Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

The First Task

“Alright, Miss Daniels, your fully healed!” Madam Promfrey said in a cheerful tone, allowing me to sit up in two days. “Right in time for the Triwizards Tournament this afternoon.”

I smiled at her weakly, I didn’t really want to heal before the first task. Maybe I should pretend it still hurt, even though all the pain was gone. Plus I couldn’t take that purple liquid any longer, I would need to brush my teeth at least four times before that taste was fully gone

“Thank you,” I said before walking out of the infirmary and into the empty hallways. Everybody was still in class, however they were cut short until noon, so that everybody was there to watch the tournament.

I had seen all the happy faces of all my friends yesterday, except Fred, who I hadn’t seen at all. He was probably still ignoring me. At least I hoped to see him later today when everyone was at the tournament, that’s if he came. I turned down the corridor, halfway to Gryffindor Tower. After hearing a few familiar snickers, I sighed heavily.

I peeked around the corner of the castle wall, to see Fred and George plotting some new scheme. I rolled my eyes, realizing that I would have to walk down the same hall as them to get to the tower. Quickly, I turned down the empty hall and tried to walk silently past.

“Hey Krysta,” I heard one of them call, making me stop where I was at. Sighing once more, I turned on my sneakers to look over at the two.

“Hi,” I said looking at George, not once glancing at Fred. I could see his head lower to look at the floor, getting that I was ignoring him.

“We hope that your feeling better,” George said speaking for the both of them.

“Thanks, George.” I smiled at him, before turning back around and walking up to the tower. Now Fred knew what it was like to get a taste of his own medicine, and after I had yelled that I was in love with him.


“You ready?” Harry asked me as we entered a tent set up connecting the outside and in of the Quidditch field. None of the contestants knew what they were up to, but Harry seemed more confident then anybody else.

“I guess, you?” I said between short breaths, I was completely freaking out. I had my wand in hand, as I was dressed in a red and gold uniform, much like Harry’s.

“In a way,” he said slightly, as he walked off to the side of the tent.

One of the journalist from the Daily Profit was interviewing and taking pictures, which I happily ignored her. I would have to put up with her later, but in the nervous state I was in right now, didn’t need to be pictured to the whole Magical World. Family and friends had wished me luck, and now I was not feeling lucky at all.

“Join round,” Dumbledore instructed us to him, forming a circle around him and man by the name of Barty Crouch. He held a purple sack in his hand, which I couldn’t see into from where I stood next to him. Hermione was in the room, but was quickly instructed out. I could hear the crowd cheering as the cloth draped open revealing large stone, but quickly closed before I could see anymore.

“You will each grab out of the bag before you, displaying the dragon at which you all will steal a golden egg from.” Dumbledore said, making me choke on the air I was inhaling.

“I am stealing from a dragon? As in the fire breathing ones?!” I asked in a panic tone.

“Yes, you may pick your dragon first, Krysta.” Dumbledore said, as Crouch held the purple bag before me.

I slowly reached my hand in the bag, feeling something bite me from the bottom. I wrapped my hand around its scaly body, bringing it out of the bag, and holding it before everybody. In my hand stood a moving model of the dragon I had chosen, wishing nothing more then it to be fireless and toothless. It was silvery-blue, and just like fate, breathed a small blue flame.

“Ah, the Swedish Short-Snout,” Dumbledore said in awe, as I eyed Harry. He looked at me sympathetically, and turned back to Dumbledore as he spoke. “Your up first, Krysta. Once you retrieve the egg, you have completed the task. The egg will give you a clue to your next task. Just beware that the dragon will attack.”

“Thanks,” I muttered bitterly. I was going to die!

Harry patted me on the shoulder as they retrieved my dragon, and the others chose their dragons. Suddenly there was an announcement from outside saying that I was up first, followed by a bunch of cheers. I felt someone push me from behind, making me step outside of the tent that instantly disappeared, leaving me before a thirty foot or more dragon. The crowd in the stands cheered as I slowly circled the dragon, who hadn’t noticed my presence.

My wand was clenched in my hand tightly, as I stared in awe at the creature. I walked over the crunching rock, when I stumbled into a stone bend, which got the attention of the dragon. It let out ear bleeding screeched, as its wings flapped behind it. I crouched in between the rocks, searching for the golden egg. My breath came in shakes, as I spotted the egg over the bend and behind the huge dragon.

Praying, I pulled myself over the rock, causing my clothing to get dark charcoal in places from the rock and rubble. I felt a sharp stinging as my arm was cut on a sharp rock, tearing the material. Shaking off the damage, I looked up at the blue beast. It’s eyes pierced into mine, and without thinking I took off running around it. I heard screams, as I saw big blue flames follow after me. The ground began to shake as the dragons chains rattled, the dragon was trying to stop me from where I was heading. I saw a blue flame head right towards me, and I quickly dropped to the ground holding the loose hair, that had fallen from the pony tail on my head, down with my hands that were covered with black gloves. I felt the heat above me as the flame scorched past me.

Once the flame was out of sight I heard gasp as I ran again for the egg, that was closer then before. Just a few feet and I would be right at it. Picking up speed, I ran towards the rock it set upon, when a large swing hit my back. My body fell, hitting the rock before me. The dragons tail swung back then headed towards me once more, before it could hit me again, I reached above the rock and grasped the golden egg. Every bone in my body now ached, and I slumped against the boulder with the egg clenched in my hands.

A siren was heard as the dragon was pulled by chains, into a barred cage. I left out a heavy sigh as I heard the gasp turn to cheers around me. I shakily stood to my feet, and raised the egg above my head. I had finished the first task, and was still alive.


“That was great, Krysta!” Jenny said from inside of the tent, as they carried me in on a stretcher. I sat in the middle of it holding the egg in my lap, with my legs over the side of the stretcher. My body hadn’t ached anymore, and my cuts had been bandaged up on the rocky field by Madam Promfrey. She had given me a liquid that took away the pain, and I was now excited and felt better.

“Thanks,” I said with a smile as I jumped off the white cloth and onto the grass floor. I was instantly pulled into a hug by my friend, as the screeching of a dragon was heard outside. Harry was up, and everybody else had already gone quite fast. Blood stained me, but that didn’t stop Jenny. I felt a pat on the back and looked up to see George.

“Great job out there, shorty.” he laughed and joined Jenny’s side.

“Just cause I‘m short doesn‘t mean I can‘t take on a twenty foot dragon.” I laughed. Fred was no where near his side and I was really looking forward to seeing him, even though I was kind of mad at him.

“You should have seen us,” Jenny said with a smile, “I nearly died out there and Fred looked like he was going to cry.”

“Really?” I asked surprised. If he was so mad at me, why would he care? I had been attacked by a curse and was put in the Hospital Wing for two days, yet he didn’t show up.

“Yeah,” Jenny said with a slight laugh. “Anyway, we all have to go. We aren‘t really allowed in here, Hermione and Ron should be back here when Harry's through.”

“Alright, see you guys later,” I smiled as my friends left the tent, leaving me with my victory egg.


“Now, children, the Triwizards Tournament doesn’t just come with it’s tasks, it also accompanies the Yule Ball. This is a dance, in muggle terms, that only 4th years and above may attend.” McGonagall said to the room filled with all the students from 4th and above, two days after the first task. “Ladies, this means elegant gowns for you, and gentlemen, try your best and dress in dress robes.

“Dress isn’t the only acquirement, however, there is also the classical dance that we all dance. Which our contestants in the Triwizards Tournament will lead us in. Now the reason you are here, is so I can teach you.” She finished looking around the room.

I looked over at Hermione who was grinning ear to ear as she watched Mc Gonagall walk across the room to an old record player. I heard the Weasleys snickering with Harry, as Jenny stood watching next to them. Fred and George were leaning against the wall, and Fred hadn’t once talked to me. I sighed in frustration as an classical melody filled the room.

“Mr. Weasley, will you demonstrate with me?” McGonagall asked holding her hand out to Ron. He blushed and commented her before she pulled him up from the bench. Fred and George burst into quiet laughs as McGonagall critiqued Ron’s hold, who made them move around the room. He looked embarrassed as he held her in his arms.

“Now up, children. Follow us.” she said to us all, as they led into a dance that I’ve never seen in my life.

Hermione took off with someone, and I stood looking around the room. I felt someone tap my back, hoping it was Fred, I turned to face Cedric. He smiled at me, and I smiled weakly back.

“Can I have this dance?” he asked holding his hand out for me. I nodded and he pulled me into the dance. I placed my hand on his shoulder and his on my back, just like Ron and McGonagall as we moved around the room.

“Do you have a date yet?” Cedric asked me, as he effortlessly lifted my off the ground along with everyone else.

“No, I didn‘t know we were having this ball.” I said honestly.

“Well then, will you like to accompany me?” he asked as we twirled. I wanted nothing more then to not go with him, I wanted Fred to stop ignoring me and ask me himself. However, it didn’t look like that was happening anytime soon.

“Cedric, I‘m sorry-” I began, loosening my grip on his shoulder. “I just don‘t like you in that way, maybe as friends?”

“I‘d very much like that,” he said without a second thought. I smiled weakly at him, as I spotted Fred dancing with Angelina Johnson. I gave him a death glare when his back was turned as the melody faded out.

“That will be all for today children. The ball is on Christmas Eve, don‘t worry, the train will be leaving that night to take you home for Christmas morning, right after the ball. Now you are dismissed, and hope to see you all dolled up for the this special night.” McGonagall said as the class filed out of the room.

Cedric let go of me with a smile, leaving along with the rest of the crowd. I sighed heavily, and followed with my bag hanging off my shoulder.

I now had a date, but not with the one I loved.
♠ ♠ ♠
There it is! Longest thing I think I've written, as a chapter at least. Hope you like it, more is coming.

Tell me what you think!


-Krysta :D