Status: Inactive

We All Roll Along

I Wanna Love You

“Just shut up okay!” Zack screamed at me.

I looked at him stunned. Why, oh, why in the course of our relationship had we never fought until now? When we finally decide to get married, for fuck's sake!

I ran from the room, tears quickly streaming from my eyes and covering my cheeks. I grabbed the car key and Noah, shouting back to Zack, “I’m taking him, okay? There is nothing you can say about it. He doesn’t need to be in this type of environment.”

I hurried Noah out to the car and buckled him in before getting myself into the driver’s seat. I glanced back at my son, and knew this was the right decision.

“Where are we going, Mommy?” Noah asked me as his fiddled with his thumbs.

“Well.” I knew this part would come, I had just been hoping to some how avoid it all together. “You are going to stay with auntie Jac for a while. Don’t worry, not for too long.”

“Like a sleep over?”

“Um, a little longer then a sleep over, babe. Mommy and Daddy have just been so busy with our wedding lately. We want to make sure that you are being taken care of properly.” That was the biggest lie I’d ever told my son. Zack and I were fully capable of taking care of Noah; more so than Jac Vanek. But at Jac’s there wouldn’t be any yelling in the middle of the night over who knows what.
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I know it's a short one - after such a long hiatus! But I've got the rest of the story written, so hopefully you guys like it and respond well so I can update quickly!