Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love


My body ached, but the most pain remained in my arm, I felt like I was dying. My vision was painted black, but every so often light would cut through. I had already figured out that I was in a bit of a mess from the condition I was in, but the pit of my stomach told me it was far worse then I could imagine. I couldn’t even recall what had happened to me, the cause for this pain or why I was slowly beginning to feel everything around me. Some of my hair stuck to my neck, but I could feel the sway of the rest as it hung below me. My body was being held, by who I didn’t know, but they weren’t handling my arm carefully because a surge of pain shot through it as the person tightened its grip on it.

A sound escaped from my lips uncontrollably, and I could feel my eyelashes flutter a bit from where they rested on my cheeks, but I still couldn’t see anything but black. From my side I could feel the light rise and fall of breathing, but it was quickly removed as I slipped onto something soft but stiff and hard beneath me.

I eventually regained my hearing as I heard a little shuffling, then a rattle of chains from above my head. Slowly, as if carefully, I could feel my taker grab my arm and wrapped a cool bracelet like thing around my wrist, which to my guess was a metal cuff. ‘He was chaining me to whatever I was on‘, I thought to myself as my breathing quickened to a pace where I felt like I was striving for air. I could feel my head fall to the side as my mouth let out a groan. My taker sucked in a breath, as he grabbed for my other arm which sent a painful scream through my body, and my eyes flew fully open to only be welcome by dim light. I fought to sit up and look around, but my arms had been chained back to resist me.

“Don‘t move, or you‘ll hurt yourself even more.” Said a boy’s voice, so recognizable, I was searching through my mind to figure out who it was, but nothing appeared. From a little barred up window at the edge of my room, some light seeped through the black curtains, revealing a little of what was around me.

As much as I wanted to imagine myself being held against my own will in some kind of dungeon, the room looked exactly the opposite. The light glared off the hardwood floor as the walls looked to be painted an old beige color, not the nicest thing I’ve ever seen, but the room looked to be abandoned. I watched as the boy’s dark figure move toward my feet, as I came to realize I was lying on an old bed. Metal chains rested at my feet attached to the metal frame of the bed, and my eyes drifted up above my head to see that the chains my arms were cuffed in were the same.

‘Clicks’ we sounded off, as I knew I was being chained by my ankles to the bed. Hearing footsteps once more walking around the bed, the tiny light from the window poured onto the figure, showing off the boy’s platinum blonde hair. My eyes began to grow wide with realization and the events of the following night began to fill my head.

“Draco?” I asked absently as the visions left my eyes. “Draco!” I growled, as I tugged my legs at the chains around my ankles.

“As I said before, you‘re going to hurt yourself more. And we wouldn‘t want that would we? The Dark Lord wouldn‘t appreciate that you came to him all broken up, now would he?” He countered the questions on me. Making me realize even more of what was going on.

He had kidnapped me. Draco Malfoy had kidnapped me for Voldemort.

“Id rather die the most painful death imaginable then meet him!” I scolded as he pulled a wooden chair from beside the bed, which seemed to be the only other item in the room.

“Trust me, I want you dead. Many of us do, but that doesn’t look like its happening anytime soon. Like I said before, it’s a shame of how he looks at you so highly. Its disgusting. How he sees so much in a filthy mud blood.” He spat, getting out all his anger.

I sighed harshly, searching for smart remarks to retort but I could only agree with him. I felt disgusted for being thought so highly of by someone so evil. Mud blood; right. Which only made me wonder why he wanted me so bad if this whole thing was against people like me.

“Whatever,” I managed, knowing he was waiting to explode some more insults on me. As I waited for something like ‘Don’t talk to me like that mud blood’ or anything else to make himself seem so highly. He just swung himself from his chair and crossed the room silently, turning only when he got to the door.

“Your arm should be okay, Father did what he could. So don‘t screw it up or I‘ll break all your limbs.” his voice quivered at the threat as he stared at the floor, before opening and closing the door behind him.

With my good arm I tried pulling at the chains holding me to where I was, it rattled violently, and I pulled again frustrated and kept going till all the sound in the room was the little echo of the chains rattling. I hardly noticed the tears seeping from my eyes as I watched the bit of blood flowing from my wrist and down my forearm. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pushed back the tears, they weren’t worth it and wouldn’t do anything for me. With one arm I pulled my body upright by the chains, ignoring the sting of the cuts formed around my wrist.

Once up, I looked around the room for anything to distract me from the tears that were threatening to pour. Knowing there was nothing, I settled with the window, watching as the light outside of it began to change over the time I stared at it. I don’t know how long I stared out the little bit of that window, but soon the light disappeared and night fell in its place.

Thoughts swarmed through my mind, but nothing stayed too long as I barely held onto any of them. I felt detached from my body, lifeless but scared. Scared out of my mind, and no one was there to help me. I felt the tears reappear as my nose stung in reaction. But deep in my thoughts I could hear a small voice telling me not to cry. I pushed it aside, because I couldn’t make out any of its words. But looked at the window, till I fell unconscious once more.
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Sorry for the wait, I always do this, but I'm sorry. I've been having a serious writer's block, but I've got everything planned out. If you guys are still into the story, and I hope you are, I am thinking about going on with a sequel after a few more chapters. What I plan on happening for the rest of this story has to go into a sequel, but I can always change it if you're kind of through with it. ha. So leave me some comments telling me what I should do please? I don't want to make something no ones going to read. As bad on time as I am with updating, can you please take some time in commenting? Pleading I know, but I've got to know(:


P.S. To make it up to you guys, I'm typing the next chapter tonight, because I honestly think this one is too short. I'm going to try to make it a Chapter a week or something. :D
