Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

Dark Dreams

"Your the death eater I've been seeking for.." he whispered to me, his snake like features pulling me in.

I was standing in a meadow, but this wasn't a happy one. Powerful darkness filled it, storm clouds brewed as I stepped closer and closer to him. The blackness of a forest was behind him, a horror of many bodies surrounded us. Where was I?

"What do you want with me?" I stuttered, causing Voldemort only to smirk.

"I want you," He said before placing a cold long finger to my face, stroking from my ear down to my chin.

"You can't, I resist you! I am not going to follow your dark ways, you will never win!" I screamed, backing away from him. Why did he want me? Me a death eater? You've got to be kidding.

"Oh dear, I nearly have." he said looking down at one of the bodies lying at our feet.

There lied Fred, doubled up and pale. His face nearly as white as snow, his hair askew, and he wasn't moving. He was dead.

"Fred," I whimpered, bending down to the ground where he lay. There was no answer.

He couldn't be dead, he couldn't. I fought myself to believe. But he was. I picked up his head lightly, turning it over to face me. His emerald eyes were cold, the ones that I had once loved and could fall into, were now cold as ice and frightened. I cried into his hair, begging why.

"Why did you do this?!" I demanded, looking up into the pale face of Voldemort. Tears in my eyes, I wanted to kill him. But I was too weak.

"Why I didn't do it, you did my child. You are the most powerful death eater alive, killing the one you loved." he answered with a dark grin. "Now join me, nothing here is left for you. Together we can conquer all,"

"No, I will never!" I screamed, grabbing my wand out of my pocket.

I was too late, Voldemort cast a spell on me in a flash. I was overcome by darkness and all I felt was pain. I felt a rather large amount of weight pushed onto to me and all I could do was scream. Feeling the tears pour down my face. I felt nothing.

"Krysta, Krysta! Baby, what’s wrong?!" a voice called from my shut eyes. The pain was gone, but I felt the tears and weight still on me. My mouth was wide open and screaming, as I kicked and punched something.

"Get away from me! You killed him, you killed him!" I kept repeating at the top of my lungs.

"Ow!.. That one really hurt," said the person on top of me, I tried to open my eyes but tears blurred my vision. I recognized the voice.

"Fred, oh Fred, your alive!" I cooed, as my vision became clear once more. I wrapped my arms around him from where he sat. Trying to straddle my arms, from when I was hitting him.

"I always have, Krysta. It was a bad dream." He said rubbing my back. A scorching pain soared through my back.

"Ow!" I cried out in pain, pulling away from him.

"What is it?" he asked, worry filled his face.

"My back, it hurts like I was hit badly." I said, pulling up the back of my tank top to feel it more clearly. Sure enough, a burning pain hit and I gasped.

"Let me look," Fred said. I turned my back towards him and raised the back of my shirt once more.

"I don't see anything," Fred said, "Does this hurt?" He trailed the tips of his fingers from the top of my back down to the middle and lower.

"No," I said, there was no longer any pain. What was going on? A minute ago it felt like I had been attacked and left with a wound, and now it felt normal except for the tingling feeling from where Fred touched me.

"You sure your okay? Do I need to take you to the Hospital Wing?"

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt, really." I assured him, "What are you doing in here anyway?"

"Checking on you, you were screaming pretty loud and your eyes are blood shot. It must of been one bad dream you had there."

"Oh, it must of been. It felt so real.. You were dead.." I trailed off, looking into his face.

"I was dead?"

"Voldemort had killed you, but he said I did."

"That's it, no more sugar before bed. This is what gives you these nightmares!" Fred said with a laugh, trying to change the subject.

"I suppose so," I said weakly, I swore it must have been real. I have never had a dream like that before.

"Now, why don't you get dressed and we head down to the dining hall before class?" Fred smiled, pecking me on the lips.

"Yeah, sounds good to me," I said trying to get my mind off the nightmare, I smiled at him and he smiled back. I loved these moments. "Now go wait downstairs and I will be right down."

"Aw, I wanted to stay here," he said with a smirk as I got up and pushed him out the door.

"One day, Mr. Weasley, maybe." I smiled.

"Fine, Miss. Daniels. That day will come!" he declared as I closed the door behind him.

I took a quick shower, managing to clear the dream out of my mind. I then dried off and brushed my teeth. I quickly gotdressed. With a white tank top underneath so I didn't have to button it all the way up, and with my usual converse. I then brushed my dry hair, leaving it curly, and hurried to apply eyeliner. Once, checking over myself twice I made my way down to the common room.

"Ready for breakfast?" Fred asked with a smile, as his eyes lit up to my presence. He walked over to me, placing his hand gently on my back, as if the pain was still there, and pulled me into a short kiss.

"Yeah," I said, pulling away. I mean we weren't even together! What the hell! Just ask me to be your girlfriend already! But that was right now at the least of my worries.

"Oh, and we have Defense Against the Dark Arts today. They just posted it," he said as we walked out of the port hole.

And just as I thought I would forget it, the dream was back in my head. Replaying over and over again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooo, what now?! Post your thought on what you think might happen! Best yet, the Fall Ball/ homecomming dance is coming up! So lets see what happens there shall we?

Tell me what you think & what you think may happen due to this dream!

Comment.Subscribe.Spread. Please!

-Krysta :)