Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

I'm Home

I had entered platform Nine and Three-quarters with my bags in hand. I had said my good byes to my family earlier, before I took the bus to the train station. I was in too much of a hurry to get back to my friends. I gave my bags to one of the train workers, Pete, I had met him my first year. I called a thanks after him as I looked for my four best friends. I spotted bright red hair and darted off towards it.

"Ron!" I said jumping on to, who I thought was, Ron.

"Krysta, your on the wrong person." called the person below me. It was Fred or George. I can never tell them apart.

"Oh sorry," I blushed, hopping off their back and pulling Ron into a huge hug.

"Krysta, your killing me." he breathed as I hugged him tighter.

"Sorry," I said pulling away. "Harry! Hermione!"

I pulled my other two best friends into a group hug, while being greeted with hellos. I felt eyes staring at my back, so I twirled the two around to look who it was. Fred was the only one behind me, but I wasn't really friends with him. We knew eachother and everything, but not so close. He smiled at me, as I released Harry and Hermione.

Why was he so smiley? I couldn't help but smile back, I felt like being nice today. I then spotted Jenny running from behind him, only causing me to scream and run past Fred.

"JENNY!" I screamed running into her as she ran towards me. We fell to the ground laughing like idiots. My wavy hair was all over the place as I hugged her, and like always her light brown hair was perfectly in place.

"I haven't seen you in forever," she joked as we stood up, brushing off the dirt from the floor off our clothes.

"I know one hour is too long," I replied adjusting my carry on bag on my shoulder.

"George!" Jenny screamed running over to George, who was talking to his brother.

"Nice to see you too," I mumbled, but kept my smile on my face. I can't help it if my best friend loves this guy, even though she isn't dating him.

"I suppose we should get on the train and find a compartment," said a voice from behind me. I turned around to find Fred looking down at me, was he talking to me? I really haven't talked to him before.

"Yeah," I said surprised. We all got on the train and found an empty compartment towards the back of the train. We all piled into the compartment, taking our seats.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat across from me talking about their summers and school. While I sat next to Jenny, who was too busy talking to George. So I pulled out my Ipod blasting the volume as the music played, tuning out reality.

I sat there with my head pressed up against the cold window, staring at the wilderness outside of it. Suddenly, one of my head phones was pulled out of my ear and I could feel someone sitting next to me. I looked over to see Fred with one off my head phones in his ear, smiling from right beside me.

"I hope you don't mind me sitting next to you, George is kinda busy talking to Jenny and I got bored."

"No it's okay," I assured him looking back out the window as the music played. I don't know when, but soon after I fell asleep staring out the window.

~A Few Hours Later~

I felt myself being carried and I could no longer hear the music. I felt someones strong arms under me and a weight placed on top of me. All around me was warm, till I heard a door open and I was hit with wind and rain.

My eyes opened quickly, where was I? I looked around at my surroundings, I was at the Hogwarts train station. The whole place was surrounded with students, some dressed in robes and others in regular clothes. I looked up at who was carrying me, Fred. He hadn't noticed I was awake, so I shut my eyes again as he hovered over me, I guess trying to prevent me from getting wet. It wasn't working.

I got tired of waiting and playing passed out, so i opened my eyes to find Fred looking down at me. I blushed and looked up at the glistening castle. Why was this boy making me blush? I hardly knew him and didn't like him. Heck, I didn't like anybody like that.

"Look who finally came around," Fred said, still carrying me to a carriage. None of our friends were around, only Jenny and George. But they were too ingaged into a conversation to even notice I was awake. I looked down at my lap to find my carry on bag resting there getting pelted with rain. I hope my phone and Ipod aren't getting wet.. Fred lifted me into the carriage, which actually had a top on it, so the rain stopped hitting my face.

"Isn't that cute," Jenny cooed, noticing that I was awake.

"Shut up, Jenny." I barked causing her to just smirk and George joined her.

"You can put me down," I said to Fred as his grip tightened. For some reason I didn't want him to let me go, I felt protected in his arms.

"Oh, yeah." He said setting me next to him, across from Jenny and George.I looked up through the carriage window at the lighted castle.

And for once all summer, I felt at home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, its different you have to admitt. But I love Harry Potter, so I wrote a love story. 'Cause I love Fred! lol. Okay Krysta doesn't like him, but that don't be so fooled! Plenty is to come!
And if you don't like it, sorry.

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