Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

Why Me?

The rest of the day was a blur to me. I went to class like usual, and didn’t expect much. Harry, Hermione, and Ron would ask me millions of questions when I passed them in the hall, but all I did was give them simple answers and walk away. Jenny and George had been there for me most of the day, comforting and all. Although, at times they would get into an argument, such as how Jenny wanted to enter the tournament, but George didn’t want her to. So, I was more to myself then usual.

I didn’t go to Dumbledore with Harry during free period, and didn’t eat lunch at all. No one, but my friends, seemed to notice my state. Fred just didn’t know how much he hurt me, and how much I thought I could trust him. Most of all, he didn’t know how much I loved him. I was actually in love with him.

Soon the day was over and I sat with Jenny in the crowded room that held the goblet. Jenny was writing down her name, as she stood and stepped over the age line to enter her name. As she dropped the slip in a flicker of the blue flame flared, and there were cheers and applauds. Jenny then returned over to me, where I was sitting on a bench with Hermione. However, she was too much into a book to talk to me.

“I hope I get picked,” Jenny said with a sigh, practically jumping in her seat.

“Will you calm down? They aren‘t drawling the names till Dumbledore arrives, which will be not for a while.” I laughed weakly.

There was an uproar of cheers as others went to place their name is the goblet. Then there were wild yells coming from the hall, as Fred and George ran into the room. Each held a slip of paper and a tiny bottle of what looked to be a potion. They smiled as they made their way over to us, Fred not looking at me once.

“So what is this plan of yours?” Jenny asked.

“A simple age potion is all, we are a shoe in!” they said in unison.

"It's not going to work... You see this? This is an Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself...a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim-witted as an Ageing Potion." Hermione said closing her book, and pointing to the light fade of the age line surrounding the goblet.

"Ah, but that's why it's so brilliant!" Fred said in his adorable accent.

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted." George continued with a smile.

“Suite yourselves, I still say it wont work.” Hermione said, gesturing for them to continue.

“Bottoms up,” the twins chorused, entwining their arms. They then tilted their head back and engulfed the liquid.

The room went silent as the twins exchanged a smile to each other, then jumped over the line. Nothing happened, making the room cheer. The twins then placed their names into the goblet together. However, the fire became a large fearful red flame and chased after then. They ran across the room, before being knocked over by the flames.

Jenny and I stood up and gasped at the site, before seeing Fred and George stand up. Their red hair had turned to a gray white, and bushy beards covered their face.

“But you said-” they yelled at each other, before tackling one another.

I laughed for the first time that day along with Jenny, and everyone else in the room.

“Who’s the dim-whit now? Or shall I say dim-wits. ” Hermione laughed.

“Wow Jenny, I didn‘t know you were into older men,” I joked as Jenny went to pull George and Fred apart.

“Settle down children,” Dumbledore bellowed over the laughing. Fred and George took notice to his presence and quickly ran out of the room.

Jenny returned to my side, as everyone took a seat in the great hall. The room grew silent as Dumbledore made his way over to the goblet. The names were going to be drawn.

“Thank you, for all of you who have been willing to enter the tournament. However, may I remind you that only one from each school shall be chosen. That your great bravery and talents, are what put you here.” Dumbledore continued, as he stepped over the aging line.

“There in no backing out now, and no turning back. Now, our first school, Beauxbatons, their competitor shall be.. ” The goblets fire turned to a bright green, as a name flew in flames above our heads and floated into Dumbledore’s hand.

“Fleur Delacour,” A blonde girl smiled as her school cheered, along with everyone else.

“Durmstrang’s shall be.. Viktor Krum,” The crowd of boys on the other side of the room cheered, as the boy who Hermione seemed to like, stood with his hands over his head.

“Now for Hogwarts… shall be..” the flame flickered different from before and a name flew into his hand.

“Krysta Daniels,” The crowd cheered, and I could feel people patting me on the back. All I could do was sit there in shock, I couldn’t be. I didn’t even enter.

“Dumbledore there has to be a mistake! I didn‘t enter,” I said as soon as the noise died down.

“Well someone how, the goblet felt you were worthy, that your strength and bravery should be tested. I can‘t do anything about it now,” he smiled at me, but all I could do was glare at him.

“You didn‘t tell us you were entering,” Jenny and Hermione said in unison.

“I didn‘t!” I shook my head. I saw as the fire up roared into huge red flames, and saw as Dumbledore turned around in surprise. The room grew silent, as a piece of parchment flew out of the goblet, and into Dumbledore’s hand.

“Harry Potter,” Dumbledore read, “Harry Potter!” he said more sternly.

“Go!” I could hear Hermione order to Harry, as she pushed him up. He walked quietly over to Dumbledore, who handed him his piece of paper.

Dumbledore looked as if he was going to burst, but he just turned and walked away. Chatter filled the room and I was told many congrats. However, most wondered how Harry was chosen when under aged. Not once did I see Fred or George. Boy, were they in for a surprise. However, they weren’t the only ones. Jenny was glaring at me in disbelief, as if I had planned for this to happen. But I didn’t.

I didn’t put my name in the goblet. I didn’t belief half the crap Dumbledore told me. I didn’t want to be in this stupid situation. While all together I had Voldemort planning to kill me!

If this tournament didn’t kill me.. I knew something else would.
♠ ♠ ♠
Didn't see that coming did you? And I know, somethings going to have to happen since Cedric DOESN'T die. Yet, at least. Its a mystery! So keep reading. I'll post more soon!! And sorry if this one was short!! :(

Tell me what you think!


-Krysta :)