a glare from Brian.

"So how come you decided to get a job?'' Johnny asked quickly changing the subject.

"Dunno, something to do, some extra money?'' I replied shrugging my shoulders. "I've been thinking about it for a few weeks and asked Maria about it after seeing the sign in the window yesterday. She said that as long as it doesn’t interfere with my school work I’ll be fine.”

“She says the same to me about the band, but she’s never carried out her threat.” Zack said.

“Talking about the band, are we going to have a practice or not?” Jimmy asked.

“Yeah dude, come on guys.” Matt said quickly finishing his drink and standing up.

We all finished our drinks too and I gathered all glasses and took them over to the counter.

“Thanks Angie; See you in the morning.” Mike called over to me from where he was serving a customer.

“Bye Mike, see you tomorrow.” I replied with a smile and a small wave before turning and leaving.

“You don’t really think he’s cuter than me do you?” Jimmy asked as he placed an arm around my shoulders.

“Only a little bit sweetie.” I said with a smile, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

Jimmy smiled proudly as we continued to walk to Matt’s house. When we got there me and Val crashed on the sofa while the guys started to play a few songs.

“So are you looking forward to working closely with Mike?” she asked quietly with a playful glint in her eyes.

“Well, I’ll put it this way, he’s definitely going to make working there a lot more, let’s say interesting.” I replied with a grin.

“Are you going to be hoping to be closing up together? In the store room or something?” she said suggestively.

“Valary!” I glared at her with a smile on my face.

“Shh! And come on, you can’t tell me that with all the times we’ve been in there and seen him you haven’t had one dirty thought about what you and him could do after hours?” she said as I felt myself blush again.

“See I can tell by your blush. And you know what else I know too?” she said smugly.

“I’m sure you’re about to tell me.” I said.

“You have admirers.” She stated with a glance over towards the guys.

“What who?” I asked also glancing over in their direction.

“Well I’m obviously not talking about Johnny. Matt is already spoken for and Zack is trying to build up the confidence to ask that Gena girl so who does that leave?” she replied.

“Brian? And Jimmy? No. you’re wrong.” I stated.

“Um, did you not see the way they were acting when we were talking about Mike?” she said with wide eyes. “They like you Angie. I’ll bet good money on it.”

“Shit. What do I do?” I asked.

“There’s nothing you can do sweetie. Unless of course you like either of them.” She replied.

“I love them both, but only ever as friends. And the last thing I want to do is lose them as friends. Especially considering how well Brian and I have been getting on since Johnny’s birthday.” I replied quietly.

“You won’t. And hey. I may be wrong.” She said with an encouraging smile. I smile back unconvincingly, hoping that Val was wrong about this, and sat back to watch the guys. As I watched I wondering if it was my imagination that Brian and Jimmy both kept looking over to me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Gah! This story sucks right now! Why am I even bothering to post it? And why are any of you reading it? It's no where near as good as my others!

Anyway, comments would be good :)