Sequel: As I Lay Dying
Status: Complete

Humorous Love

Breakfast Arrangements

I got up the next morning early since it was the first day of classes. I took a shower and began to get [url=]] dressed.[/url]
It was dress code to wear our robes, but Dumbledore let us wear what ever we wanted if it was plaid and appropriate on certain days. I was dressed quickly, and Hermione wasn't even up yet. I then dried my hair to its natural curliness, but today it looked more wavy as it flowed from my head to gentle curls at the ends. Satisfied with my hair, I put on some eyeliner and checked myself twice in the mirror. I looked nice today, even though the skirt was short, I knew both Oliver and Fred would love it. I was more concern about Fred liking it though, that kiss made me change my mind about things. Even though I thought it was better to stay friends, I actually wouldn't mind having a boyfriend for once.

I laced up the remaining laces of the really high top converse I owned, as Hermione walked into the room. Of course she was following the rules, she was wearing a plaid skirt that ended at her knees rather then mine, which ended on my thigh, and she was also wearing a white collard shirt with the Gryffindor symbol embroidered in the left corner.

"Isn't someone following dress code today," I said, standing up and brushing my skirt down.

"Isn't someone going against the dress code today," she back fired.

I gave her a cheesy smile,"I know, where is Jenny?"

"With George down at breakfast already,"

"Oh, what about Harry and Ron?"

"Downstairs in the common room waiting for us with Fred."

I raised my eyebrows at her and smirked. Time to test out this outfit, I thought.

"Lets go!" I said pulling her behind me running down the hall.

We reached the top of the stairs and hadn't been seen yet, so I quickly tip toed down the stairwell without being seen by Harry, Ron, or Fred. I made it down without being noticed, but was getting weird looks from Hermione who was walking clueless behind me. I made my way over to the couch, where the three were sitting staring at the fire. Weird.. And stood behind the couch.

"Hey guys," I sang from behind them, three heads shot up at me and three jaws dropped.

"Whoa," I heard Ron and Harry whisper, big eyed.

"Is that a good whoa?" I asked scrunching up my nose. I really never dressed like this, but ever since my dad got a big job at the Ministry, we were now loaded with more money. But we didn't move out of our little house down the road from the Weasley's, my mom and I loved it too much there.

"O'y, Krysta.." Fred murmured as he couldn't take his eyes off me. Teasing him is so much fun.

"Okay, if you three are done with your gawking, I'm kind of hungry," said Hermione who was now tapping her foot impatiently.

"Uh, yeah I think we should go before it's all gone." I said stupidly, we never ran out of food.

The boys got off the couch still staring at me, but as soon as we started walking Harry and Ron were talking to Hermione about their schedules and how Snape hated them. Leaving me walking with Fred, I got an encourage glance from Hermione, which didn't help at all.

"You look beautiful today," Fred said scratching his head looking down into my eyes.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself." I said, he was wearing an amber sweater with a collared shirt underneath and tacky slacks. His now grown out hair, that ended at his shoulders, was neat but messy, making him look extremely hot. Who am I kidding? he looked hot in general.

"Listen Krysta about last night, I was wondering-" he was cut off by my name being called and someone running from behind.

"Krysta!" I turned around to see Oliver running towards me, he looked cute in his tacky slacks and blue and white stripped collard shirt, that had its sleeves rolled up the his elbow, but he wasn't hot like Fred.

"Hey Oliver," I said as he came up next to me, on the opposite side as Fred, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Hi," he said, until he took notice to Fred next to me. "Yo Fred, what’s up?"

"Uh, nothing just talking to Krysta," he stammered with a frown.

"Cool," he replied, gripping me tighter making me closer to him and farther from Fred. I felt bad for him, Fred, I wanted to be next to him.

We had reached the Great Hall right behind the golden trio, and walked to the Gryffindor table where Jenny and George were sitting and you guessed it, flirting so much it looked like they were snogging. I took a seat next to Fred and Oliver next to me. But it seemed like Oliver didn't want to be there, and instead be with his friends at the end table. How did I know this? he kept looking over at them every time they laughed so loud the tables shook.

"You can sit with them if you want," I told Oliver the third time I caught him looking over there. To be honest I didn't want him here, I wanted to talk with Fred.

"You sure?" he asked more eagerly, not even refusing the offer.

"Yeah, its okay."

"Thanks, I'll see you at lunch." he said as he kissed my cheek and went over to his friends.

There was no spark in the kiss, not like when I kissed Fred.

"He sure is some boyfriend," Fred commented from next to me.

"He isn't my boyfriend," I said nibbling on my piece of toast.

"Sure did seem like it, with him ranting on and on last night in the boys dorm. I swore I was going to hit him with the bludger on purpose at practice, if he didn't shut up." he joked, keeping eye contact the whole time. I could get lost in those eyes.

"Sounds like someone is jealous," I taunted.

"Please, he asked you out and you kissed me. Who is the one a step ahead?"

"Could you say that any louder? I don't believe McGonagall heard you."

"Really? Well that’s a shame, should I say it louder? I think I should." he said getting ready to stand up in his chair and yell it out to the whole room.

"Stop it," I said grabbing his arm trying to pull him down.

"Fine, fine." he smiled as I laughed. But this time it wasn't fake like last night when I was laughing at what Oliver said. Not that it wasn't funny, I just wasn't paying any attention. Once again I feel horrible!

"I love your laugh," he commented taking a bite out of his bacon.

"Thanks," I blushed.

"So I guess your going to Hogsmeade this weekend with Oliver?"

"Well actually no, not during the day at least. I have plans with him at 8 though.." I said. Should I really be telling him all this? I know nothing! Jenny and I so need to have a little conversation about boys here.

"Hm, here’s an idea," he said turning to face me. "Why don't you go with me for the day and we can have lunch. Then when it comes time for your date, I'll be back at the castle."

I thought about it for a minute. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, 'YES! YES! YES!' but played it cool. I was going to have two dates for Saturday, and I wasn't really going out with Oliver so It wouldn't be cheating. I wouldn't let it go into the boyfriend stage with Oliver yet, or even kiss him on the first date. That was for a second. Not saying there would be one. But, I didn't want him to my anything but team captain and friend, if that makes sense.

"It's a date," I said after a few seconds.

"I sure hope so,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 4! Sorry, I couldn't wait to post tomorrow. So two dates in one day, I wonder how this is going to work out.

-Oh! And just take note, that I'm not really going with the whole thing about them having to wear robes. But they do have to wear them every once in a while. Like casual Friday I guess you can say, is when they can wear whatever they want, same as Mondays and Wednesdays. Then weekends are the same, what ever they want.


Tell me what you think!
