

After a long hour and a half my fourth period, draw/paint 2, was over. I walked out of the class and pulled my phone out to text Joey to find out where he wanted me to meet him. Before I could even click create new message, Ally had snatched my arm and started dragging me off. Here we go again.

“I know where he hangs after school, plus it’s usually with me. Don’t worry just follow me.” She said glancing back at me.

We ended up back at their little spot for lunch under the trees in the courtyard. Everyone from lunch was already there, well except for one person. As we got up to everyone out of the corner of my eye I saw Logan. He was walking towards everyone but I noticed that I was the only one aware of him. I turned to look at him, when he saw me he skidded to a stop and just stared at me. His lips parted as if he was going to say something or maybe he gasped, I don’t really know. Then before I could blink he was already like a mile away.

Ally turned to see what I was looking at. “Don’t worry Jez. You didn’t do anything wrong, I’m sure he’s just having an off day or something. He’ll come around.”