Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

Damn Cat

“What do you want Malfoy?” I asked dully, trying to keep my voice steady. Slowly backing up into the shelf behind me, trying to find something hard to wrap my hands around and hurl at his head.

His smirk grew into a full-on smile, “I believe you‘re at least smart enough to figure that question out, don’t you think?” taking a step closer to me, he narrowed his eyes.

“Oh, does somebody think they are a Death Eater, too? I can hardly believe your father is one.” I spat, finally wrapping my fingers around one of my old Quidditch trophies. I mirrored his smirk, as his disappeared into a tight line.

“And obviously someone thinks they are better then the Dark Lord, and is weak enough to try and run away. This is something to be surprised at, Daniels, that the Dark Lord sees a potentially power Death Eater in someone as cowardly as you.” his voice producing poison as he spoke, as he began to draw his wand from his pocket. “Now, we can do this the easy way, or I can easily snap you like a twig and drag you to the Dark Lord myself. Your pick.”

“I choose neither,” I yelled, as I made my attempt to nail the trophy into the side of his head.

With little luck, his reaction was fast, as he grabbed my wrist just as the trophy nailed into the corner of his forehead. Burgundy steaks began to flow from his head, and stained the platinum blonde of his hair, as he twisted my arm behind me enough to hear the rough snap, making me let out a cry of pure agony. Pain began to explode through my arm and throughout my body, as the trophy hit the floor with a clatter and I trembled to my knees.

“Just like a twig.” Was all I heard before the blurriness of my room faded to black, and the pain became all but a faint memory, as I fell into a deep but dangerous dream in the arms of an enemy.


I sat turning the heart charm over and over again in my hand, the chain holding it was bunched in my hand. When Krysta came back down the stairs I’d give the tiny gift to her, as I waited tracing my thumb over the engraved ‘Forever’. Smiling to myself, I leant over and ran my hand down the back of Juliette as she took the place next to me on the couch. Instead of the usual purr, she let out a deep growl, and backed away from me.

Shrugging it off, I began to loose my patience, and was about to go after Krysta, when a clatter and scream was heard from upstairs. A cry of help that sounded much like Krysta. Standing up instantly, I went to run up the staircase, but I was pounced on and clawed deep by Juliette. Her growling became deeper as she dug her nails into my leg, not letting go, I cursed at the pain and tried to get her off.

A muffled whimper came from upstairs, which I was nothing but sure was coming from Krysta. As I tried another attempt at getting up and running for the staircase, Juliette pounced at me again but I ducked only enough to where she scratched my cheek.

“Damn, what the hell is wrong with you cat?” I cursed getting up from the floor and climbing the first steps of the staircase.

As I ran up the stairs, I heard nothing but silence from above and I nearly had reached the top, when I felt someone wrap their long fingers around my ankle and pull me down the once traveled staircase. Flipping around I came face to face with the pale but dark face of Bellatrix, a evil smirk playing her lips.

“Where on Earth do you think you‘re going, Romeo?” she asked wickedly, pulling me by my hair up to her eyelevel, with one hand. “Running up the bedroom already? But we hardly know each other.” She laughed before holding her wand to my temple and whispering a spell that was too low for me to hear.

I fought to yell Krysta’s name or call for help, but pain quickly took over my body and my vision slowly faded to black.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, its been forever and I come back giving you guys this really short chapter, but I had writers block!! However, I've got everything planned out now, and with summer now here (meaning NO SCHOOL!), I can update a lot faster. Plus I'm going on vaca this week for 3 weeks to VA and my bestie is there so she will be ushering me to update.. so there will be chapters posted. I really am sorry I haven't updated in forever, and I certainly hope I can make it up to you my loves.

As always: Please Comment.Subscribe.Critic!

Evil twists are coming.
