Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

The Right Way

“You know they said you didn‘t have to be there until noon, right?” Fred asked, as he watched me pull my hair back in a pony tail, only letting my layers fall out.

“Yeah, but I like the walk from here to there, why not cherish it?” I said looking away from the mirror, and glancing at the clock on Ginny’s night stand. Its little black arrows pointing to where it was almost ten o’clock.

“Or.. We can cherish this time.” He said slyly, grabbing my wrists and pulling me towards him. His warmth seeped through the thinness of my black sweater, as he pulled me in front of where he sat on the edge of the bed. The blood rushed to my cheeks, as the nerves built up in me, I tried to hide it by smiling.

“We‘re going to get caught,” I whispered, as I sat on one of his legs, resting my legs between his legs. Our foreheads rested against each others, as his nose rest against mine, leaving me staring into his eyes. His lips lingering over mine for only a few seconds before he dived in, and pressed his lips to mine.

“We‘re in your sister‘s bed,” I muttered against his lips, coming to realize where I was at.

“Isn‘t that ironic?” he laughed to himself.

“Well, I believe that Ginny will be too disgusted and would be running for the bathroom when she hears that her brother lost it, in her bed.”

He said nothing but looked into my eyes, considering it. At least he wasn't like Cedric.. pig!

“Some other time,” I said twisting out of his arms, and ran down the stairs. Grabbing my couch on the hook by the door, I shrugged it on as I ran.

With the only heavy painting of my breath, I bent down holding my knees to catch me breath. Running from dragons gets you quite some speed, which came in handy, because I thought I had outran Fred. Sighing with relief, I heard thunderous crunches, and before I could move, I was slammed into the cold snow. Head first.

“Fred!” I yelled muffled between my jacket and the snow. I could feel Fred’s weight on my back, as his arms were wrapped around me, pinning me down.

“Yell uncle!” he called with a laugh, putting down more pressure.

“No!” I yelled back, making an attempt to blow my hair out of my face. “I am going to kick your ass!”

“I said yell uncle!” he bellowed in my ear.

“You‘re such an ass,” I squirmed in his grasp.

“But the sexiest ass you have ever seen, am I not correct?” he asked almost seriously.

“No, you‘re a fat ass who is crushing me. Get off!” I said breathlessly.

“Fine, meanie!” he said in a hurtful child’s voice, getting off of me. Holding out a hand for me, which I took, and pulled him to the ground, pinning him to where he lay.

Shock was clear over his face, snow filling his hair, but his emerald eyes still showed the same charismatic love. For me or not, those eyes could drowned anyone. My hands were wrapped around his wrists, which he didn’t attempt to break free, but laid there staring at me.

I broke a smirk, “Take a picture it lasts longer.” I muttered before getting off of him and helping him up.

He never said a word as I grabbed his hand and started to pull him down the road towards my home, taking slow steps. His hand was warm in mine, and much bigger, reminding me of being a small child. Every so often I would look over at him meeting his eyes, and I couldn’t help but look down. I was beginning to worry that I had offended him earlier, before he pulled me to him.

“Krysta..” he whispered in my ear, as he and I wrapped our arms around each other.

I made a muffled sounds from where my face was buried in the warmth of his jacket. He heard, and continued as I relaxed with the deep breaths he was taking, moving myself with his chest.

“I love you,” he said finally.

And for the first time since we had been together again, I said it back

“I love you two.” I said a little shakily, but sounding strong a truthful, and it was true. I loved him.

“Hmm, that sounded better then I expected it to.” he whispered against my face, before he bent down to my level and kissed me.

“Your still an ass, I hope you know.” I muttered against his lips.

“I know but I‘m your ass.” He answered before kissing me again.

And there we stood kissing in the snow, and I had finally told him I love him.. At least the right way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Super-uber short, I know! -smacks self-
But I am sorry! I have been terribly busy.. midterms -gags-
Butbut! I got my computer fixed, so can I get a round of applause? YAY!
So now I can update more!

But I need you guys help again! Leave me comments!:D
Tell me about your holidays, about what you think, what you want... whatever! Cause I wanna know!
I gots 57 subs, I think! So lots of news from my favorite ppl, please!


-Krystuhh! xP

Love you ppl; (really)