Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

Merry Christmas


No dreams of Voldemort or the figure I pictured him to be, which happened to be pretty scary, had passed by as I slept. Every so often a little glimpse of Lucius would appear, but quickly vanished. My dreams were mostly black, and when I was shaken awake by Jenny, I lost all memory of them. Everyone in the compartment had already left, except for the sleeping Fred next to me. I smiled to myself before pressing my lips to his.

At first he seemed confused in his sleep, but then he kissed back without opening his eyes. I pulled away as he struggled to wake up, and I was about to shake him awake when he moaned a name in his sleep.

“O‘y Angelina,” he smirked and opened his eyes up to me. My jaw dropped and I slapped his arm, that wasn’t the best wakeup call. I was about to turn to leave when Fred took hold on my waist and turned me to face him. “I was only kidding Krysta,”

I just crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at best attempt to look mad at him. He just smiled and let out a chuckle was he stood up in front of me. “Your such a bad actress, I hope you know that.” he said looking down at me.

“I‘m not acting,” I muttered as I turned to walk away again, but once more he grabbed hold of me. Leaning down to me, he kissed me once more. “Fine, I forgive you.” I said as we broke apart.

“Well, if things were always that easy, I‘d get into trouble more often.” he said with a smirk as I rolled my eyes.

“Things aren‘t so easy,” I countered as we made our way out of the compartment and through the packed train isles. Soon we stepped out into the station where were bombarded by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

“Krysta, Fred!” Mrs. Weasley called even though were weren’t even a few feet away from them. I smiled at them as we made our way over to her, she then pulled me into a big hug.

“Hello, Mrs. Weasley.” I said cheerfully as she pulled away from me and took Fred in her arms.

“Please, dear, like I‘ve said before, call me Molly.” She smiled in her accent, bringing back when I spent days during the summer at their house. I would always call her ‘Mrs. Weasley’ but she always insisted in ‘Molly’.

I looked up to the ticking clock above the crowds of Hogwarts students to read that it was already three in the morning, and smiled. It was Christmas. Everyone in our group was hugging and greeting one another as I watched, feeling a bit out of place till someone came from behind and lifted me off the ground.

“Merry Christmas,” the twins chorused as they held me up in the air above everyone else. I wobbled a bit and looked down at the smiling two.

“Don‘t drop me!” I ordered, as I tried to keep balance on their shoulders.

“Why would we ever do that?” George asked with a smirk. Before I could reply, I felt George’s shoulder drop and I flung my arms tightly around Fred’s head.

“Not funny!” I screeched as Fred took me in his arms. I watched as George and Jenny broke down into laughter, along with Fred who was holding me bridal style.

“Since when are you afraid of heights?” Fred asked me between short laughs as he carried me behind everyone else out of the station.

“I‘m not -I‘m afraid of the Weasley Twins.”


"Should I?” a voice whispered above me.

“Could we?” asked another, but all I could see was the darkness of sleep.

“We should,” the two voices replied in unison. As hard as I could, I tried to forget about the familiar voices and fall back into the dark obis of sleep. But not a second later I knew I was in for something very unexpected and devious, considering that I was staying at the Weasley house hold with two of the pranksters themselves, Fred and George Weasley.

“I‘m awake!” I said opening my eyes to be face to face with the one and only, Fred Weasley. He smiled before nudging his freckled nose against mine and pulling back to reveal his twin at his side. I smiled at them and noticed that it was just the rising of dawn, and peered over to the clock I brought, reading that it was only five thirty in the morning.

“You woke me up, with only two hours of sleep. Are you two mentally insane?!” I screeched as Fred covered my mouth with his hand at best attempt to quiet me down. George looked over to Jenny next to me, she laid sound asleep, all before George jumped on top of her.

“BLOODY FUCKIN HELL!” she screamed as she jumped up instantly, holding her arms up in defense.

“Merry Christmas!” George smiled at her, and Jenny punched him before turning over and falling back to sleep.

“She hits you, yet, you continue to smile like a fool?” I asked George, as Fred sat next to me on the bed I was sharing with Jenny.

“She knows she loves me,” he laughed as he threw her over his shoulder in one quick motion, making her try to get loose as he walked her out of the room. Leaving me and Fred in the small guest room that had been made of for Jenny and I by Mrs. Weasley.

“So.. Merry Christmas,” Fred said as I moved over to give him room on the bed. I smiled as I deepened myself into the covers.

“Merry Christmas,” I yawned and turned to go back to sleep. As soon as my eyes closed they reopened moments later by the press of Fred’s lips to mine. Biting his lip I turned, and buried my head into my pillow.

That’s cheating,” Fred mocked me.

I cheat, you should know that.” I mocked him back.

I heard him sigh before both his hands were placed on either side of me, and began to tickle them. Trying my hardest to hold back, I burst out laughing, loud enough to wake the whole house. I could hear Fred whispering ‘shh’ over and over again, until I turned around quietly and out of breath. Fred continued to smile down at me from where he sat, and I smiled back. Silently he leaned down and softly kissed me once more.

“Merry Christmas,” I whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
SHORT! I know.. but I kinda can't help it. School is back and performing art schools are time consuming. I have to juggle violin, school work, and this.. so im so sorry! D: Please forgive me.. i will try to post more frequently. But I need you guys help!! :D

I have 45 subscribers (thanks so much!) and i never get a lot of feedback.. so I want at least 5 to 10 comments, its not that hard, and I will post more this labor day weekend. If I can't this weekend, which I dont see a reason why I can't, I will double the origional amount that I type.. all for you guys! so what are you waiting for comment!! :D

Tell me what you think!

Comment.Subscribe. Critic.Please!

-Krysta :D

P.S. Like the banner? I finally found something that was mostly like I pictured Krysta to be, so tell me if I made the right choice. :)