Status: It's over... Rewrite to come soon.

I Wish This Was Different


Chapter 9

Rosalie's POV

I can't believe it.
I can't believe I fell for Jackson.
Even after I figured out that he was a member of the Volturi.
Now they expect me to become a member of the guard.
I already drained a human... willingly.
And let me tell you It is so much better than those filthy animals.
Truth be told I don't regret leaving at all...
Okay thats a lie.
I miss Emmett.
He is a much better man than Jackson is.

"So my lovely Rose," Jackson said from behind me, "Have you decided what you're going to do?"
Hmm... let me think a second.
Join the guard and live.
Don't join the guard and die.
"Yes." I spoke turning around to face him.
"Yes you've made your decision," He paused, "or yes you're going to join the guard."
"Both" I answered with a smirk.
"Good let's go tell Aro" He grinned.
And with that we were off.
As we ran through the corridors I couldn't help but to think of what my "family" were doing back home.

"Ah, Rosalie. So beautiful. I'm guessing that you've decided." Aro's voice rang through the room, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Yes," I spoke up, my voice conveying a sense of bravery, when in all reality I was scared shitless. "I have decided to to join."
"I knew you would." Aro laughed.
"I have an assignment for you." Caius spoke from a chair in the corner.
I turned face blank, "And what is it exactly."
"Watch the attitude, and if you ever speak to me in that tone of voice again I'll have to have your ashes cleaned off the floor." he hissed.
"Yes sir." I sad slowly.
"That's better. But back on subject. You are going back to your little "family" and you are going to help us destroy them." He answered, smirk plastered to his face and nothing but hate in his eyes.
As he said those words, my breathing stopped.
I left, I didn't care about any of them anymore.
Except Emmett.
I wanted nothing more than to go back and trick him into coming back here with me.
I didn't want to kill him.
"How exactly am I suppose to do that," I seethed, "their are six of them."
Again with the smirk.
"I didn't say that you had to kill them, I said you were going to help us destroy them." He spoke with a hint of smugness.
As I looked into his eyes I knew that I was going to do it, but I would get Emmett out safe. He would be mine again.
I sighed. "What do I have to do?"
"That's what I wanted to hear." That damn smirk never leaving his face.

*~End of Flashback~*
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Hey guys,
Thank you two the two people that commented.
They are the reason this chapter is being posted.
So here it is.
The flashback.
I hope you enjoy it.
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