Holding You so Close Makes It Feel so Right

Chapter One.

His hand brushed against mine, sending shivers throughout my body.
I gripped my microphone nervously, holding my breath as Ryan began to speak.
Adam noticed how tense I was and took my hand, lacing our fingers together.
My breath was caught in my throat, my pulse rapidly thumping in my chest.
We stood together in the wings, our breathing deep and palms sweaty.

“Adam,” I said softly, my voice cracking.

“Yeah?” he asked, his voice coming out in a melodious murmur.

“No matter what happens, I want you to know that this has been the time of my life, and mostly because I’ve spent it with you.”

He smiled that dazzling smile of his, “I feel the same way, this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance and you made it worth much more.”

I blushed and smiled shyly.

“Adam, we need you on stage right immediately,” Mike, a technical aide said as he came up behind me.

Adam turned to me, wrapping me in a caring, blissful hug.
I smiled into the crook of his neck, breathing in his aroma.
He smelled like cookies and laundry detergent.
We pulled away slightly and stared into each other’s eyes briefly.
My heartbeat raced, his stunning blue eyes mesmerizing me, he leaned in closer to me, his breath tickling my skin.
My eyes quivered closed, his detectible-looking lips centimeters away from mine.
Oh my god, he was going to kiss me.

“Adam!” Mike barked, startling us both, causing Adam to jump away from me.

I instantly craved his warmth.
I blushed, realizing that Mike just witnessed what almost happened.
As he left, my eyes trailed after his round ass.
I blushed crimson red, what was I thinking?
I reminded myself that I was married, and straight.
I inwardly laughed at myself, what a load of bullshit.
Katy was the wrong woman, or person, for me.
I heard Ryan say my name loudly and I was signaled to walk on stage.
Throughout the entire 2-hours+ show I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the eccentric, beautiful man who was my only competitor.
It was all a daze, until I was standing side-by-side, arms around each other’s shoulders with Adam awaiting the results of this exhausting, but amazing season of American Idol.

“For the final time this season, dim the lights here we go,” Ryan said in his announcer-man voice.

“After the nationwide vote, of nearly 100 million, the winner of American Idol 2009 is…”

Adams arm tensed around me and I held him closer.

“Kris Allen!”

The moment I heard ‘Kris’ come out of Seacrest’s mouth, my jaw dropped open.
Adam was smiling widely, immediately pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

“Congratulations,” he whispered in my ear, loudly enough so I could hear him.

He pulled away from me slightly, shaking me, “Kris! You won!” he cheered, grinning broadly.

He hugged me again, and I hugged back tightly, still shocked.
The crowd was roaring in cheers and collective astonished “what?” ‘s.

“You should’ve won,” I told Adam, as we broke apart.

“Adam Lambert, Ladies and Gentlemen!” Ryan said, pointing him out.

I giggled when he bowed.

“Good job, you’re a superstar bro, you are a superstar!” Ryan complimented Adam, causing him to glance at me, chuckling.

Ryan put his arm around me, “Kris Allen! You have just won American Idol, bro.”

I was still recovering, “Dang!” I said, finally having it sink in.

“You did it! The underdog, the dark horse, comes back and wins the nation over! How does it feel?”

“It feels good, man, but Adam deserves this.”

“Of course it feels good, you won!”

“I’m sorry, I don’t even know what to feel right now. This is crazy! Thank you so much.”

“We’ve got something special for you. Please accept our new American Idol Winner’s Trophy as well, check this out.”

I looked to my left, and a girl in a green dress walked out, carrying a silver microphone plaque.
She hugged me and kissed my cheek.

“You did it, man. Well done!” Ryan congratulated again, “Do you have anything to add?”

I was speechless.

“I-I-uh, um. I- I don’t know!” I wailed.

“What to do you want to say to all the folks that voted for you?” he asked me.

“Um, uh thank you!” I said, amused at my own loss for words, “um, you guys are the reason that all of us are here. So thank you so much.”

Ryan took back control of the mic, “Two superstars! Adam Lambert and your Idol, Kris Allen, Ladies and Gentlemen!”

Adam walked back over towards me, hugging me once again.

“You deserve it!” he whispered.

The rest of my time on stage was a blur; I just stood there dumbly,
Then, I was handed a mic and the opening of ‘No Boundaries’ began to play.
It didn’t really register in my brain what was happening, so I stumbled over the first line.
I sang the lyrics, my mind attempting to focus on what had just happened.
After the show ended, everyone rushed backstage and I was receiving million of hugs.
Katy ran over to me and squeezed the breath out of my lungs.
She tried to kiss me but I dodged it, looking for Adam.

“Baby, do you want to go?” she asked, tugging on my hand.

“I’m staying at the mansion, because it’s my last night.” I told her, slightly hugging her, then running off, attempting to escape all of the people.

Don’t get me wrong, I am completely grateful and amazed, but it was getting too hot and I had only wanted to see one person.
I finally caught up with him, walking down an empty corridor.

“You trying to escape the press too?” I asked, falling in sync with his steps.

“Yeah, I am exhausted!” he said, draping an arm over my shoulder.

We stopped walking and he pushed the button to the elevator that was supposed to take us down to the garage level, where a limo was waiting to take us to the besides me and Adam, empty mansion.

He looked at me, “Congratulations,” he said quietly, smiling.

I smiled back and he hugged me, sending chills thought my body.
He looked deeply into my eyes and gently, tenderly pressed his silky lips to mine.