Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

Meet my Boyfriend


Christmas at the Weasley’s, was like Christmas you see on T.V. Family and friends are all gathered under the Christmas tree, opening presents while the sweet smell of cinnamon and ginger filled the house. The tearing and shredding of wrapping paper, and the sweet surprise of gifts. Watching as loved ones snuggle close together, as snow falls from the sky outside. Mistletoe, catching those who walk under it together, even if it were just a holiday hug, the embarrassment of being caught by everybody under it.

“Would you kids like to eat with the others?” Mrs. Weasley asked, coming into view through the small door frame of the living room holding a large tray of hot food. It’s sweet smells filled the room instantly, as the mouths of us four began to water. Nothing was better then her cooking.

“We will be there in a mum.” the twins answered her, as she nodded and walked out of sight. I looked over at Jenny who was getting up to go and eat along with George behind her. Her hair was all over the place and still in her pajamas, just like me, since I found her asleep on couch when we walked down with the rest, which George was jumping around urging for us to begin opening presents, like a five year old on Christmas.

“So..” Fred said braking the silence, making me look up at him from my position laying my head in his lap on the floor. His arms were wrapped around me, embracing me with warmth. “Did you like your presents?”

“They really shouldn‘t have gotten me anything, you‘re parents are too nice.” I said with a sigh, looking at the sweater and fudge that had been neatly wrapped for me to open, were now on top of a pile of paper. Then followed to my other presents that my friends had gotten me, Harry and Ron had bought me a couple of new color changing ink quills. While, Hermione, like always, got me a book. But a book of practical joke spells, that she had made sure for me to keep away from the twins. Followed by a gift card to one of my favorite American stores, Hot Topic, from Jenny and George partially.

“They wanted to, you‘ve always been considered family. Since, you were friends with my brother and now my girlfriend. You‘re family.” He smiled, brightening at the words like he always did when he was reminded that I was his. “Plus, I can tell they loved the gifts you gave them. And my lovely shirt.”

I laughed as he recalled the shirt I had bought for him when Jenny and I had been out at Hogsmeade before our whole fight. I knew it would give him a good laugh considering it printed “The Better Looking Twin” across its front.

“You‘re welcome.” I smiled as I laid my arms on his, and he entwined both out hands together. I looked around the room, seeing that it was all so very homey. Covered with gift wrap, boxes and such from earlier gift opening. Remembering that I would have to leave soon to go to my own home down the road, far down the road. But all worth it, me and the sweet fallen snow.

“But you still haven‘t received your present from me, yet!” he chimed.

“I told you already, you don‘t have to get me anything.” I said sincerely.

“But you should get something. What do you want?” he asked.

“Oh, if I could have anything.… I want a pony!” I said sarcastically, and he clapped his hands together making me jump a little.

“Well that wasn‘t what I was aiming for, but you‘ll see soon enough.” he said, and I didn’t know if he was taking my sarcasm seriously. “Now lets eat!” he said getting up and pulling me to my feet. Ever so lightly, he bent down and kissed me, making my body feel weightless as he did.

That’s when I wished I could take back wanting the pony, ‘cause this would have been the best Christmas present.


“Thank you for everything, Mrs. Weasley!” I called as I began to walk out of the front door.

“No problem, dear. Remember to bring your family tonight.” She said smiling as she followed up the hallway behind me. My jacket and scarf were wrapped around me snuggly as I opened the front door to the little house. I was hit with a cold wind, and pulled in closer to my jacket.

“Wait!” I heard Fred call from upstairs, followed by hurried steps down the staircase. He came bundled up like me and painting with a smile. He said his goodbyes to his mother, and walked out the door behind me closing it.

“What are you doing?” I asked with a smile as he began to walk with me in the snow.

“Coming home to meet your parents.” he smiled, as the crunching of snow filled the air, along with our clouds of breath.
“I think they know you enough, considering that when I was about twelve and I was swimming with Ginny. You and George practically drowned me.” I said raising an eyebrow, as we made our way down the ice road.

“That was on accident! And besides they don‘t know me as your boyfriend.”

“Fine,” I smiled, not wanting to protest considering it was Christmas. The rest of the way to my house was silent, besides the crunching of snow, the cold sent chills through me and I was relieved to see my house coming into view. However, the nerves started to kick in as we came closer to my door, wondering if my parents would like him. I could tell Fred was just as nervous as I opened to door to my house.

“Mom, Dad, I‘m home!” I called as I walked into the heat of my home. I pulled off my jacket and grabbed Fred’s as he closed the door behind us. Seconds later my mom came running into the room, arms opened as she pulled me into a hug. She looked high and jolly, dressed in all red and green, not looking an older then thirty for her age.

“I‘ve missed you too, mom.” I chocked sarcastically, as she squeezed me. Her soft brown hair was all in my face as she couldn’t find herself to let go.

“I have missed you,” she said as she pulled away from me and faced Fred. “Why, hello Fred.” she smiled at him looking at me confused.

“Mom, Fred is my boyfriend.” I smiled brightly, and she returned it. She had always been great friends with Mrs. Weasley.

“Merry Christmas, Fred.” She said bringing him into a hug even though he was several feet taller then her. He smiled at me as he hugged her back, and winked, sending chills of joy through me. My mother soon left the room to the beeping stove, and I grabbed Fred’s hand leading him into our big living room. The room had been decorated from garland to a star on the high Christmas tree. On the tan couches sat the rest of my family, surrounded by wrapping paper and presents covering the oak floors.

“Hunter!” I screamed as my twenty-nine year old brother stood up, holding his arms out to me, as I jumped on him. Squeezing him half to death, I heard his wife and my sister-in-law Caitlyn laugh.

“I think someone missed me.” he laughed swinging me around the room, like he used to when I was little.

“Are you kidding! Who wouldn‘t miss a big teddy bear like you,” I said punching his arm as he set me on the floor. He did a fake pained face and he grabbed the arm I hit, before laughing and running his hand through his dark brown hair, with a twinkle in his emerald eyes.

“So violent, little sister? Who wouldn‘t miss you,” he chuckled, as the crunching of paper followed my little footsteps ran across the wood flooring.

“Aunt Krysta!” screamed Kelsey’s sweet little voice, her blonde pony tails flying behind her as I bent down and she ran into my arms. She had the sweet innocent face, like her mother, along with the blonde hair. But had the humor and emerald eyes from her dad, my brother. She was only five and smart as whip.

“Hey Kelsey,” I said as she hugged me, “Merry Christmas!”

“Santa came, Santa came!” she said hopping and pulling me to see all her new toys. I smiled at her and nodded my head. She was so cute! I shook my head at her mother who was sitting on the couch beside my younger brother who was engrossed in a video game. His tongue sticking out the side of his mouth, as he concentrated on the game.

“Hey Mark,” I said ruffling his jet black hair, and he looked up at me through the strands, showing his light brown eyes. He smiled before setting the game down and hugging me.

“Hey my annoying older sister.” he joked, as he let go of me and sat back down on the couch. His hair was short but spiked, making him look cute. He was turning eleven in May, soon to start Hogwarts next year, which he couldn’t wait for.

“Yeah, and my little pestering brother.” I joked as I looked up to see Fred standing at the entrance of the living room smiling at me. I flashed a smile back, as someone cleared their throat.

“Who would this be, Krysta?” Caitlyn said in a giddy tone, like a teenager would. She smirked at me as I walked over to Fred, grabbing his hand.

“This is Fred Weasley, he‘s my boyfriend.” I said for the second time, with just the same smile.

There was a chorus of hellos, as Mark made kissey noises making me blush. Fred said hello back, as he squeezed my hand for reassurance.

“Sup, man.” Hunter said as he shook Fred’s hand. Instantly they clicked and went off into the corner talking about endless things, including Quidditch.

I laughed to myself as I sat on the floor with Kelsey, who had handed me a new Barbie doll moments later. Talking to Caitlyn who was interested in knowing everything about my relationship with Fred, and playing Barbies with my niece, as Mark joined in on the talk amongst Fred and Hunter, everything was going perfectly.

Now all there was left was my father.


After about twenty minutes of playing Barbies and talking to my Caitlyn, I walked into the kitchen to find my mom making all kinds of sweets. Humming sweet carols, she moved across the room preparing foods.

“Mrs. Weasley wants us to have dinner with her.” I said as I leaned in the wooden door frame. She looked up at me and smiled, before motioning me over to help her with decorating some cookies. I sat at the table, behind a tray of fresh gingerbread men and candies of all sorts.

“We‘d love to go, and as I hear Fred sure is a great guy.” She smiled at me as she sat across the table from me. Picking up a gingerbread man, I began to dress him with candy.

“He is,” I smiled back at her. “Only if grandma was here, she‘d love him.”

“That‘s when she gets here, she should be here by dinner. Your dad is somewhere around here, he got that new wand of his that he’s been wanting, who knows what he‘s doing.” she chuckled, as my nerves began to clear about my parents meeting Fred vanished. Everyone liked him, and my dad was sure to like him.
Then everybody could enjoy their Christmas, and the joy of my grandmother being here would make any Christmas wonderful.

“Hello sweetie,” my dad said strolling into the room from the opposite side of the room. He kissed the top of my head, as he fiddled with his new wand. “We‘ve missed you,” he said as he continued to look over the wand.

“I‘m over here, daddy.” I laughed as he chuckled. “Um, daddy, I have someone I want you to meet.”

“Sure thing honey, ” he said looking up at my from his wand. He stuck it into his pocket as I placed the fifth fully dressed gingerbread man on the tray. I took his hand and led him into the living room, where Kelsey had fallen asleep on the couch surrounded by dolls, next to her mother, who was nodding in and out of sleep. In the leather arm chairs sat Fred and Hunter talking busily, and Mark was out of site.

I cleared my throat and the two looked up at me, Fred’s eyes met mine, then looked at my father. Instantly he stood up, stepping forward next to me. “Hello, Mr. Daniels.” He said a little shakily holding his hand out to my father. The nerves that had been hidden began to build up on the surface again.

“Daddy, this is Fred.. -my boyfriend.” I said filling in the silence in the air.

“Hello, Mr. Weasley.” my father addressed him shaking his hand, smiling at direct eye level with Fred. “I‘m sure your taking good care of my little girl?”

“Yes, sir. I wouldn‘t do anything to hurt her, and I hope to forgives me for hurting her in the past.” he said referring to not too long ago. I began to wonder if my dad was going to pick up on the subject, sending this conversation into the wrong direction.

“She wouldn‘t have you meet me if she hasn‘t, I‘m sure of it.” my dad smiled, running his hand through his black hair, just like Marks, with the same matching light brown eyes. The nerves began to fade as the silence came once more, until Hunter stood up clapping his hands together.

“Why don‘t us guys go get some of what smells so sweet, and go into the study to talk some more, shall we?” Hunter said saving us from any awkward silence. I smiled at him, glad that he was so into welcoming Fred in. He smiled back, as the two men agreed and they walked out of the room and into the hall.

Before the boys turned to corner, Fred peered back at me, and winked once again. An effortless smile appeared on my face, as I held a thumbs up at him.

My family liked him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heyy, sorry for the delay! But it is long! :D and if its kinda boring, im sorry. It is getting really good in the next chapter. I need comments guys! tell me what you think, thats what I really need from you guys. Plus I need your opinion on something..!

Okay, recently I got a comment on my profile for me to be in this contest of Harry Potter stories. If you want to see detales if you happen to write HP stories too, then its on my profile comments. But, I don't know if I should enter! So do you guys think my story is good enough to be entered and get a lot more publicity for this story? 'Cause I'm not sure if its good enough, in my opinion I think it's alright. But It's what you guys think! So leave a comment, tell me your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! All information is on that comment, sorry I couldn't post it on here. I'm just busy at the moment. Soo, see you all this weekend for a new update!

I love you guys! :D

Tell me what you think about everything!


-Krysta :D