Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

Things will Never be the Same.

Three months later; Draco.

She took her usual seat in the dark room, as I strapped her in. Willingly, she would sit there, no sign of resisting. Her arms always fresh with blossoming bruises, but she would explain to me that she did it to herself. That it was her punishment, and that the Dark Lord would be proud of her for doing it. Her eyes had changed, the once soft brown ones became stern and her voice would be emotionless. She didn’t care anymore, my father’s plans had worked.

Krysta was never the same after the first month of her “treatment,” but as much as my father would try to give it the nicest name he could find, I knew it was more like “brain washing.” I remembered how she used to tell me how she thought she was going insane when I came to her room the first month, giving her little of our leftovers. She would stare at me worriedly as if I was her friend, telling me that she couldn’t believe half the things she was believing, but I could. My father had promised the Dark Lord he would get Krysta to side with us, just never gave him the exact answer of how. Now here sits the brain washed girl, who had recently became better friends then enemies with me. Father was proud.

“Thank you, Draco.” Her voice said ghostly, as I felt her twig like fingers curl around my wrist, as I finished strapping her in. I was glad that it was dark in this room, because my father and the girl would never be able to see my remorse of all this. I would be punished if they did see, but I also knew that if I didn’t go along with all these plans I was more then dead. So I selfishly gave the girl to be eaten away of her sanity.

Walking to the far side of the room, I took my usual seat next to my father, as I heard him whisper things to his wand. The “treatment” was beginning. At first, my father wouldn’t allow me to stay, saying it wasn’t my time yet. But now that I had been specifically picked to serve under the Dark Lord, he thought I could take the torture of her. But never the same as my father, because every time he would send a curse her way, his reaction was pure humor to her pain. It even hurt me.

“I am the Dark Lord’s server, together we will rule both worlds. No filthy, muggle or mud blood will suck another breath of our air.” Krysta began, her voice was emotionless, but soon laced with cruelty.

“Harry Potter will die. He makes me sick, he left me.” She continued, but these words were her own rather then my fathers. I could feel my fathers gaze turn to me, and knew he was smiling at his accomplishments.

“Do tell, Krysta.” he spoke out loud to the girl. The sound of her shifting in the old chair filled the air before she spoke.

“I will kill the bastard. Him and his friends, especially Fred Weasley. He left me, sir. He let Draco take me, and he now only mocks the very actions. He knows he‘s going to die, he can feel it. I put that hurt there, but it’s just eating him alive. I am eating him alive. I will personally kill him myself, so much for love.” She spat as my father laughed next to me. The only thing I could manage was to stare in the direction of the voice, regretting everything I had done.

She was wearing a mask; clueless of all the emotions and sanity under it.


Looking up from the homework before me, I saw George and Jenny walk into the common room. Their expressions were the same, a façade of happiness, when beyond their masks rested the worry and sadness. I couldn’t hate them for it, because I was the same. All of us were.

“Hey George, where‘s Fred?” I asked, already knowing the answer. The redhead tried to force a half smile, but failed. Taking a seat next to me with Jenny on the couch, his eyes showing hurt.

“With Harry again, like always.” he replied, his voice flat. Meeting eye contact with Jenny, I could see the common tears that remained in her eyes everyday.

“Oh,” I managed, as my mind flashed all the memories in front of me. The day we had told Fred the secret, he had changed. Ever since we had gotten back from Hogwarts, he was always by himself or with Harry, both consuming his time in training. He never spoke to us, did all his school work, barely slept, and between all of it trained every second he could. Whenever he did speak it was about Krysta, and if we had gotten any news. We never did.

Right in time, Fred and Harry came walking through the doorway, both of their composures tired. Fred, however, seemed to not even take notice to us as he made his way across the room and up the stairs to the dormitories. While Harry, rolled his eyes as he watched the boy leave, sitting on the arm of the chair next to me. “He‘s never going to give up, he beat me for the hundredth time today; but he still thinks he‘s too weak.”

“You know why he‘s doing it though Harry. He wants to be the one to bring Krysta back, and he would at any given time, but Dumbledore told him no.” I let out an aggravated sigh, looking up at my friends from my lap.

“We all want her back.” I could hear the crack in Jenny’s voice, as George stood up and directed her up to her room. No one needed to see her cry, no one needed to know what was going on. Everyone just thought she had left for the muggle world. Fed up with everything magic. But it was the exact opposite. Her parent’s didn’t even know she wasn’t at school, just thought she had stayed the rest of her winter break at the Weasley’s and went to school after. I could only think of another lie we would have to tell them to cover up the real reason Krysta wasn’t home.

“Krysta‘s strong, she wont ever side with them. She‘s too good for it.” Harry repeated like he always did. He tried to make us believe that he was alright, every time something brought up the conversation. The way he sounded made it seem like he didn’t even believe his own words, and he probably didn’t.

“We don‘t even know who took her, Harry. She could be dead for all we know it.” I could hear myself saying, and I quickly wished I hadn’t.

“Hermione! She was your friend too, don‘t wish death on her!” Harry nearly screamed at me, his eyes hurt. The common room was nearly empty despite us two.

“I didn‘t mean to say it, but I‘ve been thinking that lately, Harry! Fred‘s going through all this because of her, and I don‘t like seeing him hurt like he is. I love Krysta as much as you guys do, I want her back! But if we all continue to fight with each other and turn against one another, then their plan is working!” I finished with a huff, crossing my arms. Harry only managed a nod, as he whispered that was going to find Ron, before disappearing up the staircase.

All of this was tearing us apart slowly, but with every piece broken, we got stronger. Despite the bad feeling in my stomach, I knew that we would get the old Krysta back, unchanged and untouched. But then that voice in the back of my mind would whisper silently to me, that nothing would ever be the same.
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And I just officially finished my first story :D Despite the fact that it is short, which I was disappointed that it was. But, I have written the first chapter to it's sequel! I just wanted to personally thank all of you for being there with me through all this, and putting up with all my long waits for chapters, but you guys have made this story amazing for me to write. I know it sounds cheesy to say this, but you guys made it possible with all your encouragement through comments, with your love and support. So, thank you guys so much, I really love you guys(: I know I sound like I'm giving a speach for winning a Grammy, but this was my first ever story, and it's something big to me(:

Leave me some comments on how you loved or hated the ending. I'm a bit iffy on it. And then you can go check out the sequel here: As I Lay Dying

So leave me some comments?

That's a wrap Loves.

-Krysta. XD