Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love


Dumbledore was right, the ball was only a week away and I had nothing planned. I didn't even have a dress! At least the date part was covered, which was the main thing I was focused on. Which is why us girls and the guys are here in Hogsmede to get our dresses and what ever the guys were wearing.

"Hate it!" I exclaimed as I came out of the small changing room wearing a strapless mini dress. It looked more like a shirt, rather a dress. It was red and came up higher then my mid thigh.

"I love it," Fred said, sitting up from the chair he was sitting in. All the boys were there pitching in their opinions. Harry was more dazed and George was sitting next to his brother, Jenny in his lap. Ron was on the other side of them, watching as Hermione looked through dresses.

Did I forget to mention that Jenny and George were together? I know it's pretty obvious, but Jenny didn't like to agree with anything till it was official. Just like me. I gave Fred a half smile and an eye roll.

"I bet you do," I said walking back into the changing room. I was then barreled with dresses that Hermione and Jenny had agreed for me to try on. I picked up a blue one, knowing that it was short already. Most of the dresses were.

"This one is more for a Spring Dance," I said coming out of the tiny room. The dress was beautiful, but nothing I would wear. It had beaded swirls down the front. The straps cropped it up to where not much cleavage showed, and it swept below my knees.

"I agree, it doesn't show enough," Jenny said and I rolled my eyes for the second time today. I didn't want cleavage, or to even reveal anything!

"Try on this," Hermione said handing me the millionth dress. It was black and simple looking. It didn't have straps, but it looked like it would end at knee length. A silver bow tired around at the middle, it looked more like a prom dress. However to us, this was like prom.

"Okay," I said, slipping back into the dressing room and pulling the dress on.

Surprisingly, I loved it. It didn't hug my body that much, just the top did. A little cleavage showed, due to having no straps. It came a little ways above my knee, but fitted me perfectly. I brushed my hair over my shoulders and looked myself in the mirror. I looked amazing in the dress, I loved every aspect of it.

"Hermione, Jenny, can you come in here?" I asked unlocking the door for them to walk in. I heard movement outside the door, and soon their heads popped in through the door.

"You rang?" Jenny asked in the worst British accent I have ever heard. I waved for them to come in, and they did so.

"You look beautiful!" Hermione exclaimed as I showed them the dress.

"I love it!" Jenny agreed, motioning for me to turn around. I spun around slowly and turned back to my friends. They smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"Can we see?" I heard George and Fred yell from outside.

"No, its a surprise," Jenny answered for me. I did want to surprise them, and boy couldn't I wait for Friday.

"Aw," I heard all the boys whine. Causing us girls to giggle.

I couldn't wait.


"So I can't see it?" Fred asked as he swung our arms between us, as we walked down to the Black lake.

"Nope, it's a surprise." I sang as we stopped, and I turned to face him.

"Aw, doesn't my opinion matter?" He asked with a pout. He was trying his best to pull off the puppy dog eyes, but wasn’t succeeding that well. I thought it was cute anyway.

“It does, but I want you to see it when I‘m all pretty and everything,” I sighed sitting down on the grass. It was almost sunset, I loved this time of day. I stared over the lake, thinking.

“But your always pretty,” Fred said as he slid beside me, putting his arms around my waist to pull me closer. His hair was messy making him look like a cuter then ever.

I smiled at him, boring into his beautiful emerald eyes. I searched every aspect of them, as it told me everything. He really truly loved me, words couldn’t even describe it. I looked down at our hands, that were laced together perfectly. I smiled, thinking of the quote, “god made spaces between our fingers for the one who really loved us to fill them.” I couldn’t believe it, but I was actually falling for Fred. Only a few weeks ago I thought he was an annoying friend.

“Fred, I l-” I started to say, but shook my head. I couldn’t tell him, I didn’t know what love was. I never gave it a chance, just ran from it. Before I could ever tell anyone I loved them, I needed to know for sure. I was hurt too much, that I can’t take the pain anymore.

“You what?” Fred asked, taking my head in his hands. Pulling me up to look up at him.

“I‘m really glad I‘m going to the ball with you,” I stated, it really wasn’t a lie. “I‘m really glad we‘re together.” And, not a lie.

“I am too,” he said with a smile, looking back up at the now setting sun set. His eyes glistening from it’s light, making his hair seem like fire.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked after a few minutes of silence. He didn’t turn towards me, but just smiled.

“You,” he said simply. I smiled looking back at the sun set, as it disappeared in the distance.

“What are you thinking about?” Fred asked, I kept staring at the darkening skies.

“Honestly, I‘m thinking about how long this will last,” I said looking over at him. I saw the moon lift silently into the sky behind him. He nodded, looking at the ground then back into my eyes.

“As long as the sun shines, as long as there will be a tomorrow. I will love you. You can always count on that,” He said finally. It was poetic and sweet, something that I thought I would never hear coming from Fred Weasley. No matter how many times he told me he loved me, and that he would wait, I would never get over. It was unbearable to believe, but a part of me did.

“Even if we were apart, and I never loved you the same?” I asked shakily, I had to ask. I never knew if I could love as much as he did, but I could try. He meant more then anything to me now, but was this love?

“Even if we were. Even if you never ever loved a jokester like me, I would love you,” he laughed pulling me into a hug. Even if Hogwarts was the safest place to be and Dumbledore would protect me, I felt the safest right in this place.

In Fred’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw, lol. I thought I might catch you guys up on Jenny and George. Since some people *cough* Ginny! *cough* think that they should be added more into the story. >:l I didn't want them that much in it, but oh well. Anywho, I am adding the Dance chapter in a few hours once I get it together. So, keep checking in! Oh! and trust me you don't want to miss any of the next chapters.

Tell me what you think!


-Krysta :)