

This Joey kid is quite the charmer. You know those kind of guys that make good impressions on your parents, the ones that open the car door for you. Yep that’s him, and that god damn smile of his.

He hurried his way in front of me so he could open the passenger door of his silver mustang. Once I was in he closed the door and took his time walking to the driver’s side, he ducked in, started the car and pulled out of my driveway. The first few minutes in his car were awkwardly quiet.

I never realized how perfect this kids hair was it was a creamy brown color with that rockerish flip to it. His eyes reminded me of godiva chocolate, the richest of all the chocolate I’ve ever eaten. And wow his skin was flawless. I’m telling you this boy is the closest to perfect I’ve ever seen.

Joey broke the silence. “So Jezebel…”

“Oh please, you can call me Jez.” To my surprise I gave a little giggle.

“Well, how come you switched schools this year?”

Ugh I hate this question, only because I hate the answer. “Hmmm… they changed the boundary lines and it just so happens they ended it a few streets before ours. So now I’m forced to change schools.”

“You know my mom works for the school board, that’s why I didn’t go to your school last year, she transferred me since all of my friends were going to this school. She probably could have got you to stay at your old school.”

“Yeah I know, but my mom was all ‘It’s a chance to meet new people, you’ll be fine don’t worry hon’” I sighed.

I finally looked up from my lap just in time to realize we were already at school. The worst day of my life begins now. I mean I already hate school, but now I have to go to a school where I don’t know anyone. This is horrible!

Joey showed me to the list of everyone’s home room. Room 226, my home room, my hell. He noticed it was on the way to his class, so being the charmer that he is, he walked me to class.

“Here, text me after school so I can tell u where to meet me.” He handed me a strip of paper with his number on it. “I usually hang out with my friends for a little before I leave.”

“Sure thing. Oh and uh thanks for walking me to class Joey.”

“No prob Jez, see ya later.” He said flashing that astonishing smile of his.

My home room was Algebra 2 honors, it’ll be a breeze to pass. I’m pretty good with math, I don’t know it just kind of comes easy to me. Walking into class was weird, I felt as if everyone was staring at me. They looked at me like I was a freak or as if there was a fucking bug on my face.

There was one girl that stood out from the rest. She actually reminded me of….well myself a little bit. She seemed like the kind of person you’d describe as the coolest person in the universe. Her hair was a deep brown almost black, her tips were colored candy apple red as well as her bangs. She wore a turquoise shirt and black skinny jeans with a black and white studded belt like mine. That lucky ass chick had her lip pierced. I swear she must be my long lost twin or something, her flats were even almost identical to mine.

Once the bell rang I realized that there was only one other desk opened and it was next to my “twin.” I took my seat as the teacher, this little middle aged woman, walked into the room.

“Morning everyone, call me Mrs. Richmen. Welcome to Algebra 2 honors, talk amongst yourselves and get to know one another that’s all I really have planned today.” The petite woman informed us.

I glanced around the room hoping maybe just maybe I would know someone, but no luck. I did happen to notice that my unbiological twin was staring at me with this huge smile on her face.

“Uh…hellllllllo?” I asked a bit uncomfortably.

She leaned into my face in a way. “You look scared…how come?” She asked me.

“I’m not. I just don’t know anyone.” I admitted leaning back away from her.

“Well…I’m Alice Anna Adams, but call me Ally.” She introduced herself. “Pound it.” She stuck out her fist and I hit it back. “Look now you know someone.”

“That’s an…interesting name you have.”

I saw her glance at my schedule that Mrs. Richmen passed out. “Yeah well Jezebel isn’t all that popular either girly.” She smiled

“I know I know, it’s a weird name. You can call me Jez though.” I just stared at my desk.

“Naw it’s not weird, I like it , it’s original.”

“Oh…uh thanks, by the way I like your name too.”

“So you have to know at least one other person in this school, I mean seriously it’s a really big school.”

“Well I know my neighbor, Joey, I’m not sure what his last name is but he sort of looks like Ryan Sheckler, with the most amazing smile I’ve ever seen.” I explained remembering his perfect figure standing in my door way.

She busted out laughing. “Bro are you serious?!, that’s my best friend. Dude this is awesome, the three of us can be like the three musketeers.”

Ally’s laugh was now my favorite laugh, it was so contagious. I couldn’t help but to laugh right along with her.

“How’s that going to happen if I barely know the two of you though?”

“Girl, it’ll happen, we’re going to become best friends you’ll see.”

I could tell she was speaking the truth just by the look in her eyes. She was completely serious and I couldn’t wait to become her best friend. Maybe today wasn’t going to be the worst day of my life.

Before I knew it she had my schedule in her hand and was comparing it with hers. “Heyyyyyyyyyyy you have my lunch!” She sounded excited.

“I do?” I questioned

“Yeah, actually you have lunch, third period, and fourth period with me.” She said with a smile. “I hope ya don’t get tired or annoyed with me.”

“Yeh… I don’t really think that’ll happen” I shrugged.

“Oh really?” She looked at me with curious eyes. “Why do you say that?”

“Well you seem pretty cool to me, and I don’t get tired of people that easily. Plus you’re the first person to actually talk to me and not give me a weird look. You know what I mean?”

“Well thanks, and yeah I know what you mean, a lot of people in this school are kind of judgmental I guess, but my friends and I aren’t so don’t worry.”

We spent the rest of that class talking about who was who and what they were like. Ally also invited me to hangout with her and her friends in the mornings. She was surprisingly really easy to talk to. She’s not like those people that you have those long silences with, I feel like I could just spill my guts about anyone to her.

Finally the bell rang and first period was over. Ally showed me to my next class and told me to just wait outside of the class when the bell rang so we could walk to our third period together. I hope this class goes by fast or at least that someone will talk to me.

As I turned to walk into the class the wind whipped my hair which was still tied up in a pony tail making it hit me right in the eye. Ugh that shit hurt. Rubbing my stinging eye I walked into my class which turned out to be Marine 1. I made my way to the back of the room where no one was sitting yet.

I looked around the room trying to read my new classmates. This one kid quickly caught my eye, his eyes wandered to where I was sitting then looked away once he realized I was watching him. Just my luck he started mumbling something to his buddy next to him and I knew it was probably about me. I thought I would be able to avoid that from happening by sitting all the way in the back.

All I could do was just stare at the table that I chose for my seat. Great now I’m paranoid. I feel like everyone is talking about me. Looks like I’m back to this being the worst day ever. I can’t wait for this freakin class to end was all I could think.

My head snapped up as I heard someone cleared their throat next to me. It was the kid that was talking about me. He wore dark skinny jeans with a black and silver studded belt and a plain white shirt. Hi eyes, a dark blue like the ocean and his hair, an even brown flat ironed and hiding part of his face. He looked like he was waiting for me to say something. What, was he waiting for an invitation to talk or something?

“Can I uh sit here?” He asked looking down at me.

I looked around him to see why he wasn’t sitting next to his buddy anymore. Ha! He was replaced by some fake ass bleach blond with big boobs and glossy lips. “Sure, why not.” I answered looking back at him.

It was pretty uncomfortable sitting next to him, he didn’t really talk, just tapped on the table and sighed a couple times. All I was thinking was is he going to talk or not? I mean seriously you can’t get anywhere in life without talking. Duhhhh!

So I decided to be more outgoing than I usually am. “So, I’m Jezebel. This is my first year going to this school.” Wow that sounded mega stupid.

“Yeah I sort of figured that. Oh and my names Nick.” He sounded a little shocked that I started talking to him.

“You figured that? What do you mean?”

“Well you look kind of well I guess you could say scared. Just my opinion.”

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” I wondered out loud


“Well this girl, Ally, in my first period said the same thing. Do I really look THAT scared? It’s just that I don’t know anyone here so I feel out of place.” I said combing my fingers through my bangs.

“Don’t worry you’ll be fine here. But wait, you know her?”

Before I could answer him his body suddenly jerked forward. We both looked behind him to see Joey standing there looking down at us flashing that signature smile of his. I guess he must have shoved Nick's chair causing his body to fling forward. “Hey Nick I think you’re in my seat bro.” He said now looking only at Nick.

“Well I don’t see your name on it. So until I do, this is my seat, like it or not.” Nick answered sounding a bit annoyed.

I couldn’t believe it, Joey took a sharpie that he had placed behind his ear, and wrote his name on the back of the chair. “Oh looky there I’d say that’s my name, what about you Jez, that’s my name isn’t it?

I slid my chair back and looked at the back of Nick…well now Joey‘s chair. “Uh yeah it does say Joey on it. Sorry Nick.” I said looking at him with sorry eyes.

“No worries Jezebel…”

“She likes to be called Jez you jerkface.” Joey snapped.

“Oh sorry. Well then, no worries Jez, I’ll just sit at the table on the other side of you.” I looked to my left and yep there was another table. Out of the corner of my eye I could swear I saw Nick stick his tongue out at Joey and Joey do the same to him.

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