Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love


“Attention students, due to the Thanksgiving Holidays- The first Triwizard Tournament task, will be held the fourth, this upcoming Thursday. Thank you,” Professor Dumbledore bellowed at the following dinner.

I sat silently in the seat next to Jenny, wishing more then anything that I could flea to another country. People died in these games! I wasn’t ready to die, not yet anyway. After what happened earlier, I was actually more then willing to die. I never told someone I loved them, well, I’ve never actually been in love with someone before.

“Wont this be exciting?!” Jenny said happily, “My best friend is going to be in a Triwizards Tournament! ”

“I wish I wasn‘t,” I whispered sadly to myself, while peering around the table. Fred wasn’t anywhere in sight, making my stomach plummet even more.

“Cheer up,” Harry said placing a hand on my shoulder. He obviously didn’t know what I said earlier.

“I‘d rather die then be in this, which I will most likely die anyway.” I said wearily back at him.

In two days I would be risking my life, even though, from past incidents, they tried to make the tasks less deadly. Knowing me for my clumsy self I would be out in seconds. My week already wasn’t the best, even through the holiday.

I had spent the holidays at my parents for once, rather then flying out to Florida to my grandmother’s. I grew up more there then in Devon, England, fairly a ways down the road from the Weasley’s burrow. The only time I really spent there was when everyone, (Ron, Harry, and Hermione) stayed there for the summer holidays or Christmas. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents, however, they seem to have gotten a little cocky ever since my dad landed the job in the Ministry. I was probably more muggle then magical.

Hoping the two days went by slowly, I pushed Fred out of my mind as I ate. Hardly listening to the jumble of accents from mostly all over the world, that filled the room, I stayed quite. Silently praying that I didn’t die, and that this bad feeling about the whole tournament would go away.


“Pity, I have to kill you.” he whispered slyly in my ear, “Such a pretty face, and strong powers that you posses. ” He made a few ’tisking’ noises with his tongue as he continued to circle around me. “Probably would have out beaten all the rest of my men.”

“I am stronger then you,” I stuttered, “all the bad in you, can‘t bear to all of good.”

“Really? You seem to have dark in yourself, may I not point out the man you have killed? The one you loved,” he slurred the last word, making a pain thicken inside me.

“Hurts doesn‘t it? You’re the reason his blood pours,” his eyes shifted down towards the ground. I followed them to find the dead grass covered in dark scarlet blood, that flowed effortlessly from Fred’s body.

“You could have saved him, you know? And you still can,”

“What is it that I have to do?” I asked through clenched fists, fighting off tears.

“Join me,” he whispered in my ear, making a shiver go through my spine.

“Never,” I said strongly, realizing that this was just another dream. One that Voldemort was sending to me to scare me to his side, but I was good and wanted to help destroy him. Not help him kill others I love.

“You stupid, girl. Just like you‘re stupid American grandmother, who resisted to join at her age of youth. Fled the country when I was weak, she is the first to die when I come to power.” he said, pulling out his wand from his black cloak.

“Like me, she wasn‘t stupid enough to bow down to you. Like me, she isn‘t afraid. Like her, I take the good, and follow the greatest wizard ever born. Dumbledore,”

Knowing this would make him even more angry, Voldemort flared his snake like nostrils. Raising a bony, pale arm, he eyed me with his dark, heartless eyes.

“ Crucio, Crucio, Crucio!” he snarled, making me fall to the ground.

Pain was once again shot through me as he bellowed the words over and over again. My body becoming weaker and weaker, as I laid cringing in Fred’s blood. Fred laid beside me as I cried silent tears from all my pains, the curse and my broken heart.

With all my effort, I reached a shaking arm to stroke the blazing red hair. I brushed the long hair out of Fred’s pale face, looking into the closed eyes. I rested my hand against the side of his face, cold as ice, my vision began to blur from tears. Wincing at the curse every second, my vision started to fade to black.

“I love you,” I whispered to Fred, as my vision went completely black. The pain was gone, and I saw Fred once more.


“Krysta!” I Heard my name being called, as my body shook. My eyes fluttered open and I peered up to see Hermione and Jenny staring with worried looks above me.

“Oh, thank god your okay!” Hermione sighed with relief, as I tried to sit up in my bed.

“Ah,” I cringed as pain shot through my body from my movement.

“What?! What is it?” Jenny asked panicky.

My body ached and my back hurt with a stinging sensation. The dream, the dream was causing this. I looked around the room to see that it was still dark, and the panic in my friends faces. I needed to get to Dumbledore and Harry before I forgot the dream.

“I need Harry,” I said setting up completely and falling as I tried to stand up.

“Whoa, there.” Jenny said, as she caught my from behind. Making me gasp at the pain from her touch.

“I‘ll get him.” Hermione said as she ran out of the room.

Seconds later Hermione was back with a drowsy Harry, dressed in pajamas. He was still putting on his glasses when he finally came to my side.

“Help me get her to Dumbledore,” Harry ordered the two girls, which they followed without argument.

“The pain is worse, and wont stop.” I breathed to Harry as we stumbled down and out of the common room.

“It‘ll be okay, the pain will be gone soon. It was just a dream,” Harry said almost not believing himself.

We quickly walked through the empty hallways, keeping quiet except for my gasps from pain. The pain had never lasted this long, and I knew that Voldemort was trying to make a point. The moonlight falling through the windows, was our only light as we made out way through the corridors to Dumbledore, trying not to run into a teacher or even worse, Filch.

“I think I can make it the rest of the way,” I told Hermione and Jenny as we reached the statue to Dumbledore’s office.

“Okay,” they said quietly, as they let go of me to rest my weight on Harry.

“And Hermione, tell Jenny everything. Just as long as she doesn‘t tell anyone.” I said more to Jenny rather then Hermione.

“Okay,” Hermione said with an encouraging smile. The two turned scurried away into the moonlit halls, as Harry pulled me onto the moving staircase. Dumbledore would soon make the pain go away, and I could tell him and Harry everything.

I just couldn’t get the dead look of Fred out of my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another Dream! This one kind of scared me and I at some point wanted to cry. But, my favorite line was "You're the reason his blood pours," Sorry if you don't like this chapter, and if you think it sucks. =\. Thats why I need feedback from you guys, tell me what you think! New surprises coming, just wait and see! New chapter up soon.

By the way, I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince yesterday, and I thought it was AMAZING! I loved it! It was so funny, but it scared me too. haha. Soo you should go see it! I'm not spilling anything yet.

Tell me what you think of the chapter&movie if you saw it!


-Krysta <3