Status: Inactive

We All Roll Along

My Happy Ending

I lay in bed, not wanting to get up. I was getting married. Fucking married. In one week. But to Zack. I don’t know why I’m so scared - why should I be? I’m marrying Zack. Legally attached to my one love.

Juliette had been staying at our house for the past week along with Stephen and his brother John; helping out with pretty much everything. Planning a wedding is the most hectic thing I’ve ever done - and planing one with a five-year-old attached to your hip makes it almost double the work. Luckily Noah was smitten with John. If I didn’t have so much work to do, I’d be jealous of all the time he got to spend with Noah.

“Alrighty, boys,” I said to Zack, Stephen, John and Noah - all sitting on the living room floor playing a mashed up game of Battle Ship and Candyland. “Juliette and I are off. So, like, don’t burn down the house or anything while we’re gone.” I gave them a little wave before turning on my black heel out the door, my arm linked with Juliette’s; off we went, to buy my wedding dress.

I had on a simple outfit; along with my heels I had on a high waisted dark green skirt, with pockets in the front. I’d tied on a vintage brown leather belt and tucked in a simple white racerback.

I smiled at Juliette, looking no less fashionable. Her hair was tied into a slopping side ponytail, her loose curls landing on her almost off the shoulder white T-shirt, a simple and large Chanel logo printed across the front. I must admit, she was pulling off the whole biker-shorts with ripped up jean shorts pretty damn well. Her feet were clad in scuffed black army boots, not completely tied up and folding down around her ankles.

We eventually arrived at the dress shop; both of us stared in awe at the extravagant pristine white dresses that laced the display window.

“So, um,” Juliette muttered, trying to find something to say to ready us to go inside, “do you think they’ll let me in with these shoes on?” We both burst into a fit of giggles, our nervousness leaving us and replaced with a sense of carelessness, as we entered the shop.

The two of us walked around glancing and some dresses, waiting for someone to come and help us.

“Um,” I turned around and saw a small woman looking nervous her finger in the air, as though she was about to tap my shoulder.

“Yes?” I said, trying my best to look kind. For some reason people assume that because I’ve got piercings, am skinny and know fashion that I’m a bitch. Not true. Of course, Juliette uber-hipster get up didn’t help the intimidation factor.

“Can, er, I help you with anything?”

“Oh, yea!” I exclaimed, “I need a dress,” I said. The woman looked as though she was still looking for me to say something. “You know - for my wedding.”

“Your wedding?” she said, looking surprised.

I was too anxious to be offended; it was only one week from my wedding and I needed a dress, stat. ‘Erm, yea. So - anything you can suggest? I’m not really a dress person.” I could hear Juliette pshawing from behind me as she looked through racks of dresses

“Dei, you wear dresses all the time - what are you talking about?”

“Well, a maxi orange, brown, and red paisley print dress is hardly what I would call formal,” I pointed out.

After what felt like hours I looked up at the clock, still in the same dress shop. It was quarter to three and I was getting hungry. I’d been trying on dresses all day, none of which suited me even remotely.

“Well, Juli, ready to head out?” I turned to her chair from where I stood, surrounded my mirrors, to find her not there. “Juli?”

She rushed in; or at least I think it was her. Massive amounts of white material billowed around her as she attempted to carry the dress to me.

“What the fuck Juli? You know they have people here to do that for you.”

“I know, I know. But when I saw this I got really excited. You have to try it on.”

“Last one though,” I said sternly. I do love shopping. But let me put it this way - luckily I’m planing on getting married only once. I wouldn’t want to go through this again.

I shoved my self and the beast of a dress into the fitting room. I slipped out of the one I was wearing and attempted to get the other on. I could barely see what it looked like from all the amount of fabric bunching everywhere I looked around the edges of the room. I finally stepped out and the dress fell into place. It was strapless and fitted until my hips where it then billowed out and went on forever. It was the most beautiful dress I’d ever seen.

“I’m taking it,” I said after giving a quick glance in the mirror, not even bothering to see what the back looked like.

“Ma’m, have you looked at the price on that?” I heard the shop keeper call as I got out of the dress and back into my normal clothes.

“Hunny,” I yelled back, zipping up my jeans, “my boyfriend is a rock star. He can pay for anything.”

I could practically hear Juliette eye’s rolling; but I didn’t care. I was far too happy to care about much of anything.
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I've got up to chapter 9 written as we speak, and am going to continue tonight - Hopefully finish it up in 11 chapters.
Any suggestions for other stories/one shots?